Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts

Thursday, January 9, 2014

And It Just Keeps Coming...

Snow, sub-zero temperatures, more snow, and a little sleet just for good measure. We are NOT having weather fun around here this week. Blogger Buddies in Alaska and Canada, I feel like we somehow got transplanted right next door to you. Fortunately, though, there's a glimmer of light for us at the end of this snowy tunnel. Tomorrow we're getting more precipitation, but in liquid form...and apparently lots of it.

With all this snow and all this rain, the moisture will have to go somewhere. I won't be a bit surprised if the next weather warning is for floods. Oh, it's been a very satisfying week for the weather peeps.

Despite the possibilities, you may ask who wouldn't be thrilled over getting rain rather than more snow? Well, I can tell you that one of my household members does not see the latest weather prediction as much of an improvement...

I think it's just about time somebody builds somebody an indoor toilet.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Chillin' At Home

Today not even the air conditioning is sufficient. I've got a fan moving fast enough to make my hair look like I'm hunkering down during a Midwestern twister.

The humidity is an added bonus. It makes the air feel so thick and heavy that you can almost do the breaststroke through it. All in all, not one of our more pleasant days. But, hey, that's the way summer rolls in Missouri, whether we like it or not.

Of course, the whiny side of me is a bit cranky about the whole thing. It would be lovely to have sun, dry air, and 80 degrees for the weekend. But my practical side points out that it could be worse. Try being pregnant in this heat. I noticed only this morning that the perky little weather girl on Channel 5 is about 3 years pregnant (by the way, have you noticed that women these days wear form-fitting clothes that showcase their baby bump? I used to wear a tent-top to hide mine). But I digress...the girl looks like she could go into labor any second. It makes me wonder what would happen if her water breaks on air. Whoops...predicting a 100% chance of isolated showers.

Anyway I wish her well. Anyone as pregnant as she is who can get up at 4 a.m., travel in sweltering heat and stand in front of a fake map of Missouri while wearing Spandex and heels deserves a medal. Guess I better count my blessings and chill.

Move over, Indy and Bogey. I'm turning up the fan...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wait a Minute

Holy guacamole! The tornado sirens went off this evening and whup-whup-whupped us straight into the basement. Just me, two dogs, and a cat hanging out while Mother Nature howled all around us. Luckily, it appears no damage was done at our house (Note: might need to amend this statement tomorrow--the light of day could tell another story) although some surrounding communities weren't so lucky. Property destruction and minor injuries.

While we hunkered down I realized we have a serious lack of basement entertainment. Playing poker simply isn't working out. The dogs keep arguing with each other and the cat always cheats at cards.  

However, our weather lately certainly hasn't been boring. Over the past three weeks we've experienced nearly every scenario except an earthquake. Nearly a foot of snow. 80+ degree temperatures. Wind, lightning, thunder, torrential rain, and a tornado or two. It's springtime in Missouri and you never know what you're going to get. Like the old saying goes, if you don't like the weather around here, well, just wait a minute.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

What a Weekend!

I whined like a spoiled kid during our long-running bout with extremely hot, dry days. It's been miserable...not to mention a nightmare for farmers, plants, critters, and just about everyone else.

Therefore I feel it's only right to express my exteme pleasure and gratitude for the last few days. We've had nearly early Fall weather...low eighties and cool nights. The a/c is off and the windows are open for the first time in many, many weeks. We're still far behind on rain, but nevertheless...this weekend has been pure joy.

Not only humans are celebrating the lovely weather. I've noticed a major increase in outside activity. I'm not sure where they were before, but the birds are back, pecking in the morning dew. Squirrels and bunnies have returned to patrol the yard. Even our little hummingbirds are buzzing around, fueling up in anticipation of their long migration south.

Ahhh. Gotta love it. We're grilling tonight. Indy and Bogey are looking forward to the delights of a dropped yummy morsel or two.

Bright sun, a gentle breeze, and comfortable temperatures are a never-fail elixir for feeling good. Don't you wish you could bottle it?

Here's hoping your weekend has been every bit as spectacular as ours!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How About Some Weather Magic?

What's wrong with this picture?

I'll tell you what's wrong. We live in the Midwest, not on the equator.

Today's temperature surpassed 107 degrees, and it's not looking much better in the days ahead. Sure wish we could get below triple digits. Funny, who'd ever think "only 99" would be a good thing?

The grass is brown. The flowers are fading and limp. We haven't had rain in a long time. No hope of it on the horizon anytime soon either.

Do you remember the film, The Rainmaker? Burt Lancaster turned a doubting Katherine Hepburn into a believer and helped her understand that having a dream is a wonderful thing. We could use that kind of magic...along with a rumble or two of thunder.

In the absence of our own personal Starbuck, both critters and peeps are staying inside in the a/c. And that's the way it should be. We certainly don't want to have any tragedies like this:

Stay home. Stay cool. Stay safe.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

California Here I Come

I'm packing my bag and heading to Santa Cruz, California next week. It's a work related trip to a place I haven't been before. Sounds dreamy, huh? Guess I should drag out my shorts and bathing suit. What else could one need in the land of sun, sand, and water?

Uh...apparently a heavy coat. Warm as we've been here, Santa Cruz has run about 20+ degrees cooler. Who'd have thought that Missouri would have more tropical weather than California?

Fortunately, I'm stubborn. I still haven't traded winter clothes for summer. After all, it's March. So I'll pack my cool temperature duds and have a final fling with fall-like weather out in sunny (or rainy) California.

Is this a topsy-turvey world or what?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

An Unusual February Weekend

The news about the weekend is all over. The birds have been tweeting about it (if you don't believe me, check out their Twitter page) and the squirrels have dragged out their lawn chairs. Even the weatherman agrees.

No snow this weekend. The temperatures will ascend into the 50's for the first time in months. After what we've been through, it will almost feel balmy. Like our tropical imagination vacation from a few days ago.

Indy is ready to roll. He senses a trip to the river in this forecast.

But Bogey remains distracted.

"Birds? Did you say something about birds?"

Hope the weekend is looking good for you, too!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Some Observations on a Snowy Night

Isn't it nice to know there's someone to keep an eye on you? Bogey is my shower snoopervisor, er, supervisor. He ensures that the water temperature is comfortable, that I scrub behind my ears, and that I don't take a slippery dive to the floor. What a helpful guy!

Meanwhile, I may soon need a warm shower. There's more snow on the way. Snow...the four letter word that none of us welcomes. It seems as though we've already had more than our fair share. Tonight the streets have turned white, and according to the weatherman, the heaviest stuff won't even come until later.

I look out the window and wonder at how even a small amount of snow seems to slow life down to a crawl. Outside the temperature is frigid, but inside it's warm and snug. It feels good to sip a cup of hot chocolate without even a thought of leaving the house. Tomorrow may be a travel nightmare, but tonight, things are good. I can feel my body literally melt into the couch.

And perhaps in today's world of bad news, stress-filled schedules, and frantic racing from one place to the next, the arrival of another round of snow isn't such a bad thing after all.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

For Sale or Lease

Weekend housework, go away. I can come back and take care of you on another day! And just that easily, the dust will add another layer. I've got better things to do!

After days of heat and humidity, today is simply scrumptious. Sunny with a cool breeze and anticipated high of 82. Perfect for outdoor activities. In fact, it would be a crime to stay inside!

An outdoor activity I love but haven't done in a while, is horseback riding. I grew up wishing (frequently) for a horse. It never happened. I'm still not really in a position to get one, but there is another way.

If you live near a riding stable or boarding facility check on whether they lease their horses. That's a nifty policy that allows you to have one specific horse that is yours alone to ride, train, and enjoy. Conveniently, the animal's daily maintenance and vet care are still provided by the facility. You can visit as frequently as you wish. You will need your own saddle, bridle, and equipment. After all it's "your" horse for as long as you lease it! If you decide to lease, try and find a place that offers plenty of trails to ride. Otherwise you'll need a horse trailer for hauling your big baby to where the action is.

I have a friend who leased a horse for nearly a year. They bonded so well, that she ended up buying it. Pretty nifty way to get your horsey fix, isn't it?

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Weather Outside is Frightful

This morning I found a few patches of snow outside. Temperatures have been below the average in recent days, and frigid enough to make you shiver even under the recommended layers of clothing.

Our church's heating system went belly up yesterday, so the faithful huddled inside looking like Eskimos in coats, scarves, hats and gloves. I told the pastor that the place was so cold I came in with teardrop earrings and left with snowflakes!

Indy's fur is clipped very short, so on days like these he's not a fan of outside time. Guess I need to haul out his doggie sweater!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Round 1

Yesterday we had the season's first true taste of fall weather. The breeze blew crisply and big puffy gray clouds filled the sky. I needed long sleeves to be comfortable, and even contemplated making a big pot of chili, my cold weather comfort food.

I took time to rearrange some flower pots on the back porch while Bogey watched me from "his" window. Bogey's greatest desire is to get outside. My primary goal is to prevent this from happening. I snapped this photo during our latest little battle of wills.

Doesn't he look like a sad kitty? Let me tell you, he meowed up a storm of complaints through the screen that kept him from joining me.

Thwarting Bogey from going where he wants to go is never an easy task.

But Mom the Meanie won this round.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Long Weekend Ahead

We're going to the river this weekend, so I've been keeping an eye on the weather via the helpful little icons posted for each day. Saturday and Sunday show a gray cloud with a raindrop coming from it. Monday's forecast shows multiple raindrops (thunderstorms?). Since several friends will be joining us along with a dog or two, quarters may be tight...and soggy.

So often the weatherman is wrong. Here's hoping this is one of those times.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Winter Ice Capades

Here it is December 10, and already we've had several storms that left icy patches on roads, sidewalks, and driveways. When I take Indy to the door he pauses as though to say, "Are you kidding me?" It takes some urging to get him outside. Then I watch as his feet slip and slide across the glaze on the back patio.
He takes care of his morning toilet, and looks at me. He's in a major hurry to get back inside. So he moves much faster. He reaches the patio and looks just like a cartoon dog, legs scrambling fast, but body going nowhere. I try not to laugh because I don't want to offend his pride any further.
Finally he makes it back inside, shakes himself, and runs circles around the couch, sure footed as a gazelle. He's a happy boy now!
Once again Indy has survived the Winter Ice Capade games.