Monday, May 4, 2009

Two Moves and a Park Adventure

Friday and Saturday was jam packed with all kinds of things. On Friday night and Saturday morning Seth helped two different families move and so on Saturday later that day we headed to the park for lunch and just a little bit of fun. Marisa packed up her picnic basket and we were off to the park. Lately mommy is as big as a truck so there was not much playing for her but she had a great time taking photos of the adventure!!

This Adventure Had It ALL!!!

Great Food!!

Great Service!! Service with a Smile!!

Great Seating Arrangements!! (the bench was cold and after a while there bums were they got mommy did not pull this one off although that would have been a sight)

Great Company!! (Now that is a real not afraid of the Pink tea cup!!)

The Underdogs!!

~~~Synchronized Swinging!!~~~

Bad Acting...(Ok so not really this one was for real!! Between the legs Meeting the Bar...ouch!!!)

Great Communication!!

Man Eating Animals!!

Spectacular Stunts!!

The Cutiest Super Heros on the Block!!

The Comedy Relief!!

And Last but not least Attitude!! :D

All and All it was a Great Adventure at the Park!!

Work Charts...Jobs...Jars...Rewards!!

For family home evening we wanted to have a fun way of getting rewarded for keeping our house nice and be able to teach Marisa the importance of making and keeping we found this great web page that lets you make chore is She made her own goals and jobs and so did mom and dad. Then we made a few jars one for each of us and one for the food budget money (this helps us in two ways one to have cash in the house more and also to not go over our budget and if we use less then we budgeted then we can use it for something fun) It is pretty fun though because whoever gets the most chores done every day during the week gets a dollar. Marisa is super excited about this part...I have decided that she got one super shot of competitiveness from both sides of the jean pool. Besides the fact Marisa had a really great time making the jars...and they turned out pretty good!!