Showing posts with label Creationism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creationism. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2009


Are we really only 6.000 years old?
Yes, we are.
According to the fundamental Christians and Muslims who believe in Creationism.
A belief based on what is written in a 2.000 year old book called Genesis.
There it is explained that God created life in 6 days of 24 hours.

True fundamental and orthodox Christians and Muslims believe in Genesis literally.
Because they say in it are the holy words of God.
That is why a fundamental and orthodox Christian feels that anything that indicates that Genesis is literally incorrect cannot be right.

This is a point of view with flaws.
Because if it is true that Genesis is literally true, something written there is rather unexplainable.
And this story is in the Koran as well!
It is this issue:
God created Adam and Eve who were lodged in Paradise.
That’s what it says in Genesis and the Koran.
Because of some complications, due to Eve’s foul actions, Adam and Eve were foreclosed and left Paradise.
So far so good, OK?
Next, they had two children.
Kaïn and Able.
That’s written in Genesis and the Koran too.
God interfered in that brotherly relationship resulting in Abel’s death.
Murdered out of jealousy by his own brother Kaïn.
We are still following Genesis and the Koran correctly, true?
Now, in Genesis and the Koran it says that after Able died, Kaïn married a woman by the name of Awan.

The question now is, where did that woman come from?
Because, according to Genesis and the Koran, by then there were only 3 people walking the Earth.
Adam, Eve and Kaïn.

The only explanation if one follows literally Genesis and the Koran is that this woman Awan must have been a daughter of Adam and Eve.
Hence, we see here a serious case of incest.

In the history of mankind never it has been allowed that a brother marries his sister to have children.
Because people knew very well it would result in deformed human beings.
This might have been the case with the son of Kaïn and Awan: they called the boy Eunuch.
And up to today a eunuch is a man who cannot produce children.

Another issue with Genesis and the Koran is that it is claimed that Adam reached the age of 930 years.(Genesis 5:5)

These days we celebrate that Charles Darwin was born 200 years ago.
The man who developed the theory of evolution.
Saying we originate from the chimpanzees, to simplify his theory.

As of then, the world is in an endless discussion.
Fighting about the true history of our origin.
Creationists on one side taking Genesis and the Koran literally.
And on the other side the Evolutionists collecting more and more scientific evidence explaining what fairy tales Genesis and the Koran are dishing off.

This discussion will last for some time because even the Darwin fan club has no explanation for the very beginning of life.
They go back not 6.000 years but millions.
Not knowing yet what was at the start either.

Therefore, you do not need to be a believer in Creationism or Evolution, fervent and loyal blog readers.
You can also make yourself belong to the group of people who are called “The-ok-ers”.
These people put themselves above the discussion about the question of our origin.
“The-ok-ers” are pragmatists.
They realize that an adequate and final answer cannot be given right now.
So, they conclude: it is OK.
They accept the lack in knowledge and simply ignore the whole issue.
What does it matter anyway?


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

“Hermaphroditism” and “Parthenogenesis”.

It must have been on the last and 6th day.
That these three men realized they had forgotten one thing while creating human beings.
They made them as they looked themselves.
And for the female they had the dubious idea to make her from the rib of the male.
But how were they supposed to reproduce themselves?
It was obviously forgotten.

No surprise because what kind of designing team wants to gain time by not sculpturing two different persons but make a second one quickly from a part of the first one?
That is not very professional.

Why did they force themselves to work with such a tight time limit of 6 days to begin with?
Was it all not so important to them maybe?
Were they creating another world with other beings for somewhere else the next week?

Anyway, we are stuck now with a clumsy job.
This whole idea to have creatures reproduce themselves using the genital organs is simply a very bad idea.
Exactly like a designer who forgets something and at the last moment comes up with a quick and easy solution.

How more simple it all could have been.
Even when completely forgotten, why not come up with the idea that putting a pink in an ear could do the fertilizing?
But no, they had a look at the newly created bodies and thought that the male and female genitals could very well serve a second purpose.

We have to live with it but we must not forget that we are free to use our bodies in a different way as was foreseen by its creators.
We can walk, but we can also decide to crawl.
We can sit down, but we can also decide to lie on our backs.

We can decide to use the genitals for what is their main purpose only.
And refuse to get them involved in other activities.
And plenty of people have made that choice.
Monks, single people, nuns, hermits, priests, saints and prisoners among them.

In a way they are right.
What a crazy idea it is that organs where awful smelling liquid passes through frequently, are supposed to be available for visits of other people.
It is like two persons having dinner in the toilet.

Now some may argue that the creators had no other options.
That it was the only and ideal solution.

But then we should look what evolution has done to certain kinds of fish.
There are fish in the ocean that fertilize in a much more sophisticated way than human beings are forced to do.
These fish swim calmly and quietly next to each other and gently rub the sides.
This rubbing of sides results in the female fish being fertilized.
Isn’t that romantic and sweet?
And hygienic as well?

Another way the fish have come up with is that the male releases his sperm into the water and these sperms look for the eggs themselves to fertilize them.
Clean, easy, dignified and no condoms needed.

In nature we find what would be the best for human beings as an improvement for the current unfortunate situation.
Rubbing sides is not really an option to research to see if this would be an effective method for humans.
After each trip by underground at peak hours, plenty of women will be pregnant.
And releasing sperm and eggs in the water would need a heated swimming pool each time.
Great for California, but what about Maine?

No, definitely the best new way for us is called “parthenogenesis”.
Not only fish can do this trick, but reptiles, water fleas, birds, sharks, bees and scorpions as well.
What is “parthenogenesis”?
It is an asexual form of reproduction.
Similar to how Maria got pregnant of her son Jesus.
The female is able to become pregnant by herself.
It doesn’t need a male at all.
Not even a white dove.

Great advantage of “parthenogenesis” is that all offspring is female.
If we would manage to engineer ourselves that the females of this world can get pregnant by themselves giving birth to girls only, we will eventually become like the island Lesbos in the ancient times of the Greeks.
A world of women only.

Some men might oppose this.
No problem.
Nature has a second ideal solution for human’s current way of fertilizing.
This solution is called “Hermaphroditism”.
The animal is having both male and female reproductive organs.
And simply does the job during a quiet moment by itself.
It can get pregnant without a friend and deliver a healthy baby.

For us it would mean to accept and develop the opposite side within ourselves.
Every man should become more of a woman.
And every woman should become more of a man.

This will take more than 6 days.


To learn more about “Hermaphroditism”, click on:

To learn more about “parthenogenesis” click on:
