Check out my freehand nail art in the folders/pages above this line :) - Se min frihånds nail art i fanebladene over denne linie :)

Viser opslag med etiketten Sally Hansen. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten Sally Hansen. Vis alle opslag

tirsdag den 9. september 2014

Swatch spam: Perfect Formula, POP Beauty, Sally Hansen, Wet'n Wild and P2

In this swatch spam post you will meet 5 polishes: Perfect Formula Virtue 486, POP Beauty sixty-three mint magic, Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow, Wet'n Wild On A Trip/On Voyage and P2 Sweet harmony.

Perfect Formula Virtue 486 
Perfect Formula Virtue 486 is a beautiful magenta pink with a super pretty shimmer – a Maria pink for sure. It is surprisingly opaque in the first coat, but this is 2 easy coats, and since I noticed a few bubbles, I added a top coat. The dry time is not super quick.

POP Beauty sixty three mint magic
POP Beauty sixty three mint magic is a beautiful and bright min, just like I love them!! 2 coats would be enough, but for these photos I used 3 coats and a top coat. The dry time was on the slow side.

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Mellow Yellow
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Mellow Yellow is mid yellow cream. The formula is easy to work with and 2 coats are enough. This is however 3 coats without a top coat.

Wet n Wild 213C On a Trip/En Voyage
Wet n Wild 213C On a Trip/En Voyage is from the Megalast collection. It is a pretty medium purple or maybe dark lavender. This is 2 coats without a top coat. The application was a lill’ bit difficult as the wide flat brush had a terrible cut.

P2 030 sweet harmony
P2 030 sweet harmony is from the Let’s Rock collection, I believe it was from 2013. It’s a pale pastel green cream and the formula is easy to work with and the self leveling is good. 2 coats would be enough, but this is 3 coats without a top coat.
Do you like them - any favorites..?

torsdag den 5. juni 2014

Sally Hansen swatches: Go Bananas and Jade Jump

Go Bananas is one of the Complete Salon Manicure shades. It’s a sheer pale pastel yellow with a subtle shimmer. The formula is a bit on the thin side, but fairly OK to manage and with an OK dry time for the first coats. This is however four coats over a ridge filler base coat and without a top coat. On nails without ridges two-three coats would be enough.

Jade Jump:
Jade Jump is one of the Insta-Dri shades. It’s a very well pigmented jade green cream polish, one coat might be enough, but this is two coats without a topcoat. The self-leveling ability is not too good, but also not bad. Dry time is average.
Do you like them?

tirsdag den 18. februar 2014

Silver holographic polish comparison: China Glaze, Sally Hansen, Color Club, Chanel and 2 x Gosh

I let the 6 strongest of my silver holographic polishes enter a battle of holographic beauty.
I prefer a holo to be linear with a strong and crisp rainbow, so that's what I wanted to check!

Let's meet the contestants as they also will appear on the swatches below, left to right: China Glaze Sexagon, Sally Hansen Crystal Ball, Color Club Harp On It, Chanel Holographic, Gosh Holographic  (the original) and Gosh Holographic Hero (the new).

Round 1
Left to right: China Glaze Sexagon, Sally Hansen Crystal Ball, Color Club Harp On It, Chanel Holographic, Gosh Holographic and Gosh Holographic Hero.
China Glaze Sexagon is coarser in the holographic particles and could be stronger just like Gosh Holographic Hero, so they leave the competition.

Semi final:
Left to right: Sally Hansen Crystal Ball, Color Club Harp On It, Chanel Holographic, Gosh Holographic. They are all very beautiful, but Sally Hansen Crystal Ball and Gosh Holographic are just a tiny bit weaker in the rainbow - even better seen in person...

Final round:
Index and ring finger is Chanel Holographic and the middle finger and pinkie is Color Club Harp On it.
Chanel Holographic, Color Club Harp On It and Chanel Holographic
Chanel Holographic and Color Club Harp On It
So, which is the winner for you?
For me it's clearly Chanel Holographic because it's shows it's rainbow even in light settings where the others just are grey/silver. Furthermore in person the rainbow is by far the most well defined and crisp of them all.
But unfortunately Chanel Holographic was sold in 2007 and after it sold out the price has skyrocketed ever since, so a really good substitute would be Color Club Harp On it, the effect is strong and it's beautiful, although not quite as amazing as Chanel Holographic...

PS: some of you know that I during summer bought a complete BNIB set of Chanel Duo Holographic and was hesitant to open it and didn't... But recently I found a bottle of Holographic at a very reasonable price and a few days later I found the Fixing Base at an equally reasonable price, so now I have a set to use, I am such a lucky girl :)

onsdag den 6. marts 2013

Leaves against the Himalayan blue sky - Artsy Wednesday

Please check in again later today for my shop grand opening giveaway!!! - unfortunately minor problems cause a delay of a few hours....
This artsy Wednesday the theme is “Leaves”.
The base color is Sally Hansen Himalayan Blue, a gorgeous sky blue. I painted leaves in different shades of acrylic craft color along the cuticle and sides of the nail, and sponged the free space with Nubar 2010 (flakies shifting between green and copper). The top coat is Seche Vite…
Check out some other Artsy Wednesday mani's with leaves
Michelle - Lab Muffin,  Alanna - Pretty Purple Polish, Melanie - Nail & Polish, Jessica - Beauty Gnome,  Emily - An Accent Nail, Catrine - Unnakednails, Ameerah - Valiantly Varnished,
Kig ind senere i dag og deltag i min shop åbnings giveaway!!!! - der er opstået et lille problem, der forsinker det, men omkring kl. 20 burde vi være oppe!!
Temaet i denne Artsy Wednesday er blade.
Grundfarven er Sally Hansen Himalayan Blue, en smuk himmelblå. Jeg malede bladene med akrylfarve i forskellige grønne nuancer langs neglebånd og neglene sider, og jeg duppede  de fri blå område med Nubar 2010, dens flakies skifter mellem kobber og grøn. Toplakken er Seche Vite.

søndag den 10. juni 2012

Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Purple Diamond & China Glaze Octa Gone Wild, swatches and comparison

Here you have swatches of two old and hard to find ladies and a comparison - later today I post a flower mani post...
Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Purple Diamond is a slightly dusty, light purple holographic polish from 2002, and very hard to find. I'm selling mine because it's so like the below. This is 2 coats over a ridge filler and not top coat, and it was very easy to apply. Pictures say more than words….

China Glaze Octa Gone Wild from the Kaleidoscope coll. 2006 (I believe) is a slightly dusty, light purple holographic  polish, 2 coats over a ridge filler and not top coat. Pictures say more than words….

China Glaze Octa Gone Wild and Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Purple Diamond comparison.
2 coats of each, Octa Gone Wild on index and ring finger, Purple Diamond on middle and pinkie. I used a ridge filler base coat but no top coat for this comparison. Very like each other, the reason why I’m selling Sally Hansen.

lørdag den 3. marts 2012

Sexagon and Crystal Ball, 2 discontinued silver holographics

These two elderly ladies are both very hard to find, and since I do not need both, I have decided to sell one of them...
Both are shown over a ridge filler base coat, and I applied 3 coats, but no top coat.
Disse to ældre damer er begge meget svære at finde til salg, og siden jeg ikke har brug for dem begge, har jeg besluttet at sælge den ene...
De bliver begge vist over en ridge filler grundlak, påført i 3 lag og uden toplak.

First we have/først har vi China Glaze Sexagon from the Kaleidoskope collection.
Next is/den næste er Sally Hansen Crystal Ball, from the Magical Nail Make Up collection.

And finally a comparison - og til slut en sammenligning.
Crystal Ball (that I'm selling) is much more fine gritted than Sexagon, it gives a more clean and crisp holo.
Crystall Ball (som jeg har til salg) er meget mere finkornet end Sexagon, det giver et mere "rent" holografisk indtryk.
Left/t.v. Sexagon - right/t.h. Crystal Ball

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