Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gift. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Gotta Love the Gift Giver

Sometimes a gift arrives that makes eyes widen and thoughts of what in the world you'll do with it whirl like squirrels in a cage.

Even when you tell yourself it's the thought that matters, you still have to wonder what the giver had in mind.

Well, dear Readers, the fact of the matter is, someone did think I needed this lovely little item and the giver took great delight in placing it in the perfect spot. In fact, I nearly stepped on it.

On Friday, Bogey worked his Houdini magic and opened the back door for a late night escape. He then proceeded to hunt down and capture the above victim, placing it lovingly right outside the door. That way I'd be sure to find it first thing in the morning. The discovery quickly became a very active scene since Indy noticed my gift before I did and decided the gift was meant for him. Thankfully, Mom won that battle.

All I can say is, thanks a lot, Bogey. How did you know I needed a vole?

Any time, Mom.