Check out my freehand nail art in the folders/pages above this line :) - Se min frihånds nail art i fanebladene over denne linie :)

Viser opslag med etiketten Blue. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten Blue. Vis alle opslag

tirsdag den 16. oktober 2012

Electric blue doodling

- and my right/non dominant hand

I'm not back yet, but any day soon now...
The base color is 2 coats of Hedy’s Electric Blue. It was a bit goopy and the brush is very wide, but for the second coat I added a few drops of Seche Vite Restore to thin it, and is was better to work with. It dries with a silky finish, but I prefer it with a coat of Seche Vite, it brings out the beautiful shimmer in it! And oh, before top coating I painted some abstract doodling with white acrylic color.
I'll get back to you when I'm by my computer again :)
Jeg er ikke tilbage endnu, men måske i morgen eller overmorgen...
Grundfarven er 2 lag Hedy’s Electric Blue. Den var lidt tyk i konsistensen og penslen er meget bred, så til andet lag tyndede jeg den lidt med Seche Vite Restore, og det hjalp lidt. Den tørrer med en silkeagtig overflade, men jeg foretrækker den nu med Seche vite som toplak, det får shimmeret så flot frem. Jeg malede lidt ”kruseduller” med akrylfarve inden toplakken :)

lørdag den 13. oktober 2012

China Glaze Meteor Shower – Speciality Collection 2009, review and swatches - anmeldelse

This old swatch post from last winter is good to go while I'm blog leave LOL - please only look at the polish ;)
Meteor Shower is an absolutely gorgeous dark midnight blue jelly glitter polish with a heavy load of multicolor glitter. It is opaque in one coat, but two coats bring out an extra dimension. It dries a little bumpy, so use a good top coat to enhance the shine and depth, and to make it smoother. This is one coat with a top coat.
Meteor Shower er en fantastisk smuk, mørk midnatsblå jelly neglelak spækket med multifarvet glitter. Den dækker ved et lag, med et ekstra lag giver den endnu en dimension. Den tørrer med en lidt ujævn overflade, men hvis du bruger er godt toplak, fremmer du glittereffekten og får en glat overflade. På billederne ser du et lag med toplak.

tirsdag den 14. august 2012

The flowers on Baker Street

The base color is 2 coats (is actually almost a one-coater) the gooorgeous Nails Inc. Baker Street. I sponged s little China Glaze Kaleidoscope Him Out in the middle area of each nail, and I painted the flowers with acrylic paint. The top coat is Seche Vite.
The holographic effect was real strong in real life even if I only sponged 1 “layer”, but I had a little problems capturing it for the photos…
Grundfarven er 2 lag (selvom et lag næsten er nok) af den viiidunderligt smukke Nails Inc. Baker Street. Jeg duppede lidt China Glaze Kaleidoscope Him Out på midterområdet på hver negl, og jeg malede blomster med akrylfarve. Top lakken er Seche Vite.
Den holografiske effekt var meget stærk i virkeligheden selvom jeg kun duppede 1 ”lag” på, men jeg havde lidt problemer med at fange effekten på billederne…

fredag den 13. juli 2012

Flowers - Why not?

The base color is Sinful Why Not - and I painted large, bright flowers with acrylic color and top coated with Seche Vite.
Grundfarven er Sinful Why Not – og jeg malede store blomster i klare akrylfarver og lagde Seche Vite som top lak.

tirsdag den 3. juli 2012

Pastel in pastel in pastel in.....

This post comes with a pastel overload warning. You need to be in a pastel mood to fully enjoy this post LOL
Dette indlæg postes med en pastel overdosis advarsel. Du bør være i pastel humør for at kunne nyde det ;)
I was in a pastel mood, and I was looking forward to trying two Sinful colors, the lovely pastel yellow: Unicorn and the pastel blue with lovely flecks: Cinderella, both from my swap with Lydia!
I couldn’t decide, so Cinderella became my accent nail. They both needed 3 coats, and the dry time was a bit slow. I decided to paint flowers with pastel acrylic colors and one was a perfect match for Cinderella – and well, let the photos speak for themselves.
I enjoyed this mani when I wore it, now, well... – what do you think?
Jeg var i totalt pastel humør, og jeg glædede mig til at afprøve to Sinful lakker, den lækre pastel gule: Unicorn og den pastel blå med de smukke flakes: Cinderella – begge fra mit bytte med Lydia!
Jeg kunne ikke beslutte, så jeg brugte Cinderella som accent på ringfingeren. Jeg var nødt til at lægge 3 lag af hver, og jeg var ikke imponeret over tørretiden. Jeg besluttede at malte blomster i pastel farver, og en var i samme nuance som Cinderella – og ja, billederne taler for sig selv.
Jeg kunne godt li’ denne mani da jeg havde den på, men nu, ja... – hvad synes du?

torsdag den 28. juni 2012

Flowers under the city that never sleeps

The Essence Colour 3 series has among others a color called Midnight date, a dark midnight blue shimmer, and combined with that there is a blue jelly with glitter called City that never sleeps. So the base color is Midnight date, and I sponged a little Catherine Arley black holographic over it, not that it really shows at all. Then I painted the flowers with acrylic color and when dry I sandwiched them with City that never sleeps before I top coated with Seche Vite.
The blue jelly gave a tiny bit too much blue hue to the flowers IMO, actually the next morning I couldn’t wait to remove it, I felt it was too gloomy.
Grundfarven er en af Essence Colour 3 serien, kombineret af den mørke midnatsblå Midnight Date og en blå jelly med glitter, der hedder City that never sleeps. Bundfarven er Midnight Date, og så duppede jeg lidt Catherine Arley black holographic hen over midten, men det er nu svært at se. Dernæst malede jeg blomsterne og over dem lagde jeg City that never sleeps for at skabe en sandwich effekt. Toplakken er with Seche Vite.
Den blå jelly gav efter min mening blomsterne et lidt for stærkt blåt skær, så den næste morgen skyndte jeg mig at tage det af, det føltes lidt for dystert.

onsdag den 27. juni 2012

Ombre with "additions" - Artsy Wednesday!

I could have stopped here….

The theme this week of Artsy Wednesday is an ombre mani.
The truth is that I always found them to be a bit boring – but NOT any longer!
I chose to do a very shade/tone-coherent ombre within lighter blue colors going from light to darker, and I really think I achieved that…
Thumb-pinkie: Nubar Baby Blue, Nubar Blue Hydrangea, Nubar Faded jeans, China Glaze Bahamian Escape and Essie Lapis of Luxury
So, I could have stopped here – but didn’t (not much of a surprise for my regular readers ;) – should I have??
I went for a washed out look within the same color frame as the ombre, did it become too washed out...?
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge
Michelle - Lab Muffin,  Alanna - Pretty Purple Polish, Holly - Hooked, Tif - Polished Genious, (not this week: Lyndsey - Nails by Ms. Lizard), Catrine - Unnakednails, Melanie - Nail & Polish, Jessica - Beauty Gnome, and the newest member of our group: Kamen - Kaka Beauty Blog

lørdag den 23. juni 2012

BK Fashion Nail Color Navy Blue Silver Shimmer #04 swatches & review

It's always interesting to see shimmer and glitter polishes in matte, so for this last photo I used Essie Matte About You top coat.
When Born Pretty Store asked if I would be interested in reviewing any of their products I said yes. And I have added a banner in the sidebar that gives you 10% off any purchase, so please feel to use it - or go right now and use the code G10X31!
I chose BK Fashion Nail Color Navy Blue Silver Shimmer #04 - item ID 1043 because it reminded of blue jeans. 
In my opinion it's not navy blue shimmer (with a heavy load of shimmer), it has so much more going on with shades of teal and grey.
The application is is easy, and it's almost opaque in one coat, but this is two without a top coat. Dry time is normal. It dries semi matte and a little gritty, but nothing that is disturbing - still I recommend a top coat.
All in all I have nothing negative to say about this one!
What do you think?
 Later today I have another swatch with flowers post...

torsdag den 21. juni 2012

Bright summer flowers

The base color is Catrice 400 Blue Cara Ciao and I sponged random areas with Catrice 520 Apropos Apricot. I painted the bright coral/salmon flowers with acrylic paint over the sponged areas, making it look a bit like they are on clouds. Finally I top coated with Seche Vite.
I wore this mani 2 days – it’s a real smurf nail blue, I’m happy I use base coat, should have used 2 coats.
Grundfarven er Catrice 400 Blue Cara Ciao og jeg duppede tilfældige områder med Catrice 520 Apropos Apricot. Jeg malede de koral/laksefarvede blomster med akrylfarve hen over de spongede områder, så de fik virkning som skyer. Til sidst lagde jeg min toplak, Seche Vite.
Jeg havde denne mani på i to dage – og denne blå giver virkelig smølfeblå negle på trods af base coat.

onsdag den 20. juni 2012

Inspired by nature - Artsy Wednesday

This week’s theme in Artsy Wednesday is inspired by nature. Ha, I bet you think – oh nooooesss – more flowers, but this IS a flower free post!
Originally  wanted to do different kinds of trees, but after several days without sun it looked like it would break through, so I could take well lit photos. Therefore I took the easy path - and the sun did come out, 3 minutes or so just before I top coated :(
Denne uges tema i Artsy Wednesday er inspireret af natur. Ha, du tænker allerede – åhhh neeeej, flere blomster, men det ER en blomsterfri manicure!
Oprindeligt ville jeg have lavet forskellige slag træer, men efter flere dage uden sol, så det ud som om den ville bryde igenne, så jeg skyndte mig med tanke på velbelyste billeder. Derfor valgte jeg ens træer - og solen var fremme i ca. 3 minutter lige før jeg top coatede :(
The base color is Nubar Blue Hydrangea, and I sponged grass with Nubar Reclaim and sea with China Glaze Blue Years Eve + Frosty + OPI Alpine Snow, the clouds with the latter two. The rest I painted with acrylic colors and I top coated with Seche Vite.
If you can see someone waving to you on the island, it’s me – a pile of good books, fresh fruit and cold, clean water, a fishing rod in the sea for catching dinner ;)
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge
Michelle Lab Muffin,  Alanna Pretty Purple Polish, Holly Hooked, Tif Polished Genious, Lyndsey Nails by Ms. Lizard, Catrine Unnakednails, (not this week: Melanie Nail & Polish,) Jessica Beauty Gnome, We have an open space here, maybe for your and your blog?

Grundfarven er Nubar Blue Hydrangea, og jeg duppede græsset med Nubar Reclaim og havet med China Glaze Blue Years Eve + Frosty + OPI Alpine Snow,
og de to sidste brugte jeg også til skyerne. Læste du dette på dansk eller engelsk. Resten malede jeg med akrylfarve og toplakken er Seche Vite. 
Hvis du kan se nogen vinke til dig fra øen, så er det mig, en stor stak gode bøger, frisk frugt, rent kildevand og en fiskestang til at fange aftensmaden med ;)

fredag den 13. april 2012

Small yellow spring flowers - små gule forårsblomster

The base color is Nubar Mali-Blue and then I with a very thin striper added vegetation/grass/leaves with 3 different green acrylic colors. The yellow flowers I dotted with China Glaze Happy Go Lucky and on top I dotted China Glaze Lighthouse for a little sparkle. Finally I added some illusive, light clouds with a dotting tool and Essie Pearly White before I top coated with Seche Vite.
Do you want more flower mani’s? Click on the page “Flowers/nature/blomster” in the top menu!
Grundfarven er Nubar Mali-Blue og vegetationen/græsset/bladene er malet med tre forskellige grønne akrylfarver. Blomsterne prikkede jeg på med China Glaze Happy Go Lucky og da det var tørt prikkede jeg lidt oven i det gule med China Glaze Lighthouse for at få lidt glam. Til sidst malede jeg lidt fjerlette skyer med Essie Pearly White før jeg lagde min toplak, Seche Vite.
Vil du se flere blomster manicurer, så klik på fanebladet ”Flower/nature/blomster” i top menuen.

lørdag den 31. marts 2012

Swatch Saturday: China Glaze Electric Beat, Kinetic Candy & Gaga for Green swatches and review

All 3 colors are from the ElectroPop Collection, spring 2012, I bought 7, see them HERE  They are all shown in two coats (Kinetic Candy only one), and without top coat. They apply nicely and dry quickly, the usual great China Glaze quality…
Alle 3 farver er fr ElectroPpo kollektionen forår 2012, jeg købte ialt 7, se dem HER. De er alle vist med 3 lag, Kinetic Candy dog kun med et lag, og uden toplak. De er superlette at lægge og tørrer hurtigt, de har den sædvalige utroligt gode kvalitet som China Glaze altid leverer.
Electric Beat - strong, light blue
Gaga For Green - in-your-face light green - see stamping on this below
Kinetic Candy - a pale, light blue with a light grey hue
I'm NOT good at stamping, but China Glaze Gaga For Green called for leaves – the light green leaves that the beech has in spring. I chose the easy solution and stamped with Konad Special Polish White and Bundle Monster plate BM19. This is from their first series of plates with the tiny patterns, so on my thumb I used it vertically on the lower half, and then stamped half the pattern over the top half of the nail, a bit messy, but I can accept it. Unfortunately the pattern on the ring finger a bit broken.
Jeg er IKKE god til stamping, men China Glaze Gaga For Green kaldte på nyudsprungne bøgeblade. Jeg valgte den nemme udvej og stampede/stemplede med Konad Special Polish White og jeg brugte Bundle Monster plate BM19. Det er fra den første serie med de små mønstre, så på min tommel brugte jeg den vandret på den nederste halvdel, og så stampede jeg det halve mønster på den øverste halvdel, en smule sjusket, men det går an. Desværre er mønsteret på ringfingeren lidt i stykker.

tirsdag den 20. marts 2012

Blue Sapphire flowers - Artsy Wednesday/Thuesday

The Challenge is "Blue nails" in this weeks Artsy Wednesday, and blue is a favorite subject of mine :)I chose China Glaze Eyes like Sapphires as my base color, and I painted a few half one-stroke flowers with a lighter blue and white acrylic colors, and I outlined it with a thin golden line, before I sealed with a top coat. I like that the focus isn’t drawn away from the beautiful base color, and it’s close to THIS flower mani, that is one of my favorites. You can see more flower mani's of mine if you click on the "Flovers/blomster" page in the top menu...
Check the what the other girls did, links below…
Temaet i denne uges udfordring i Artsy Wednesday er blå negle, og blå er et favoritemne :) Jeg valgte China Glaze Eyes like Sapphires som min grundfarve og malede halve one-stroke blomster med akrylfarve i en lidt lysere blå nuance samt hvid, og jeg kantede dem med en tynd guld stribe, før jeg lagde en toplak. Jeg kan godt li’ at fokus ikke trækkes væk fra den smukke grundfarve, og resultatet er tæt på DENNE manicure, der er en af mine favoritter. Du kan se flee af mine blomster designs ved at klikke på "Flowers/blomster" fanebladet i top menuen…
Se hvad de andre piger i denne udfordring lavede i denne uge…

If you are interested in joining us in Artsy Wednesday, please send me an email
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge: Michelle at Lab Muffin,  Alanna at Pretty Purple Polish, Holly at Hooked, Tif at Polished Genious, Lyndsey at Nails by Ms. Lizard, Sofie from Swååfie, Catrine from Unnakednails,
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