Venerable black women
You of yesterday, you of today.
Black mothers of tomorrow yet to be
These lines are homage to you, for you.
Magnificent black women
The poets and singers have been remiss
Have sung too few poems and songs of you
And the image makers have not recorded your beauty.
Sheba, Nefertiti, Zaiditu, Cleopatra.
Black women, Mothers of humanity, Mother original
Your black children here salute you.
You, bartered, sold, insulted, raped and defiled,
Debased and debauched for four centuries.
Strong women, Gannet, Tubman and Truth.
Weary black women
Your breasts gaunt from nurturing theirs first
And later sustaining yours, caring for theirs
At the same instance providing for yours also.
Women forgotten, Mandy, Melindy, Cindy, and Lisa.
Gentle black women
While being hated, yet teaching love
Being scorned, yet teaching respect
Being humiliated and teaching Compassion.
Humble women, Bessie, Mattie, Lucey, Ann and Willie Mae.
Resourceful black women, with tact
Managing to make do, alter clothing,
Stretch meals, Making room, Prodding, Bolstering
Nudging us on, Protecting, teaching survival.
Laney, Bethune, Keckley, Terrel and Brown.
Militant black women, defending yours with fury
Standing firm, picketing and demonstrating
Kneeling in, sitting in and wading in
Standing, walking, marching and boycotting.
Parks, Wells, Pleasant and Louvestre.
Discerning black women, women of genius
Setting your children a proper example
Teaching that each generation must do its part
To improve life for those coming after.
Nannie, Gaines, Burroughs, Maggie Walker.
Courageous black women, brave and fearless
Seeking to make a home among the unfriendly
Sending your children off to school
To pass unscathed through walls of hate.
Lucy, Bates, Richardson, and Hamer.
Angry black women and understanding
Aware of efforts to stunt your men
Yet urging them manhood again.
Diana, Gloria, Thelma, Ethel, Eva and Marion.
Heroic black women, women of glory
Not turning back, never giving up
Equalling, surpassing the stature
Of any race of women, anywhere, any time.
Billie, Ella, Dinah, Sis-Sirretta, Mahalia.
Black women of genius, brilliant women
Walking through the hateful valleys
In dignity, strength and such serene composure
That even your enemies tremble insecure.
Hansberry, Talbert, Bonds and Baker.
Magnificent black women, hopeful women
Believing that trouble doesn't last always
Knowing this truth, that those who are slaves today
May well be the masters tomorrow, even sooner.
Sisters with all women, black women
Your sufferings echo those of all the oppressed.
Join together all of you in a universal cry
For Peace and the good life for all. The world listens.
Margaret Burroughs, "Homage to Black Madonnas" from What Shall I Tell My Children Who Are Black?. Copyright © 1968, 1992 by Margaret Burroughs. Reprinted by permission of the Margaret Burroughs Estate.