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ἐκτὸς τούτων: i.e. the points of view mentioned in . . . .

προσαγορεύειν: i.e. to designate by the addition of a characteristic, as if one were addressing a person by name.

καὶ μήν: introduces us to a new variety of the beautiful, i.e. the results of mental activity. The νόμοι, ἐπιτηδεύματα, and μαθήματα are, with reference to the subject of investigation, fittingly introduced as representatives of this class.

τά γε κατὰ τοὺς νόμους κτἑ.: it must be confessed that we could do very well without τὰ καλά. If kept, it must be considered as a repetition and restriction of τά γε κατὰ κτἑ., and τούτων must be explained by ὠφέλιμα κτἑ. in appo sition. See H. 950. But Rid. § 271 b seems to have a different view of the sentence, which he holds to be a case of inversion of government, and with this Cope seems to agree in his translation: “And moreover, in all that belongs to laws and habits of life, their beauty, I presume, is to be found nowhere beyond these limits; that is to say, either the utility or the pleasure that is in them, or both.”

καὶ καλῶς κτἑ.: this lively as

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