Showing posts with label 2099. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2099. Show all posts

Friday, June 20, 2014

#Cartoon NEWS! Ultimate Spider-man on Ultimate Spider-man cartoon

It looks like I will finally have to catch up with the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon next season!

Miles Morales will be joining Peter in the new 3rd season, retooled as "Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors".

While that title doesn't sound that great, I dig the fact we'll get Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Man 2099 and Spider-Girl all along, and animated for the first time! Also Spider-Ham!!! How awesome is that!?! XD

Miguel does look a bit odd here above or is it only me? Like he was quickly photoshopped in? Maybe this show won't feature a time of Spider-people from across "Shattered Dimensions", teaming up and whatnot but instead focus on shorts on several alternate worlds every time?

...Or am I reading too much into this pic?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

#Cartoon NEWS! "Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors"

Looks like I might have to start watching Disney's Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon series again. (yeah, I know, but I just couldn't follow it anymore.. I mean, I loved Joe Kelly's Deadpool episode, but the rest...ugh..)

Announced amongst a batch of possible new shows - including a Guardians of the Galaxy one!?! - there was a "leaked" pic of the Ultimate Spider-Man animated series... And.. it looks like the series will undergo some serious change in its status quo/concept.

What is that...? Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors!?

It seems that along a name change, several other incarnations of Spidey will join our hero. Including some of my personal favorite (Marvel characters): Spider-Man 2099!! Miles Morales' Ultimate Spider-Man!Some other Spidey I can't have a good look at bottom left... Spider-Man Noir (granted, looking more beige than noir here...)!! And is that... Yes, it is I recognize the pose from the original first issue #1, it's Spider-Girl!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, about time any of these got some well deserved attention! (I've been saying this since day one, specially considering the show was following the extremely good Spectacular Spider-Man, it should have been about Miles Morales or at least feature him one way or another...)

It's a perfect tie-in into this incoming batch of announced Spider-Man movies & spinoffs (Amazing Spider-Man 3, the Venom spin-off, and the upcoming Sinister Six movie) and Marvel Comics' own upcoming "Spider-Verse" event set to feature every incarnation of the wallcrawler ever.

Awesome! Or more exactly, Amazing!

It's just missing Spider-Ham!


No kiddin' here!

'nuff said!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#Comics NEWS! the return of Spider-man 2099

Is this real...?!

Apparently, Spider-man 2099 will finally come back in an all-new series. And written by original series creator Peter David (this time, under the art of Will Sliney).

So... huh.. yay?!

But there's a catch!

The series will be spin-off from "SpiderOck" aka the Superior Spider-man series. Which simply means this is an all-new Miguel O'Hara (the fourth one following the Timestorm version and Exiles). And the series will be in fact set in present day, following the plot of Superior which left our 2099 hero in modern New York, working at Alchemax to prevent its rise.

So...huh.. nay?!

I mean, at least the very convulsed pitch and the fact it's all meant to tie-into the upcoming event (that whole SPIDER-VERSE thing) doesn't bode well for starters.

On the bright side, it's announced as a new on-going and not a mini. That means if the book survives past these first events, we might actually get our good ol' regular 2099 back once our first conflict's resolved...

Oh, well.. Perhaps it's just some random joke on Marvel's part... Let's see if they announced the return of the whole Marvel MC2/Spider-girl before the end of the day....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

CBR Spider-man 2099

Time for another comic book review, and a Marvel one for a change.
For someone who grew up with Spider-man, I've actually never been much of a fan of his more recent on-going series.
Running out of ideas or trying to spin the book on new "more interesting" directions (note the "quotes") , whenever they resort to symbiotes, clones, satanic deals or vampires is usually when they lose my interest.

I always found the earlier classic stories or the origin story more appealing to a broader audience.

That is why I usually like What if...? stories or tales from alternate Marvel Universe that go back to basics with a different interpretation of the myth behind The Amazing Spider-man.

Today's comic is easily one of my all-time favorite (as DC Comics would have named it) Elseworld-take, the futuristic dystopiaof 2099!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Peter Parkers

You guys 'n' gals all know Peter Parker a.k.a. everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-man!

Now, this lil' post today is not about the wall-crawler directly.

What do I call a "Peter Parker" in comics?
Simple, it's a character-driven superhero comic that is fun, bright, colorful and easy to read.
At least that's how Spider-man was at the beginning.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Comic NEWS! SDCC: A buncha Marvel news!

The Comic-Con just started.
There's been a couple nice news here and there...
So I wanted to post a little bit about some Marvel-related stuff~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

NEWS! Random stuff for the weekend

Hey guys! Almost posted my Street Fighter 2 review today...but...nope.
Maybe this weekend or Monday, a'right? :'3

Here's some random news for t'day!
Jack Black stuff, Virtua Fighter, moar Predator posters and Spidey.

Rock on!!