Welcome to the LoveBug Creations Mother's Day Hop! We did something special for National Scrapbooking Day to showcase projects. We combined talent - not only from some of our CT but also from actual LBC Rumple Ribbon customers. We hope you enjoy the parade of projects and here's the line up just in case you get side-tracked! We'd also like to thank CT Ellen "Card Monkey Jarvis" for making our blog hop button!!
Mama LoveBug up first today - Pretty party dresses make me think of my mother who, as I was a child, never seemed to have a hair out of place and was always dressed up. She was the "June Cleaver" of my 1950's memories. With that in mind, I made several dress cards for Mother's Day. Here they are:

*a dress template (lots of fussy cutting for the four)
*The Robin's Nest Glitter Sorbet cardstock
*line gems for the collar and waist areas - different colors, different styles
*scallop and circle punch for the sentiment - Happy Mother's Day
*LoveBug Creations Rumple Ribbon - double bows with coordinating colors
*a surprise - look closely
Here they are, one by one:
Have a great time crafting - remember no matter how you piece your paper and rumple your ribbon, have fun with it...........cyberscrapbooking day.........Mama LoveBug
Kimi is up next and she just got a new camera (Thanks Mama Lovebug!) So I took a LOT of photos just because I could finally! My old camera wouldn't focus anymore!
Weren't Mama's dress cards just fabulous??? I LOVE THEM!!!!
Now.. For my project I wanted to make something for my WONDERFUL Mom from my 4 lil Lovebugs :)
I just bought the cameo last month and can finally say...
I don't know how I ever did without it!
I bought the largest subscription to the store because I figured there's new stuff out all the time and still so much "old" stuff too!
Thank goodness I did because I discovered Lori Whitlock's files and think I "NEED" them all!
That said I downloaded all of her new shaped 3-D frames and the easel to sit them in... ♥
So lets get to the photos and then I'll try not to bore you with the details :)
Full Photo
Close Up Jaded Blossom Stamps and Flag Dies
Close up Stamps/Dies
Close up Stamps/Dies
Close up Flowers
Close up Robin's Nest Dew Drops - Clear
I did a fun swirly design and now I NEED
Dew Drops in every color I think :)
Close Up Rumple Ribbon Flower (NEW COLOR!)
Close Up- Phyllis Rumple Ribbon
(If you didn't know Phyllis is Mama Lovebug's Mom
and my Grandma...I just had to use this
Rumple Ribbon for the
biggest flower!)
Close up Crazy Coral Rumple Ribbon Flower
So aside from the Lori Whitlock files (which she shows you how to put together HERE)
I used the following:
Paper- American Crafts/Amy Tangerine - Sketchbook
Stamps - Jaded Blossom - Mother's Day
Dew Drops- The Robin's Nest
Picture of my 4 little Lovebugs :)
I hope you enjoyed both of our projects and they inspire you to make something crafty for the fabulous women in your life this Mother's Day!!!!
Blog Candy Alert for US Residents
1. Become a follower of all the blog spot participants - no cheating!!2. Leave each blog spot a love note - take the time, it's worth the prize
3. Easy chance to win a $15 gift certificate to the LBC online store
Here's the line up in case you get lost:
1: Kimi & Pamela - http://lovebugcreations3.blogspot.com
2: Christine - http://scarletcalliope.wordpress.com/
3: Dawn Rene - http://designsbydawnrene.com
4: Tara - http://www.craftindesertdivas.com/
5: Martha - http://beautifulcreationsmp.com
6: Tracy - http://lovesbuggin.blogspot.com/
7: Dawn Mercedes - http://dawnmercedes.blogspot.com
8: Dardie - www.antdodascraftycorner.blogspot.com
9: Kathy - http://kathyand3kids.blogspot.com
10: Jane - www.creationsbyjaney.blogspot.com
Next we'll send you over to the very talented Christine