Friday, May 2, 2008

A celebration for the graduate...

I just wanted to write a little something about our college graduate. I did an awesome thing, (Well at least I've been told it was!) I bought and surprised Jared with a plasma tv. Yeah, it's a cool thing for a guy! I knew he was really wanting to buy one with his "Bush" money, so I thought I should take all the glory and beat him too it. It was a awesome night. My sisters and bro-in laws helped put together a great scavenger hunt for him to find the tv. Well after three great clues, Jared was lead downstairs to his "bike" which was close the the tv. He only found a DVD that I had made for his graduation. He thought, "this is it?" But then he eventually realized that there was a new huge television filling all the space in our entertainment center. He was totally and utterly surprised. It was well worth all the financial agony I had over this thing! The pathetic thing is all we do is watch the news and the exciting Jazz games on it! We really are not tv people! Oh, well it must be a guy thing!!

(One of his scavenger hints is hiding under these lovely red mint brownies.)

(Mike Perry-my dad, Randy Suker, Jared, Todd Madsen - bro-in-law we live with!)

Jared wanted to say "Thank You" to a few of the people who helped him graduate. Jared hated the formal idea of giving a Stole of he decided to give Utah hats to three of the most conservative BYU fans out there. It made for a great laugh!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I like the sound of that!

"I'm finally finished! I can't believe it really is here. It doesn't seem real!" Jared said. Last night we celebrated Jared's doctoral hooding ceremony. It was wonderful to be there to support him and watch him receive his doctoral hood. He was officially revered as "Dr. Jared M. Suker, DPT"(that is a Doctorate of Physical Therapy) we all agreed we liked the sound of that. One of Jared's professors said, "You have never worked so hard in you life to dress up so ridiculous!" They are silly outfits, but it sure is an honorable moment that all these students have worked so hard to finish so well.

From left to right. My parents, Mike and Louene, Jared's Dad and Danette, The doctor himself, the misses, Grandpa Suker and Grandma Suker.

The happy couple posing in front of the sunset. We are saying goodbye to education. We are finishing one chapter of our life and welcoming the next!
Yeah, this picture was my request to have one picture that showed Jared actually attended the University of Utah!
The ceremony was an exciting one. It was wonderful to sit and smile up and Jared. I was one proud wife. Jared said it was cute to look down at me to see me smiling so much because he knew I was so very proud of him. It really has been a much harder and longer road for Jared, than it has for me. I am so proud of him and happy that he finished! Way to go, I love you!!

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Graduation Trip

What a fantastic week. Jared and I were celebrating his graduation down in St. George. This trip was all Jared's from start to finish. He made me go to two buffets...yes you heard me right. I even let him pick where we went to dinner, what activities we did, etc. I even let him watch a Jazz game. But I must admit the nicer I was to him the more special treatment I received! We had a blast. Truly this was the most adventurous trip I have ever done. Had it been up to me we would have spent more time watching the Food Network and swimming. But instead from bright early in the morning Jared was working on our bikes to prepare us for the upcoming trail.

We went mountain biking and hiking. I despise hiking...and I still do. We had a very lengthy conversation to get to the bottom of why I dislike it so very much. We didn't really come to anything new, other than I dislike the unstable footing and getting hot and dirty! I know, I'm a baby. But, the mountain biking thing was the BEST! Truly, we left our vacation making me want to do it again and again. I'm sure he was just being patient with me on all the beginner trails, but for my first time I was really pleased with my performance. I will do it again. I was so happy to be so open minded on this little vacation. Each day was filled with new activities.

It also made things wonderful to simply spend four nights together...waking up and starting the day thinking about each other. Especially to not have to think about our little monkeys back at home. We were so lucky to have every member of my family step up and volunteer to watch the kids so we could go off and celebrate! Jared really deserved this fun get away! So THANK YOU!

Here are a few pictures.

Yes, you are seeing me correctly...He bought me my own spandex shorts! I loved them...I told him that I would let him go in just spandex any day! This is us at the completion of our first trail! This was in Snow Canyon. A VERY basic, road trail. It was 6 miles. That is my "GTP" my purple bike he bought me at a pawn shop! Wild huh.

Another biking adventure at Gooseberry Mesa Trail. This was my absolute favorite ride. Jared was so nice to stay on the beginner trail with me. He was plotting the entire time when he can come back and ride with his "guy" friends! I think a guy trip is coming up shortly!Don't laugh everybody looks like a dork when wearing a helmet! This is showing that I climbed up the rocks with my bike. I'm attempting to look strong! was so fun!

St. George Temple...It was fun to attend at a different temple this month.

Here is one of the hundreds of pictures I took from Zions National Park. This was a blast. I wish we had one more day to go back and do more "nature walks" as Jared has so graciously renamed hiking. That way I don't instantly refuse his requests. But thankfully this was so wonderful I will be getting my family to return and come with us next time! It was awesome, I absolutely loved it.

We are finally back and welcoming a very fun and eventful week. We have two graduation ceremonies for Jared and then I have to pack again to leave for another vacation to Canada! Lucky me. How did I get so lucky? Either way there is tons to be so grateful for!

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There is always someone watching!

This was too cute of a moment to pass up. We were getting ready for church today and Jacob was following Jared around. Jared sat down to brush his teeth and Jake wanted too as well. Instantly he was staring up at Jared wanting to do the exact same thing. It really was so precious! Our kids are always looking up to us. Yikes!
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The saddest face ever...(if that's a word?)

I just wanted to share this very sad face! This is me pulling Jacob down the stairs...over and over and over and over and over again! It's so funny though, because he whines and gives this very sad face, and then one second later he is smiling and happy! It really is so hillarious! Enjoy.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

“Where’s Mom?”

I called my dad on Saturday morning looking for my Mom. She was running about 15 minutes late and this is not her style. So I called. My dad replied, “She’s been taking her time getting all dolled up and pretty!” Hearing those words made my heart leap for joy! I can’t express to you what my experiences have been watching my mom endure the past 9 or so months. Going from short hair, to shaved, to bald, no eyelashes, eyebrows, and now back to spikes! It has been one great adventure for her.

This past Saturday my four sisters and my mom went out to celebrate! We were celebrating life. We were celebrating being together and having another opportunity to share in the joy of living healthy. Our family has witnessed many miracles over the past few years. What a roller coaster it has been. But somehow that Saturday morning sitting in the spa chairs alongside with my mom and sisters it made it all seem worth it. Just a few months ago we didn't think that we had any future moments like this to be had. We were wrong!

I am brought to tears as I think of all the physical pain, emotional heartache, worry, fear and so many other feelings that my mom and dad have endured. I must admit, after my mom’s last surgery just one week ago, life seems better. Without sharing too many personal feelings, I just wanted to post a few pictures of the Perry girls celebrating the joy of life and love. I haven’t seen my mom look more radiant than she did that morning. She was late…because she was taking the time to feel beautiful. This was such a tender moment for me that I will never forget. It’s an amazing blessing we have to be woman, to be a daughter of our Heavenly Father. My mom shined. She has remained faithful and optimistic throughout it all. I know one of her reasons for staying so optimistic (without mentioning anything spiritual!) even when times were so difficult, it was because of my dad. He has been so loving, so kind, so gentle and understanding through all of her ups and downs. I have cherished the times when I was able to watch him not even hesitate or offer an unkind word to help her. He has stood by her side so willingly with a very upbeat attitude. What a gift I have been given, these two amazing, inspirational parents. Thanks.
(I can't figure out how to work this chair?? I need to get out more!)

Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy Birthday to Alayna!

Happy Birthday!!

Alright…by today (Sunday) I’m thinking the excitement and sugar high is slowly wearing off. But that has only been in the past few hours. I don’t know if it is just a mother’s sense, but I feel like she is older. She seems to have an extra bit of three year old attitude! Or maybe she has grown up and I am finally accepting the idea she isn’t my little one or two year old girl any more? Oh well, the future holds more birthdays and more growing. I figure I must start accepting it. In fact Alayna said to me, “Mom, you’ll be just a little sad, when I turn three…but you will cry and cry when Jakey turns one!” She has heard me say those exact words. I will be just a little sad for her to grow older, but I will cry and cry when my baby Jake turns one.
When Alayna woke up Friday morning I heard her go potty in the bathroom, and then she was silent. She usually comes bounding into my room, but nothing, nothing, nothing. Finally, I put my book down, and went to find her. She then quickly in an excited whisper said, “Mom, come see what I got! Come see what I see!” She was so excited to have one pink princess balloon floating in the air above her chair. She was thrilled to have a birthday banner and streamer, decorating the kitchen. It was worth late 1:00AM morning to prepare for her birthday. Her pure excitement was a complete joy to wake up too. She immediately was surrounded by her cousins singing and cheerfully hugging and kissing her, wishing her happy birthday! Within two minutes, she was dressed head to two in her Belle (Beauty and the Beast) costume. This is how she remained until bed!

The morning was filled with playing at the church while I enjoyed playing basketball. I told her it was a “friend party” at the church. She was excited just the same to spend time with them. When we returned home, she and Olivia helped me make some cupcakes for her princess castle cake. Around Noon, my parents, Grandma Lou and Papi picked up the birthday girl to go on their alone birthday date. Each grandchild looks forward to this special day with them. (This tradition starts at age 3…well, it was really supposed to be 4, but Alayna’s just extra special!!) While she was gone enjoying her extra special one on one time with Grandma Lou and Papi, I was able to clean house and make her special birthday cake! She had picked a princess castle. I searched on the internet for an idea, and I found a pretty simple one. I think it turned out a little better than I expected. Because I know my skills with frosting…not so hot!

A few hours later the entire family gang joined us for a simple pizza party, dessert, and presents. We were enjoying ourselves so much watching her open present after present. She really has the nicest grandparents. They were so exactly what she loved! Her top favorites were a darling princess purse, “I am a Child of God” pillowcase, sunglasses, a Dr. Seuss Horton elephant (She was SOOOOO excited to have a Horton Elephant!),and a great little tykes coup car. She was able to end the super fun filled night with having a sleepover with her cousins Kierra and Olivia. If I had to guess, it was a perfect day for our sweet little three-year-old.
Thanks to all of our family who helped us make her feel extra special! Not to mention all the darling girls who dressed the "Princess" party theme so well. We had Snow White, Aurora, Belle and a mini Snow White (Kennady), it was so cute!! I decided to share just the highlights of the day, and not share all that mushy stuff about how much I adore our little girl! I have saved that for her birthday letter…but she is a joy and a bright little spirit that blessing our home and family more than words express. We are so grateful for her smile and excited little spirit! We love you Alayna!!
Next day...This is our little girl decked out with her princess purse (that has yet to leave her arm, her sunglasses and her car...she said this to Jared, "Daddy, I'm going somewhere...okay, I have my purse and I'm leav'n, okay, Daddy!" I guess this will be her her car, going somewhere!

We have a birthday shout hurray!

Alayna turns three today! One year older and wiser too, Happy Birthday to YOU!

If you were wondering, she picked to have the theme of "Princesses" I'm going to attempt to make a Castle cake...Well, really Shandra is the brains of the operation...I'll keep you posted how it turns out!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's Official...Drum roll please...

Yes, you heard it first here. Jared has successfully landed a job! Where you might ask? This is actually is within 2 miles of where we live! Yes, you heard me right...TWO miles. Apparently our family is meant to continue to live and grow around here. I have hesitated to actually post about it, because it has yet to seem real!

Why you may ask? This, school adventure has been a long time coming to a finish. Jared started his graduate school pursuits in the fall of 2004, where we started applying to several schools. I was afraid we would end up moving to New Mexico, Las Vegas or California. Then prayers were answered and we were accepted into the University of Utah, Physical Therapy program in February of 2005. That was the BEST Sunday, yet...we got to tell everyone about our acceptance letter...It was also Jared's Birthday party...a great day! (Yes, I am huge and prego!)School started the following May 2005, right after we had our first baby, Alayna (April 11th, 2005). He ended up having to fly home early from a family vacation to Nauvoo to start school. I was sad to have him leave me and our little 5 week old baby girl. This is a picture of me saying goodbye to him...We moved into Shandra and Todd’s basement, in Herriman. We have lived here ever since and we have LOVED it so very much. We have endured and enjoyed many fun adventures: seven long years of Jared working at the Mayan…yes, every single Friday and Saturday, (ever since we’ve been married!), welcoming our second baby, Jacob into our family, entertaining the idea of moving to Twin Falls Idaho, (No thank you!), and Jared living away for two months in California. Those are just a few!

*This last Saturday was his final Saturday to be scheduled at the Mayan…That in it’s self deserves a HUGE round of applause…in fact we are having our first Friday night date this week! Yeah!!*

Anyways...with the final internship winding down to its final weeks it is time to look forward to the future. Graduation is April 30th and May 1st! He gets his cap and gown tomorrow!'s really here. (This is a picture from both of us celebrating graduating with our bachelors degrees from the University of Utah, May 2005)

Tonight, I decide to post about his recent job offer because of his experience today, which he shared with me.

Jared took a long way home tonight, (thanks to construction and road closures). He thought it would be fun to stop by his new clinic (right off of 12600 S and Bangerter Highway) and say hello. Everyone was gone already, but something caught his attention. He noticed something on the window written in vinyl lettering, “Jared M. Suker, DPT”. He laughed and called to say, “I guess it really is official!” It is such an exciting time for him. After all of his hard work and sacrifices he has finally made it!

Good job, we are so very proud of you!!

Now, the hard part starts…looking for reasonable real estate in Herriman! What a joke! Wish us luck!!!!

P.S. This is not an April Fool's Joke! Just incase you thought I was trying to pull something!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Ballet for little girls...

Alayna and Olivia have joined a small community ballet class. This is Alayna’s first extra curricular activity. Besides nursery at church, she hasn’t had the experience of being taught from someone other than me. I loved it. From the excitement of going out to buy the darling ballet clothes and matching pink ribbons in her hair she and I were excited for it to start. From the moment I returned from the store, she and Olivia were ecstatic. They couldn’t wait one minute from running into the other room to change into their ballet slippers, tights and leotard. Finally, it was time to go. This class is held in a neighboring middle school cafeteria. What do you expect for $20 for eight weeks…not more than this. Simply, this was fun to sit back and watch the girls. Olivia was timid and unsure of being the oldest one there. She was a rule follower and obeyed all the instructions. Alayna was the chatty little girl, needing her teacher to make sure she was aware she was there. The teacher asked them to tell her their name and their favorite Disney princess. When it was Alayna’s turn she didn’t hesitate, she said, “My name is Alayna, my favorite princess is Cindyrella!” No intimidation at all.
A few things we laughed at were Alayna had a hard time following the rules, if other girls were not following the instructions. The teacher asked the girls to not lie down. One girl was lying on her tummy, and so Alayna thought she would try out the rebellion as well. She would until the teacher noticed her and then jump back to how she was supposed to be. The other funny thing was when the teacher said, “I want you to stand on the green line,” Alayna instantly said, “I want to stand on…looking for a different color line…the red one!” Or if the teacher was asking what a girls name was, Alayna would instantly be right under the teacher saying, “I’m Alayna!” The teacher would repeat a little exasperated, “I know, Alayna.”
Overall, I had a great time. Alayna enjoyed her outfit, freeze dancing to Disney music, twirling, the bubble, learning how to bunny hop and being with Olivia. It will be fun to see what next week will be like!

Getting ready for her bunny hop pose!

The complete cute outfit! I learned today though, that ballet girls have buns. We will have to switch that up next week.

A clever way to get little girls to stretch. The teacher told them to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on their feet, then bend over and eat it. It was really a cute idea. (Alayna obeying...Olivia is a little leery of this idea!)

Me trying to have her pose for a cute mommy and daughter picture but she was just too excited to hold still!

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If only...

For those of you wondering about our Church ball team, we ended up winning our second game in region! Yeah for us. We played great. Since we won last night, we had to play again tonight. After a great practice this morning and new helpful hints. I personally felt like it improved my game...but something happened. It was called #11 and #30 (on the other team!). Sadly to report we lost. I am proud of our great team and especially our coach! Thanks Amanda for introducing a new found activity in my life! You are awesome! This has been so much fun!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Don't believe everything you read.

When sippy cups claim to be "Spill Proof!" I have a hard time believing that! Look what happened to our little Jakey...soaking wet. Sorry, buddy.