Showing posts with label Barcelona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barcelona. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Catalan Independence Vote

Daily Wire: Spain and Catalan

I am not sure why the plastic bag (which seems dangerous) but Catalan voters for Independence 

Instapundit: Catalan to move for independence on MondaySpengler: The bells of Barcelona toll for EuropeOver reaction by Spanish authorities may push succession vote over the brinkSpanish government trying to block the Catalan voteThree Myths of Catalan IndependenceAustin BayNationalist Apirations in Kurdistan and CataloniaMadrid pulling all stops to block Catalan vote

EBL: Kurdistan Independence Rule 5 and Fighting ISIS: The Women of the Peshmerga

DaTechGuy: While we were talking about football...

Political Clown Parade: Flowing Curves of Beauty

Woodsterman: So, what's the NFL up to today?

A View From The Beach: Pass That Bottle

Goodstuffs Cyber World: 263rd Edition

Proof Positive: Sex In Advertising

Pirate's Cove: If all you see is...

Feral Irishman: Mondeyes

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Terror Truck Attack in Las Ramblas, Barcelona, Spain Update: Second attack in Cambrils and Terror Attack Driver Shot Dead By Police

Update: Terror attack driver wearing fake suicide vest and brandishing knives shot dead by police

Daily Mail: 13 killed, over 100 injured in ISIS terror attack in Las Ramblas, Barcelona

Victory Girls: Death toll now 14 and Multiple people killed in Barcelona 

The Sun: Two dead, twenty injured, driver flees on foot

AoSHQ: How does CNN react? and Trump Tweets

Heavy: Melania Trump prays for Barcelona

Hot Air: 13 Dead, attackers holed up?


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Calder Mercury Fountain: Barcelona

Atlas Obscura:  Calder Mercury Fountain

I did not know Calder made a fountain flowing with mercury. I would like to go see this. 

Alexander's Calder's grandfather was the sculpture of Ben Franklin William Penn on the Philadelphia City Hall

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Naked PETA Protests

The fake blood sort of ruins the aesthetics of this, but I suppose that is the idea...

These are just a selection of other similar protests from around the world...

Rule 5 and FMJRA

EBL: Vegan Protesters Ruin Christmas Cheese Festival

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I think I want to go to Barcelona...

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

The interior of Sagrada Familia

With the Euro falling, maybe I should go for a trip.