Showing posts with label cloning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloning. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Become orgasmic

A few days ago the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration, made an important decision.
It gave the green light for milk and meat coming from cloned animals to be marketed to the consumers.
Without the obligation for the marketing and distributing producers to label their products as such.
This means that an innocent consumer buying cheese in the supermarket or a hamburger in a hamburger joint will not know if the milk or the meat are from cloned animals.

It is very unlikely though that soon products will be marketed from cloned animals.
To clone an animal is a very expensive procedure.
Many animals cloned die shortly after birth.
There are worldwide not more than 600 cloned animals that survived.
Only a few companies are involved in this technique of reproducing artificial animals.

The idea of those companies is not to grow cloned animals in great numbers.
What they want is for example to copy a bull with excellent sperm or copy a high milk-producing cow.

Nevertheless, in spite of this situation, the FDA has been busy testing meat, milk and milk products coming from cloned animals to find out if it is OK for us.
One way of doing this was to have animals eat cloned food for 3 months.
The animals were tested and nothing unusual was found.
Any intelligent person would never eat cloned food if it was tested in that amateurish way.

But it is officially approved now.
And we have no idea if the food we buy is from cloned animals or not.
It will not be indicated on the label.

There was a voluntary moratorium agreed by the companies that clone not to introduce products from cloned animals into the food chain.
But as of the FDA’s decision, they can forget about that moratorium.
This in case that voluntary moratorium had any value to begin with.

This blog also has readers in Europe.
They might be laughing now for the decision of the FDA.
However, better stop laughing.
Last week, the European Food Safety Authority also OK’ed products from cloned animals.

No information on the label of a food product also goes for genetically manipulated and herbicide treated products.
Difference with products from cloned animals is that products like soy, corn, potato and dairy products are in most cases all genetically manipulated and treated with herbicides.
This can have serious consequences for a person’s health.
Especially children.

Each person must bring oneself to a moment of reflection.
To seriously ask oneself what is the food bought and eaten.
To contemplate if one really wants to eat food that is genetically manipulated.
Food that has been treated with herbicides that remain in the products and come into the body.
Or food that is coming from cloned animals.

If the answer is that a person thinking in a balanced and intelligent way does not want to consume that kind of food products, immediately a next question pops up.
If it is not indicated on the label of the food product, what can we do?

First of all one must understand why the Government allows companies the freedom to genetically manipulate and spray insecticides and herbicides without letting the consumers know.
The Government is more pro business than pro consumers.
The Government prefers to defend the interests of companies, not the interests of the people.
The Government justifies the donations they got from companies during elections and ignore the votes they got from the people.
That is the hard and uncomfortable truth.

What can we do?
Are we victims?
Do we need to suffer?
Are we helpless and hopeless?

Dear fervent and loyal blog readers, we are not.
There is something we can do that has two tremendous benefits.

This is what we can do:
always and only buy organic products.
They are widely available.

The first benefit of only buying and consuming organic products is that it is the best for the health.
Second benefit is that companies will remark the shift in consumer preference.
If too few people want a hamburger from a cloned animal, genetically manipulated and sprayed with herbicides, they will stop making them.
More and more organic food will become available and prices will go down.

Go organic.
Be organic.
To become orgasmic.


Information about the decisions of the Food and Drug Administration and the European Food and Safety Authority, click on:

To learn more about how to Avoid Genetically-Manipulated (GMO) Food Ingredients, click on:

To learn more how the United States Department of Agriculture agrees with marketing cloned food:!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_1OB?contentidonly=true&contentid=2008/01/0012.xml


Friday, January 18, 2008

Dr. Moreau is coming!

Stem cells, as many fervent and loyal blog readers will know, are the very early cells that can develop into almost all other types of cell and tissue.
They occur in the early (five-day) embryo when it is a tiny ball of about 100 cells before it implants in the uterus.
They also occur in significant numbers in some tissues in the developing foetus and in umbilical cord blood at birth.
They can also be found in some adult tissue, e.g. bone marrow, but they can be difficult to isolate, being present in very small numbers.

In the United Kingdom last week, Parliament allowed scientists to go ahead with therapeutic cloning.
To use stem cells to generate new human tissues.

This opens the way to clone a human being.
Like has been done with sheep and other animals.
The only way this is stopped is the control of the Government.
In Britain, it is a crime to create a human embryo outside the body without a license from a Government agency, and officials have made it clear they will not issue one for human cloning.

The scientists in the UK already have announced they will use DNA from animals to mix with human stem cells to make human tissue and organs.

One thing is to get for example a new liver that resembles more one like a pig has.
If it works, it works and as long as the person is not starting to act like a pig, what is the problem?

We will see in the future availability of organs, slowing down and maybe healing of diseases like Alzheimer and Parkinson, thanks to a combination of animal and human stem cells.

The other thing is that this technique can potentially eventually result in the possibility of the cloning of a human being.
A person identical to one already there.

History has learned that what technique makes possible, people somewhere somehow will actually do.
A Government can make a law that it is not allowed, but if economical, personal or political gains can be made, it will happen never the less.

So, fervent and loyal blog readers, make yourself ready to meet people who are partly animal or identical to someone else.

One of the most beloved writers is H.G.Wells.
He was English and lived from 1866 till 1946.

A visionary man who has been writing amazing stories.
One of them is called “The island of Dr. Moreau”.
Made into a film by John Frankenheimer in 1996 with Marlon Brando playing Dr. Moreau.
It is the story of a man who is rescued from a boat accident and brought to an island.
Where he discovers that a doctor is experimenting with cloning and DNA.
Dr. Moreau has managed to make beings that are half human, and half animal.
The issue is of course how to keep those creatures under control.
Obviously this is the thing that fails and the creatures turn against their makers.

The idea H.G. Wells had for the book is founded on a wisdom many people know for centuries.
They know because they see it happen all around them.
When human beings turn against nature, there are always serious repercussions.
Human beings are supposed to live in harmony with nature.
But they don’t.
They try to become the masters of nature.
And this is simply impossible.
Every effort eventually results in disaster, suffering and defeat.

Always humans have secondary reasons to interfere in nature.
They burn down forests to have more agricultural land.
Until it turns out that the disappeared forests were playing an important role in the CO2 conditions of the planet.
They pump up oil to use it in a way that temporarily improves lives of some of the population devastating the environment leaving but havoc for the future.
Concerning health this is also exactly very much the matter.
People refuse to accept that it is only natural to die.
They try to postpone and avoid it.

However, it makes sense of course to develop medical techniques to halt suffering.
Although one would think that this effort becomes only relevant after diseases like malaria are wiped out first.
After we have improved the following facts:
  • Each year, more than 8 million people around the world die because they are too poor to stay alive.
  • Over 1 billion people—1 in 6 people around the world—live in extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $1 a day.
  • More than 800 million go hungry each day.
  • Over 100 million primary school-age children cannot go to school.

But these facts are not stopping the developed countries to pour millions in medical research for the well to do.
With the result that now in the United Kingdom the Government has opened the doors to have cloning get out of control.
As expected, Dr. Moreau will soon be born and busy again.


To learn more about H.G. Wells, click on:

To get the facts about poverty, click on: