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Viser opslag med etiketten Bear Pawlish. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten Bear Pawlish. Vis alle opslag

torsdag den 30. juni 2016

Bear Pawlish Roseanna Danna and Treat Yourself swatches

Bear Pawlish Roseanna Danna is gorgeous red glitter fest. It is a “Christmas” red jam packed with red holo glitters – awesome. I was pleasantly surprised to see that two coats are enough, so that is what you see + a coat of Seche Vite.

Treat Yourself
ARGHHHH I hate it when the flash turns flakies or glitter black – in this case the red holo glitters looks black, sorry about that – they ARE red and it’s a beautiful polish!!
Bear Pawlish Treat Yourself is a pink magenta holo with holo micro glitters in red/pink – it’s really girly and sweet! Again I was pleasantly surprised to see that two coats are enough, so that is what you see + a coat of Seche Vite.
Please disregard the black spots in Treat Yourself - they ARE red holo micro glitters...

1.500+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & swatches

onsdag den 1. juni 2016

Bear Pawlish The Night Before swatches

Bear Pawlish The Night Before is a bright blue holo with micro glitter and iridescent mixed glitters, it is truly gorgeous. This is two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
It's a really pretty blue, isn't it?

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fredag den 11. marts 2016

Bear Pawlish Double Crantini swatches

Bear Pawlish Double Crantini is a beautiful pink-toned red holo with a hint of silver holo micro flakies. This is two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
Isn't it beautiful?

1.400+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & Co
My social media linksFacebookPinterestInstagram and Youtube

onsdag den 9. marts 2016

Bear Pawlish Master Thespian swatches

Bear Pawlish Master Thespian is a beautiful blue holo with added holo flakies making in interesting in all kinds of light settings. This is two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
Do you like Master Thespian?

1.400+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & Co
My social media linksFacebookPinterestInstagram and Youtube

onsdag den 2. marts 2016

Bear Pawlish Aurwens Violet swatches

Bear Pawlish Aurwens Violet is a deep and really gorgeous purple holo that also has a very noticeable holo in indoor light settings. This is two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
Do you like this dark beauty!

1.400+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & Co
My social media linksFacebookPinterestInstagram and Youtube

fredag den 26. februar 2016

Bear Pawlish Luscious In Holo swatches

Bear Pawlish Luscious In Holo has a strong shift between blue, pink and purple – and it has a subtle dash of holo added to it, so a pretty perfect combo! This is two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
Do you like the effect and shades in Luscious In Holo..?

1.400+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & Co
My social media linksFacebookPinterestInstagram and Youtube

lørdag den 20. februar 2016

Bear Pawlish Verklempt swatches

Bear Pawlish Verklempt is a dusty purple holo with tiny glitters in pink, magenta and purple. You see it in two coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
What do you think?

1.400+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & Co
My social media linksFacebookPinterestInstagram and Youtube

onsdag den 13. januar 2016

Bear Pawlish In Love With The Bad

Bear Pawlish In Love With The Bad is a vampy and gorgeous wine-red-purple – more red/more purple depending on the light and angle – and it is a holo with a strong effect in the sun, but it’s also visible in indoor light settings. This is two with a coat of Seche Vite.
Do you like it..?

OBS: one of yesterdays posts Different Dimension Little Big Dipper did not appear on the Blogger dashboard, so very few noticed it - but is you missed click HERE!

1.300+ indie polishes and 100+ indie brandsIndies & Co
My social media linksFacebookPinterestInstagram and Youtube

onsdag den 16. december 2015

Bear Pawlish Poor Unfortunate Souls swatches

Bear Pawlish Poor Unfortunate Souls is a dark grassy-green holo with a very strong effect. This is two easy coats with a coat of Seche Vite.
Do like like this kind of green holo?

Hundreds of indies: Indies & Co
My social media links: Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram
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