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ὅταν περὶ κτἑ.: on the whole passage, cf. Prot. 319 b.

ἰατρῶν αἱρέσεως: during the rise of philosophy in Greece, a science of medicine also gradually developed, which became hereditary among the priests of Aesculapius. Among these various schools arose; as in Cos, Cnidus, Rhodes, and in several cities of Magna Graecia. After a while it became customary for a state to take a noted physician into the public service; as Democedes, who was hired one year by the Aeginetans, the second by the Athenians, and the third by Polycrates of Samos (Hdt. iii. 131).

ἔθνους (from the same root as ἔθος, εἴωθα): denotes a class of people drawn into association either for the purposes of habitation or from force of custom (calling, trade). For δημιουργοί see on 452 a. In such formulae as ἄλλο τι and οὐδὲν ἄλλο the copula is frequently omitted. See H. 1015 b.

οὐδ᾽ ὅταν: is in close connexion with ἄλλο τι τότε ῥητορικὸς οὐ συμβουλεύσει.

πῶς λέγεις κτἑ.: intimates that possibly Gorgias will not accept this limitation of rhetoric.

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    • Plato, Gorgias, 452a
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