Showing posts with label Keith Olbermann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Keith Olbermann. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2017

Jemele Hill and ESPN, Co-Dependent Fails

Jemele Hill must really want to push the envelope. Being an anchor is a very decent gig, why blow that by tweeting out stuff like this? It is not the role of a news anchor, let alone a sports anchor, to opine like this to the detriment of your employer's advertisers and the NFL. Especially not when ESPN is facing financial challenges right now.  

Who does she think she is, Keith Olbermann? I am surprised this did not result in her getting fired.   

Rule 5 and FMJRA

AoSHQ: Hill Gets Suspended

Lem's Place: Damn you, Jerry Jones!

The Right Scoop: Jemele Hill Suspended

The Rio Norte Line: Taking a knee for Comrade Karl

Don Surber: ESPN suspends woman calling for NFL advertiser boycott

SI: Jemele Hill gets two week suspension over violation of social media policy

Instapundit: About that Jemele Hill suspension and ESPN doubling down on stupid

Wombat: Blackmailers Don’t Shoot: Harvey Weinstein, Male Feminist, American Thinker: Why We Cannot Trust The FBI, Mark Steyn: Contradictions And Condescension, also, Beautiful Dreamer

Rush Limbaugh: New Black Pantherette Jemele Hill Suspended by ESPN, Trump not letting up on NFLThis Patriot Fan Not Happy, Media Meme That Pence Pulled A Stunt, Jerry Jones wants to save his business, This is what pushback looks like

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and ESPN Schadenfreude:

Dust bury
Theo Spark
Daily Gator
Pirate's Cove
Proof Positive
The Right Way
MissK's World...
American Power
Guns and Bikinis
Angrymikes hood
The Last Tradition
Adrienne's Corner
The Feral Irishman
Camp of the Saints
Animal Magnatism
Maggie's Notebook
The Classic Liberal
The Rio Norte Line
Randy's Roundtable
A Nod To The Gods
Political Clown Parade
24 Femmes Per Second
The Vulgar Curmudgeon
A View From The Beach
Diogenes' Middle Finger
Your Crazy Uncle Bubba
Old Retired Petty Officer
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Knuckledraggin My Life Away
In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Monday, August 28, 2017

Why hasn't Twitter banned Keith Olbermann?

Beyond Twitter, why haven't they taken Keith Olbermann away for testing and observation?

AoSHQ: Keith Olbermann melting down on Twitter and alcohol It could be hormonal too...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Keith Olbermann back in the dog house!

Truth Revolt: Suspended

Friday, February 20, 2015

Is MSNBC switching from left wing politics?

TOM: "Talent Search" at MSNBC
Regular Right Guy: DWS: Vote for Sale DWS is cheap!

Keith Olbermann is still prowling around too!

h/t: American Digest/iMaskim for Little Debbie!

Instapundit: Of course a shift from the left is just baby steps really: Media carrying water for Democrats and going after Giuliani, how not to elevate the debate, and Polifacts are hacks and liars
American Power Blog: Chris Hayes to be axed
NRO: The Fall of MSNBC

Friday, April 6, 2012

Compare and contrast: Muhammed Ali vs. Joe Frazier trilogy compared to Keith "The Olbermann Broadcast Empire" Olbermann vs. Al ManBearPig Gore

Arguably the great series of fights ever.

Could we get a repeat with the epic battle that is brewing between Keith "The Olbermann Broadcast Empire" Olbermann vs. Al "ManBearPig" Gore?  

Well, no.  But it will still be strangely compelling to watch.

Oh my:  Internal emails obtained byMediaite paint the picture of a temperamental star that has been the subject of rumors for years. One of the emails reveals that Olbermann, in a fit of rage, threw a glass mug that shattered all over the set, causing the building’s owner to complain. Sources say the entire incident was captured on video.

Prior EBL Posts:
Osama bin Laden upset with Olbermann firing (the first time, no reports from OBL this time around)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Mayans were right: When world-sized egos collide! The Olbermann Broadcasting Empire vs Al ManBearPig Gore

Polar Bear numbers increasing in Canada : Despite alarmists like Al Gore saying they are doomed...

Didn't they get Al Gore's memo?
Healthy polar bear count confounds doomsayers...
There is a simple answer:  Love will find a way.
Al Gore's claim of drowning polar bears:  Probably made up nonsense.  The researcher Al Gore relied upon was suspended.  The only real meltdowns are Al Gore's temper tantrums in response to questions on his data.
Here is more from Wizbang:  Yes it is true, polar bears hate Al Gore.
Time Warner does not care for Al Gore:  Looks like Al Gore's little Current cable ice flow is about to melt underneath him.  More from Breitbart on the fall of the House of Gore.

Update:  How dare you, Sir!  Keith Olberman files a lawsuit against Al Gore (does not involve polar bears, but I am sure things are rather chilly between Messrs Olbermann and Gore!
Keith sues Al for $50 million dollars!
Instapundit and Althouse:  Olbermann alleges it was an embarrassment to work for Gore (oh my, it is getting very nippy now!)  If they could only get this feud as a show, they would definitely have ratings!

h/t:  All American Blogger

Friday, December 30, 2011

Where in the world is Keith Olbermann?

Don't Tell Anyone!  Hush, hush and on the down low!
Keith Olbermann (Special Video Link)

Keith Olbermann benched?   (Is Olbermann the Milton Bradley of political punditry?)

Keith "Black Swan" Olbermann and Al "ManBearPig" Gore not all hugs and kisses any more?

H/T:  Drudge

Update:  Sounds like Dumpsville for Keith Olbermann at least per this Ace of Spades HQ post.

Lock-Out? Keith Olbermann Says He's Been Informed He Won't Be On Tonight
The proper conjugation is: snit, snitted, had snat. Or, en Deutsche, haben geschnitten.
Now why would he have announced he was on his way to his office earlier, if he had an inkling that he wouldn't be permitted on air?
My guess (just a guess) is that it's a legal maneuver, an attempt to show that, despite whatever draaaamaa his previous snittings caused, he was now ready to work as scheduled, and was only being barred by a management which is Legally At Fault and In Breach of Contract.
Or else he's just griefing and creating more drama.
Honestly I don't know.
What I do know is that Keith Olbermann has more draaamaaa and moments of truth than the new reality series about women's biological cycles I'm pitching to Lifetime, called Menses Frenzies.
Continue reading
Posted by Ace at 07:22 PM New Comments Thingy 
So as not to mislead: I am informed Countdown will not be on tonight. I must defer on all questions to @JoelHyatt @AlGore and @Current