How they are performed every single day?
That in fact a new and unique activity rarely takes place?
A fervent and loyal blog reader and even the writer himself, will wake up about the same time every day.
Do a series of activities in the bathroom like the day before.
Prepare and eat a breakfast of the same cereal each morning.
And this can go on: examples of how we live in a strict program of fixed activities that are the same every day.
So, fervent and loyal blog readers understand that we will have to make a change in these boring patterns.
By doing an activity today that is different.
To do something that is unusual.
Something that has never been done before.
To break the pattern.
To make life truly unique.
After finishing writing this blog the yoga mat will be put underneath the Fuso Szulc expedition vehicle.
And the rest of the day will be spent laying on the yoga mat underneath the truck.
Simply laying there and being unusual.
Now it might be that friend Felipe from Rancho Tepetape may come by.
He fishes on Saturday and chooses sometimes to park his truck near the Fuso Szulc.
He will see a person underneath the Fuso Szulc, come up to check this out, recognise it is his friend down there and ask:
“What are you doing underneath your truck, amigo?
Any technical problems I can help with maybe?”
And the answer will be simple:
“No, Felipe, I am under my truck to be different this day in my life.”
It is not without risks and consequences though to decide to be different.
There is now understanding for being different among fervent and blog readers so nobody will be surprised to see a fellow male reader wear lipstick today.
Or a female reader staring at the sky the whole afternoon.
That’s just being different today as has been suggested in this posting.
But everybody else will be surprised and maybe even disturbed.
It definitely is not good for the reputation to be openly different.
If he was still alive, Bruce E. Ivins (62) could confirm this.
He was a brilliant scientist working at the US Army’s biological warfare laboratory at Fort Detrick, in Maryland.
He was involved in doing research to find vaccines and cures for anthrax exposure.
For this monkeys were used.
Mr. Ivins willingly infected them with anthrax to see them die slowly and painfully.
Seven years ago anthrax-laced letters were sent that killed five persons and sent numerous victims to hospitals.
It created panic but strangely enough, the FBI never was able to find the person(s) responsible.
That sucks.
The FBI failed like the CIA is unable to find Obama Bin Laden.
This drive to want to find a culprit made them arrest a colleague of Bruce E. Ivins.
Steven Hatfield, another scientist at the biological warfare laboratory was publicly made a suspect.
He proved to be innocent and last month he was cleared and was paid $ 5.8 million.
Next, the FBI made Bruce E. Ivins the suspect.
The FBI interrogated him 18 months ago.
They started to watch him.
FBI agents in cars with tinted windows conducted surveillance on his home.
This would make any sane person paranoia.
A net closing around a person who could be very well innocent.
But the FBI needs a suspect.
Read carefully what former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, who received an anthrax letter, has to say:
"We need to know exactly how Mr. Ivins was involved, if he was involved, how this relates to the case and information that so far has been withheld from the American people ought to be provided."
It is the first part of the statement that explains the witch-hunt.
First it is said how Mr. Ivins was involved.
Second it is asked if he was involved.
It should be the other way around of course.
First one must ask: was he involved?
If so, how?
Meanwhile reasons have been found to suspect Mr. Ivins: he was different.
It has been found that Ivins recently received psychiatric treatment.
In how far this was needed because of the actions of the FBI is not explained.
Remember that the Justice Department was already saying that they were seeking an indictment and the death penalty of Mr. Ivins.
While he saw the FBI in their darkened cars silently waiting outside his home.
Being in that situation would make any person paranoia.
Then there is social worker Jean C. Duley.
She filed handwritten documents to the court saying she was prepared to testify before a grand jury.
Her statement:
"Client has a history dating to his graduate days of homicidal threats, plans and actions towards therapists.
His psychiatrist had described him as homicidal and sociopathic.”
You can be different but the ones that we should be able to trust, like social workers and psychiaters, can turn against us and drop every restriction of confidentiality.
Secondly, what is the connection and the logic of sending anthrax laced letters around and being homicidal and sociopathic?
Mr. Ivins worked 35 years in the Army biological warfare laboratory and his homicidal and sociopathic sides to his personality never were a problem.
Someone has to be nailed to the cross.
Society thinks it is normal to work in an Army biological warfare laboratory to find vaccines and cures for anthrax exposure torturing monkeys.
If this results in being emotionally unstable, and a culprit for a crime has to be found, they will select and suspect him.
Mr. Ivins committed suicide.
He was too different.
After all, maybe it is not such a good idea to spend the day underneath the Fuso Szulc.