Check out my freehand nail art in the folders/pages above this line :) - Se min frihånds nail art i fanebladene over denne linie :)

Viser opslag med etiketten sandwich. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten sandwich. Vis alle opslag

onsdag den 21. november 2012

Indie meets indie sandwich - Artsy Wednesday

This weeks theme in Artsy Wednesday is a jelly sandwich.

The base color is a pretty green from Pirate Polish Poison Apple and the pretty glitter is from our first and very talented Danish indie polish maker Well Nails Did You Just Mosbe me? To create the sandwich I chose a shimmer because I only have a few jellies and they are dark, so I guess this is a shimmelly sandwich ;) It’s the super sheer and very shimmery light green L.A. Colors Green Tea. Finally I wanted to mattify it with Essie matte About You – and even after 2 coats the shimmer still stood out. I felt it was a bit too busy for nail art – so are rare sight, my nails without nail art.... 
Check out what the other girls in Artsy Wednesday did in this weeks challenge
Michelle - Lab Muffin,  Alanna - Pretty Purple Polish, Melanie - Nail & Polish, Jessica - Beauty Gnome,  Emily - An Accent Nail, Catrine - Unnakednails, Ameerah - Valiantly Varnished, Jean - Laquered Lunatic
Before the sandwich layering.....

torsdag den 28. juni 2012

Flowers under the city that never sleeps

The Essence Colour 3 series has among others a color called Midnight date, a dark midnight blue shimmer, and combined with that there is a blue jelly with glitter called City that never sleeps. So the base color is Midnight date, and I sponged a little Catherine Arley black holographic over it, not that it really shows at all. Then I painted the flowers with acrylic color and when dry I sandwiched them with City that never sleeps before I top coated with Seche Vite.
The blue jelly gave a tiny bit too much blue hue to the flowers IMO, actually the next morning I couldn’t wait to remove it, I felt it was too gloomy.
Grundfarven er en af Essence Colour 3 serien, kombineret af den mørke midnatsblå Midnight Date og en blå jelly med glitter, der hedder City that never sleeps. Bundfarven er Midnight Date, og så duppede jeg lidt Catherine Arley black holographic hen over midten, men det er nu svært at se. Dernæst malede jeg blomsterne og over dem lagde jeg City that never sleeps for at skabe en sandwich effekt. Toplakken er with Seche Vite.
Den blå jelly gav efter min mening blomsterne et lidt for stærkt blåt skær, så den næste morgen skyndte jeg mig at tage det af, det føltes lidt for dystert.
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