Showing posts with label female circumcision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label female circumcision. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2009

Circumcise, but men only.

There is something that can be done to a man but is appalling and criminal when done to a woman.
In northern and eastern Africa and certain Arab countries the tradition exists of circumcising women.
Girls at a young age are by force treated without anesthesia to have their clitoris and part of their labia cut off with a knife.

This has a lifelong implication for the poor victim.
Any pleasure from having sex is for always denied and that is exactly the purpose.
Besides, many women victim of female circumcision suffer of infections and urinal irregularities.

In Europe they have made female circumcision punishable by law.
Because there are people from countries like Somalia and Morocco who have come to live in the Netherlands and next mutilate and traumatize their daughters.
The daughters are carefully watched in the schools they attend and when it is discovered she has become a victim of circumcision the responsible persons, in most cases men, go to prison.
But the girls living in countries like Egypt and Uganda where traditionalists keep up the custom, still fall victim.

It is an act of the most horrendous dimensions.
The men thinking this is right are very sick.

Circumcising a man is a tradition as well.
Among Jewish people, Muslims and others.
It is a simple procedure.
The forehead of the penis is taken between the thumb and forefinger and pulled out.
Stretched as far as possible.
And then with a sharp knife, the skin is cut and voila.

It has been witnessed in the Jewish settlement Ofra on the Israelian occupied Westbank of Palestine.
A freshly born infant was taken to the synagogue where a Rabbi with a lot of celebration, tradition and festivity circumcised the boy.
The baby, until then feeling comfy and cuddled, started crying like his day had come.
But nobody got upset as it was any baby boy's response to the intervention.
Not too long after he was quiet again and his penis bandaged.

To circumcise a man is actually a very good idea.
It is underneath the skin wrapped around the head of the penis a paradise for bacteria.
That are ready to infect anything coming close to it.
Like a vagina.

Research has revealed that a man who is circumcised has a 60 % lower chance to get and spread diseases like HIV.
This is why massive public campaigns are currently held in countries like Zambia suggesting strongly all men to be circumcised.

Circumcised man

Not circumcised man

There is one negative though for men who are circumcised.
When the head of the penis loses its foreskin, unprotected, the head becomes less sensitive.
Giving the man less sensations when making love.
But nothing serious compared to a woman circumcised.


To learn more about female circumcision, click on:
