Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bad at photo taking!!!!!!

This is going to be one of those not so cool posts in which I just blab and blab!!!  lol  The last little bit we have had tons that we have been up to but we really have not been taking photos...go figure.  Seth was gone the last little bit with work in vernal which I really hate but so is life. But we made it through and he should not have to be gone for quite a bit.  Thank heavens....I have decided that trying to sleep without him there is completely impossible.  This last weekend we went crazy and we went through ever bin that we have downstairs and organized it all and decided to get rid of quite a few things.  It feels sooooo soooo good to have that all organized and labeled downstairs!!!  We also started on the garage....not quite there.  Seth inherited some amazing tools from my grandpa and well we have to organize and find room for everything.  So that has been ongoing.  I have had various projects.  I have been working on Seth's present for Christmas....yes I know crazy but it is a little time consuming so I had to start now, I cant post photos because well someone checks the blog regularly but it has been so fun working on it.  I have been also trying to finish those unfinished projects that I started but have not been able to finish.  Like fixing Seth's suits...etc.   During this week we also got another ultrasound and this time it was pretty obvious that we are having a little girl.  Things seem to look pretty good and now it is just the growing waiting for this little bundle of joy to arrive!!  :D  On Tue we went to manti and went to the temple among other things which we will post later but it was a really great day.  We were able to more then anything feel peace...I was not so sure how it would go because of how pregnant I have been feeling these days but it was really great.  It was really funny though because our little girl was going crazy.  She must have been really happy to be in the temple :D  One of the awesome things is that we get to go again the following week.  So excited!!!  I love the manti temple.  I may be a little bias but it is my fave!!!  I also have been working with our youth and we have had all kinds of activities and things going on.  We are getting ready for girls camp....I know it is crazy but the end of this month is girls camp.  Thank heavens for the other ward letting us piggy back them because that is a week before we are going to have our little angle and well I am feeling extremely pregnant.  So I am only going to go up one or two nights. I know a few ramblings but not to  I will do better taking photos this next little bit.