Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label consciousness. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2010

Everything is normal

The Fuso Szulc is now parked on a spot next to the Pacific Ocean in Mexico.
The location is called El Triple and it was first visited in 1979.
Since then many months during many years have been spent here.
The camper always on the very same place.

This means that the view has always been the same too.
The Pacific Ocean, the long sandy beach, the blue sky, the desert with its cactuses.
Every aspect of the vista has been seen for many hours for many months and for many years.

One may imagine this becomes rather boring.
To see always the same view.

But actually it is not boring at all.
Every hour, every month and every year there are differences.
Not in the general presentation but in the details.
The Pacific Ocean makes waves that roll onto the beach and each wave is different.
Also the beach transforms itself by the day.
It was short and steep but in the last weeks it has become wide and flat.
Then there is the sky that changes constantly.
Depending of the time of day and of the weather.

But the most dramatic changes in the view from the location at El Triple come from the own fantasy and imagination.
It is like seeing films projected on the reality of the place.
Of a huge tsunami approaching the coast to swallow everything, including the Fuso Szulc to carry it miles into the hinterland.
Or the phenomenon that suddenly a wide gap is created in the ocean.
Like a dry hole so that the bottom with its rocks can be seen.

Fortunately there are no persons infiltrating the fantasies and imaginations.
Like suddenly a brute dressed in the skin of a bear wildly looking from the bloody eyes passing by with a cruel club hunting for coyotes.
Or the angel desperately looking for someone to oil her wings.

The retreat and solitude have a strong effect but fortunately the consciousness remains intact.
Continues to operate in a normal way.

While the dragon underneath the Fuso Szulc is quiet for now.
