Showing posts with label Ben Carson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ben Carson. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Madness: Super Tuesday is Here!

Smitty: It's Raining Knives

Super Duper!

EBL: The Road to IdiocracyIvanka Trump: One of the reasons Hugh Hewitt will still support Trump if he is the nominee in the general election, and the GOP's Kobayashi Maru Idiocracy: We're there

RedState/streiff: Things could be worse! Glenn Reynolds noted this phenomenon last week. If Trump is the Creature, the GOP Establishment is Dr. Frankenstein. And this particular article is only partially right and very much wrong on illegal immigration. Spare me the complete and utter bullshit that opposing illegal immigration or President Obama's disastrous policies is somehow racist. In fact, it is the GOP and Democrats' embrace of illegal immigration (and the GOP's partial failure in fully resisting Obama's policies) that has brought us where we are.  Is Trump at 49%? I guess we find out tomorrow. Somehow, I doubt a unity ticket, but I have been surprised before this election cycle.

And Legal Insurrection asks, does the New York Times have a recording of Donald Trump on illegal immigration (that might not match his current rhetoric)? Well then the joke is on Trump supporters, isn't it? The New York Times should be careful what is wishes for.

American Power Blog: Let the people choose and trust that decision (I know that is sort of crazy for the party elites to accept) and a Super Duper Trump Day looms

Regular Right Guy: Really, how soon we forget: The GOP Elite's Plan B

Lem's Levity: Choking the ChickenLike a Doll's Eyes, Rubio Tuesday

Instapundit: The monster now has a nameRoger Simon: The #NeverTrump crowd should get a life, Super TuesdayLive Blogging, Viacom's spokesman wants to smother Trump with Scalia's pillowCount me outBury It, Latent Trump VotersThe Next Obama, LileksEverything you need to know about Super Tuesday, What exactly did Trump say to the NYT editorial board, Richard Fernandez: How nations collapseZero Hedge: Has everyone lost their freaking minds?

DaTechGuy: Why the party elites don't want Trump, Hey, let's disavow David Duke and Bill AyersStop Trump Button

Protein Wisdom: Who not to vote for

JWF: To Trump Supporters

Powerline: I confess

Rush Limbaugh: Rush can't figure it out either, Ted Cruz's anti establishment bonafides, how Rubio screwed up

Michelle Malkin

AoSHQ: Only Ted Cruz can save us

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Trump Carson Ticket? Probably not after Trump's speech last night...

A Trump Carson Ticket? (that was the buzz for a while)

Hot Air: Probably Not (Carson asks we pray for Trump) and Steve Deace's Heart is Broken
I understand Trump and Carson are competing in Iowa, but this does not help...

Rush Limbaugh's Advice To Trump: Back to the Issues (that was good advice then, it is good advice now) and Dr. Ben Carson is an accomplished human being and the Drive Bys are Wrong About the End (again).  Trump will be around a while, still while I get why getting Carson out of the race would be a good idea for Trump you want to do so in a way you can co-opt his supporters.

I think it unlikely though...

Regular Right Guy: Yuge!
Camp of the Saints: The Gulag
American Power: Hysteria at Claremont College
Instapundit: Roger Simon (why Paris happened): A Suggestion for Donald Trump
Is Trump imploding and if so why the bump in the polls?
Reason: Is Ben Carson Donald Trump's Weakness?

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Walking Jeb!

Rush Limbaugh: The Epic Fail of Jeb

Kevin Williamson: Rubio and Cruz
Camp of the Saints: Poor Jeb: Bad Posture, Bad Luck
The Lid: Jeb's Obsessive Fear of Marco Rubio

AoSHQ: The RNC are a bunch of spineless betas, but cultural power is political power
Rush Limbaugh: Cruz explains the concept of winning
Instapundit: CNBC gave conservatives a huge favor by demonstrating media bias
Legal Insurrection: Jeb sad and pathetic
American Power Blog: Will Reince Priebus become a walker too?
Regular Right Guy: Is CNBC the cable business channel?
Rush Limbaugh: Drive Bys not embarassed and no more CNBC crap sandwiches (we'll see)

Hot Air: RNC in the bag for Jeb! (get a room you two) and Jeb! consultant betas attack Rubio because they can't attack Jeb (at least till the checks stop coming) and Trump (who mocks them and laughs at their puny flailing).

Examiner: The Secret to Ben Carson's Succcess

Instapundit: Roger Simon: Jeb needs an intervention

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Will the media, the GOP establishment and Trump all try to destroy Ben Carson now?

Jeb! Fail

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is wrong: Criticizing someone's beliefs is not a hate crime (especially when there is good reason to do so)

I like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.  He was a great basketball player and I take what he says seriously, even if I don't always agree with him: But this latest from him is just complete nonsense.

What Ben Carson said was not a hate crime. You can disagree with Carson's take (obviously Charles Krauthammer did), but spare me the clap trap that Muslims lives become more unsafe when you criticize them. As demonstrated by events in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Nigeria (just to name a few) Muslims lives are mostly put at risk by other Muslims. But we can't let Muslims feel threatened by Ben Carson's rhetoric. Let's abolish all criticism of everyone because bad things could theoretically happen. What could go wrong with that?

As Ray Bradbury noted:

We can't have people's feelings getting hurt by books and ideas that offend them...
HE SAYS THE CULPRIT in Fahrenheit 451 is not the state — it is the people. Unlike Orwell’s 1984, in which the government uses television screens to indoctrinate citizens, Bradbury envisioned television as an opiate. In the book, Bradbury refers to televisions as “walls” and its actors as “family,” a truth evident to anyone who has heard a recap of network shows in which a fan refers to the characters by first name, as if they were relatives or friends.
The book’s story centers on Guy Montag, a California fireman who begins to question why he burns books for a living. Montag eventually rejects his authoritarian culture to join a community of individuals who memorize entire books so they will endure until society once again is willing to read.
Bradbury imagined a democratic society whose diverse population turns against books: Whites rejectUncle Tom’s Cabin and blacks disapprove of Little Black Sambo. He imagined not just political correctness, but a society so diverse that all groups were “minorities.” He wrote that at first they condensed the books, stripping out more and more offending passages until ultimately all that remained were footnotes, which hardly anyone read. Only after people stopped reading did the state employ firemen to burn books.

With all due respect to Kareem Abdul Jabbar, what ISIS does to women, people who disagree with it, homosexuals, and to cultural treasures are hate crimes. Boko Haram kidnapping little girls is a hate crime. Murdering people and threatening people with death for making cartoons you disagree with are hate crimes. Rather than criticizing Ben Carson's comments, why isn't there more support for reforming extremist elements of Islam?  Ben Carson is not the problem that Islam is facing: Islam itself has the problem and had to start reforming itself.

Mark Steyn: Steer Clear of SteynWild Seadogs of the ØresundMohammed and the MoviesLast Laughs in Europe, and Two Faces of Facebook

Instapundit: ISIS plans a nuclear holocaust, the Islamic threat in the USA, Mark Steyn

EBL: 10th Anniversary of Mohammed Cartoon Crisis in Denmark, Charles Krauthammer is wrong, and Syrian and German Crises

Camp of the Saints: Meet the New Holocaust, Same as the Old Holocaust and Twisting The Revolution Away

Ben Carson Warns: Hitler Could Happen Here
AmPowerBlog: Larry Flynt calls out lamestream media

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Charles Krauthammer is wrong about Ben Carson and Islam...

Charles Krauthammer is not being honest with himself:
The latest example is Ben Carson, the mild-mannered, highly personable neurosurgeon and one of two highest-polling GOP candidates. He said on Sunday that a Muslim should not be president of the United States. 
His reason is that Islam is incompatible with the Constitution. On the contrary. Carson is incompatible with a Constitution that explicitly commands that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

Ever. And it is no defense of Carson to say that he was not calling for legal disqualification of Muslims, just advocating that one should not vote for them. That defense misses the point: The Constitution is not just a legal document. It is a didactic one. It doesn’t just set limits to power; it expresses a national ethos. It doesn’t just tell you what you’re not allowed to do; it also suggests what you shouldn’t want to do. For example, the First Amendment allows you to express whatever opinion you want — even, say, advocating the suppression of free speech in others. But a major purpose of the Constitution is to discourage and delegitimize such authoritarian thinking.
Andrew McCarthy also thinks you are wrong Charles.

The Constitution is a legal document. It is not the Bible or the Koran. Its purpose is to allow for orderly limited representational government with peaceful transfers of power. It is far from perfect, has been corrupted over the last hundred years, but compared to other forms of government around the world it has been most successful.

The prohibition against a religious test for higher office means exactly what it says.  Anyone (who meets age and citizenship requirements) can run for higher office. No one is saying Muslims are not qualified to run for office (certainly not Ben Carson). Just because someone qualifies as a candidate does not mean you as a voter are compelled to vote for them. People make their own subjective choices about candidates and religion often a big part of that decision. That always has been the case.

Most religions are compatible with the Constitution and the duties of the president.  But some are not.

As Andrew Breitbart was apt to retort: So what?  So what if Ben Carson had the temerity to express he would not support a Muslim being President?

Honestly, would Charles Krauthammer vote for a Muslim for president?  Let's assume for purpose of argument Charles would: how observant a Muslim could they be before Charles wouldn't vote for that candidate?  It is not such an easy question. While in theory Charles would suggest he would keep an open mind (fair enough), in reality Charles would probably never vote for a Muslim (unless of course that Muslim was running against Donald Trump--then perhaps).

If someone said they would not vote for a candidate due to their race, many would condemn that.  But the truth is you can vote on that basis and there is nothing prohibiting you from doing so (obviously the vast majority of Black Americans voted for Barack Obama based on his race...just like a vast majority of Irish Americans earlier voted for John Kennedy because he was Irish American). I think such simplistic identity politics are personally wrong (Barack Obama has been objectively bad for Black Americans)--but I recognize that such identity politics exist.

When you have a significant portion of Muslims in the United States saying they would prefer Sharia over the Constitution, that should give us all a bit of pause. It wasn't Jefferson who first thought up separation of church and state, it was Jesus. That is not true in Islam, which demands state and faith be combined.

Even secular Muslims have admited Ben Carson has a point.

Mark Steyn: After The Balls and Bob has more

Darlene Click/Protein Wisdom

Most Americans agree w Ben

Rev. Wright's still out there

Instapundit: Powerline: The Camp of the Saints comes to Europe

Mark Steyn: Mohammed and the Movies and Last Laughs in EuropeTwo Faces of FacebookWild Colonial Boy

Blogmocracy: Krauthammer wrong again

Never mind a Muslim, can a Catholic be president? And while I liked this article and agreed with it in principal, show me the hypothetical Muslim candidate (or Catholic for that matter) and I will tell you if I can vote yea or not.  

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Will Trump's Big Mouth Get Him In Trouble? Update: Hillary wants to debate Trump? Why not do it now?

Yeah, I have to go with Ace of this, probably...

“Let me tell you one thing that you can count on with great certainty—if you hit me, I will hit you back 100 times harder—harder than you’ve ever been hit before!” Donald Trump
That is both Trump's blessing and his curse.

Rush Limbaugh: Trump sticks it to CNN and Three Huge Stories You Heard Here First, Jindal goes after Trump and Rush's Advice to Trump: Back To The Issues
Rush had a caller on today (a woman) who is turned off by this whole Carly thing.  She said (and Rush agreed) that if he stopped doing this he might be at 45% today. Rush then went back to saying that where Trump really resounds is focusing on issues (like immigration) and hammering it.  
Instapundit: Meet the New Palace Guards and Trump may steal enough black voters to win
Glenn Beck is embarrassed he ever supported Sarah Palin and John Nolte notes: Trump fights like a leftist and wins, and Barack and the Donald: Separated at Birth?

Hillary wants to debate The Donald (he should challenge her to that right now)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ben Carson 2016?

I know a lot of conservatives have all summer been in a panic or manic over Donald Trump. Lefties are in a panic over anti establishment voters too. I am not. I did not think Trump had any chance of being the nominee. I was wrong about that, he has a very decent chance to win the GOP nomination.  Trump also has the reasonable chance of being the next POTUS. I know some say Trump is helping Jeb!, and their reasoning is not totally wrong, but Jeb! is getting less and less viable the more people see him. In that sense, Jeb is a lot like Hillary.  

Ben Carson also has a decent shot and the lamestream media does not see him coming. I like Ben Carson a lot (even if I disagree with him on some substantive policy postions) but did not think Carson could do it. I was wrong about that. Carson's quiet steady performance is winning voters. More importantly, Carson seems to be getting better as a candidate. He could be the real dark horse in this race.  I do not mean that term in a racial sense, but race will matter a lot in the general and Carson (if he passes the primary test) could be a very formidable candidate in the general.

Jonah Goldberg (not a Trump fan) fears for the future.  I do too, but I have a feeling a phoenix will rise (if not this election cycle, soon).
Ben Carson is getting better with age
If this is an unserious candidate, start backing a serious one...
Bill Kristol: A Fall Romance with Ben Carson?
Instapundit: Republicans actually have a demographic edge in 2016

Thursday, August 13, 2015

#BlackLivesMatter: Ben Carson argues that Planned Parenthood targets aborting minority children

Breitbart: Ben Carson: Planned Parenthood clinics are located in minority neighborhoods to control that population.
“Well, maybe I’m not objective when it comes to Planned Parenthood. But you know, I know who Margaret Sanger is, and I know that she believed in eugenics, and that she was not particularly enamored with black people,” Carson said. “And one of the reasons that you find most of their clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find way to control that population. And I think people should go back and read about Margaret Sanger, who founded this place — a woman who Hillary Clinton by the say says she admires. Look and see what many people in Nazi Germany thought about her.”
New Planned Parenthood video shows them selling aborted baby parts without mother's consent

Lem's Place: Aren't supporters of Planned Parenthood are supporting the subsidized killing of mostly minority children?

AmPowBlog: #BlackLivesMatter slam Hillary Clinton

National Review: Should GOP candidates argue no exceptions on abortion?

I am not suggesting anyone should compromise their personal beliefs in this regard, but a blanket prohibition on abortion is not remotely politically possible in the foreseeable future. George W. Bush gave a good answer on this years ago, that is a goal that will require a change of many people's hearts. The short term goals should be reducing the rate of abortion until enough people are politically persuaded this practice should stop.