Breitbart: Harwood lied about Rubio's tax plan
AoSHQ: Sex and the Single Senator, DrewM. Post Debate Thoughts and Harwood likes splooging
Seattle Weekly: Maria Cantwell's Dating History
Newsbusters: Harwood doubles down on lie to Rubio
Instapundit: Our uneducated political journalist class and the Gang that couldn't bias straight
EBL: That Hillary Clinton is so classy, Becky Quick Rule 5 and Will they mention that scary Boehner Budget at the debate?
Twitchy: John Harwood Media Bias, Harwood trolls Chris Christie, Donnie Wahlberg slams CNBC moderators
Breitbart: John Harwood goes "Dan Rather" after debate
Legal Insurrection: Uniting against a common enemy
TOM: Rubio knocks out Jeb
Wombat: AmPowBlog: Lefties at CNBC loses control of the debate
Rush: Epic Jeb Fail, Ted Cruz scares the Establishment, and the Drive By Media exposes itself
Mark Steyn: Jeb's Fantasy Football Deflate
Regular Right Guy: CNBC is the cable business channel?
TOM: Rubio knocks out Jeb
Wombat: AmPowBlog: Lefties at CNBC loses control of the debate
Rush: Epic Jeb Fail, Ted Cruz scares the Establishment, and the Drive By Media exposes itself
Mark Steyn: Jeb's Fantasy Football Deflate
Regular Right Guy: CNBC is the cable business channel?
Rush Limbaugh: Drive Bys not embarassed and no more CNBC crap sandwiches (we'll see)