Showing posts with label kinyan kesef. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kinyan kesef. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Kinyan Kesef

The Mishna had stated: If a man verbally divides his property among his inheritors, Rabbi Elozar says that whether he is healthy or dangerously ill (he is required to make a formal kinyan to transfer his property), real property (land) can be transferred only by money payment, by document, or by an act of possession (chazakah; displaying ownership), and movable property may be transferred only by pulling (a kinyan meshichah).

This would be a proof that one may give a gift through a kinyan of money, for the words of a shechiv mei’ra are merely a gift, and yet, Rabbi Eliezer said that he may transfer property through a kinyan of money.

The Netziv points this out in his He’emek Shailah. However, he cites a She’iltos that omits the kinyan of money. The She’iltos writes that his transfer of property can be accomplished through a chazakah (propriety act), a document or chalifin (exchange), but there is no mention of money. It would seem that the Tur also holds like this.

This would be dependent on the dispute between the S”ma and the Ta”z regarding the mechanism of a kinyan with money. The S”ma holds that money is the value of the purchase and it is used as part of the payment. Accordingly, this would not apply when one is giving a gift to another. However, according to the Ta”z, who holds that money is an act of acquisition similar to others; one can use the kinyan of money to acquire a gift.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stealing from an Idolater

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The Gemora (Kiddushin 63) proves that Rabbi Meir holds a man may sell something that is not yet in existence from the following braisa: If a man said to a woman, “You shall be betrothed to me after I convert,” or “After you shall convert,” or “After I shall have been set free from slavery,” or “After you have been set free,” or “After your husband dies,” or “After your sister (my wife) dies,” or “After your yavam has submitted to chalitzah from you,” she, Rabbi Meir ruled, is legally betrothed! [The kiddushin is effective when the respective conditions are fulfilled, though at the time of the betrothal they were still unfulfilled; this indicates that an act that involves something that is not yet in existence is nevertheless, valid.]

The Acharonim ask: The Gemora in Bava Kamma (70b) explains that the acquisition using money (kinyan kesef) functions in the following way: When the seller receives the money, he becomes obligated to give the item being exchanged with the money. Now according to those that hold that it is permitted to steal from a gentile, how can the idolater betroth this woman with money after he converts? The woman is not obligated to return the money, and if she will lose the money, she would not be required to compensate him! If so, where is the kinyan?

Reb Shimon Shkop answers based upon the opinion of the Yereim, who says that even according to those that hold that it is permitted to steal from a gentile, one cannot fulfill his mitzvah with an esrog that he stole from a gentile. This is because it is not regarded as “his,” for the Torah did not render their money ownerless that anyone has the right to possess their money. “Stealing from an idolater is permitted” means that there is no prohibition against keeping that which was stolen from them. However, since it does not belong to the Jew, he still has an obligation to return it to its rightful owner, and he would be liable to compensate the gentile if he would lose it. Accordingly, the kinyan of money would still apply to an idolater.

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