Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label Shelby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shelby. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

Please take a moment to visit Benny and Lily (the above photo appears on their blog) who have posted about a terrible tragedy that occurred over the weekend in the Kissa Bull blog family. I've linked it because the blog includes information on how you can help.

In short, Sandra had a house fire that took the lives of five of her sweet, loving dogs, including Shelby, a badly abused dog that had been under her care for about two years. The only good news is that Sandra, her mother, and her child escaped the fire without physical injury.

Sandra is posting when she can at Kissa Bull. It would comfort her to know how many bloggers are thinking of her and her family at this very difficult time.

My heart breaks for her...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

We're On Team Shelby!

Please join us in supporting sweet Shelby

A few weeks ago, a young female pit bull was found abandoned in a parking lot. She was badly injured, most likely from being used in dog fighting. Despite her horrific injuries and the mistreatment she'd received from human beings, when rescued, the little dog wagged her tail in gratitude.

No one could bear the thought of turning her over to be euthanized. Instead she was taken to a vet...again and again. The bills were mounting for the little dog named Shelby.

Thanks to love and dedication, Shelby has improved, but still is in need of additional veterinary care. There's a long road ahead. Please visit Mona and her mom's blog for information on how you can help this sweet little girl.

Meanwhile, many of you asked about the other entries to the Six Word Story Contest. Which came first, the story or the picture? First came selection of the winner, then we searched far and wide for the perfect photo. I do believe we found it!

If you'd like to read the other entries, check out the comment section of the Contest Announcement post. Congrats again to the winner, Jenny, and thanks to all the entrants.

Contests are fun. We'll plan another one soon!