Showing posts with label YuSuzuki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YuSuzuki. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2019


Shenmue 3 is real!

Shenmue 3 was finally released....!! After all these years!!

It doesn’t even feel real. Is Half-Life 3 coming next week??!
I still remember buying my Dreamcast brand new. Getting Shenmue 1 a few short months later, spending hours... days.. weeks exploring it!

Then before the end of the Sega era... We did get one last hurrah in the form of Shenmue 2...! Discovering such a bigger adventure.. with only came to an end on that darn’ annoying cliffhanger...!
And now.. finally...

SHENMUE 3 is here! Ryo is back!!!
The game does look pretty decent actually, better than what I feared.

But good..

Or bad...

It just feels so odd to actually play it after so many years!!! (Even wilder and stranger than when Duke Nukem Forever finally came out, if you ask me..)

I just can’t process this...!!!
It’s like coming back home. Things aren’t exactly as you remember them. You see stuff in a new life. You notice the passage of time. But all in all, it feels like home.

Did you happen to see some sailors around here?

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

#GamingNEWS Shenmue III - The Prophecy Trailer [ESRB]

One of the biggest Kickstarter successes, and one of my personal longest-awaited sequels, Shenmue III's got a new release date. The game's been basically pushed far away a year after the recently released remaster of Shenmue I and II.

Things are taking shape nicely, the game's looking far nicer now. There's still some work to put into it, I'm sure.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

#GamesCom17 Shenmue III update

Finally some news regarding the resurrected kickstarted Shenmue III right on time for GamesCom 2017! It's about time!



The environments do look ok. But the character models and animations.. not so much (Andromeda, anyone?). But from what Yu Suzuki said, they're still working on those and this was only meant to be a quick update for the kickstarter bakers.

Wait and see...

Thursday, July 16, 2015

#NotSega News! Shenmue 3 - Lake of the Lantern Bugs

Since Shenmue 3 just reached it's kickstarter deadline, Yu Suzuki and the crew put together this fun lil' recreation of Shenmue 2's (near) ending scene:

Granted, it looks kinda silly/cheesy/dated (zoom in for Dat Ass!!), but that's because they basically based it on the original Dreamcast scene.

I'm just happy to see this great gaming series revived!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

#E3 NEWS! SHENMUE 3 ANNOUNCED eréfjkerklgjoighoeh ergeggeg

Shemue 3 announced! SHENMUE 3 ANNOUNCED!!!!

WAITAMINUTE!? It's a Kickstarter!?!

Let's start from the beginning. For ages now Outrun creator Yu Suzuki has been wanting to make the third and final Shenmue. Meanwhile "Sega Playmore" has been getting worse by the year. Since they've essentially become Sega-Sammy they've been only re-released old games digitally and making the yearly Sonic game releases. On the Shenmue front: Why bring back a game that cost so much in the past when they basically replaced that IP with Yakuza nowadays?

So Yu Suzuki keeps getting interviewed about Shenmue 3, even though he's been moved to a smartphone games division now. And he mentioned the thought of relying on crowd-funding to make the game.

It seems like Sony partnered up with Sega for the occasion - the game will come on PS4 and PC. But they're only partially funding and helping it. So here they are on Kickstarter now.

This is a legit new Shenmue sequel, not some random spinoff. The campaign is asking for $2 million, so they haven't won it. AND IT ALREADY REACHED 1 904 912 $ as I write these lines!!!


The game's expected for a possible release date of December 2017.

We already got a FF7 remake and The Last Guardian out of E3 this year. All we need now is Half-Life 3, and the apocalypse might just be right around the corner!!