Showing posts with label Peter Paul Huf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Paul Huf. Show all posts

Monday, May 10, 2010

From the office in paradise

The impression may be alive in many minds of fervent and loyal blog readers that life on this side is similar to the one of Adam and Eve before they bit the apple.
Waking up without an alarm clock.
No bus to catch to go to the office.
Every day free to decide what to do.

It may be a surprise but the fervent and loyal blog readers thinking in this way are absolutely right.
Paradise can't be better.

Nevertheless, and this probably not one fervent and loyal reader will know, when you live in paradise, you have to pay rent.
This rent is considerable and equal to what you pay for a nice apartment in Paris or Milan.

Therefore, even in paradise somehow money must be coming in to survive in the privileged conditions that exist in Walhalla.

Now here we hit on something extraordinary.
Because no work is ever done to make money.
No jobs are looked for.
No assignments are expected.

The only activity that takes place that vaguely looks like work is a very strong impulse that comes from the heart: to absolutely want to be involved with photography.
It is from this personal pertinent preference, love and drive that photography in all its aspects is constantly explored and performed.
Not experienced as work at all but as an activity that is pure passion.
And that adored activity magically and without the intention, brings in the rent due to live in paradise.

Therefore, yesterday, the representative and manager in Mexico of the pioneering photographer, Mr. Alonso Lopez, came to El Triple escorted by his beautiful lady Irma, with freshly printed sequences that were send from the atelier of master printer Peter Paul Huf who is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
These sequences needed to be signed and numbered before to be send to be exhibited soon in the city of Juanajuato in Mexico.

On a table in front of the Fuso Szulc with the bay of El Triple as a background, supervised by Mr. Alonso Lopez, the sequences were signed.

© Merel Waagmeester

Another day of work in the office of paradise.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Beautiful images

A day of printing with master printer Peter Paul Huf in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The second group of conceptual images made this Spring in Baja California, Mexico.

It always seems an easy job that will be done in a short time.
But rarely are the occasions that not some complication or hurdle is met that asks time and technical wisdom to be solved.

To print 10 images took 4 hours.

But then they are of very high quality and achievable.
To go to Galerie Baudoin Lebon in Paris, France.

© Misia Guicherit

© Misia Guicherit
