Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label grandchildren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandchildren. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2009

New Grand-dog

Well I may not have any grandchildren yet, but I just picked up another Grand-dog! Meet Brady, a four year old Cairn Terrier (think Toto, only blond). My son and his girlfriend got the dog a few weeks ago from a couple living in an apartment that just had a baby. Guess they figured that there wasn't enough room for Brady, too.

Getting a grown dog rather than a puppy has certain advantages. Brady's already house-trained. He's young enough to enjoy play but not bursting with frantic puppy energy. And he knows a few tricks, too.

After much sniffing and posturing, Indy and Brady seemed to hit it off. They chased each other around the house while Bogey watched in high dungeon. The Bogester was not amused. I'll try and post his puffed up kitty picture next week.

Welcome to the family, Brady!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ask Me About My Grand-dog

My friends have grandchildren. I have Tinker Bell.
Tink (or Stinker Bell, as I like to call her) spent the past weekend with me while daughter and son-in-law celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Tink's a funny little dog that plays well with Indy and Bogey. However, the temporary increase of my "pack" means I really have to watch my step, since all three of them feel obligated to whirl around me like a fuzzy tornado with no worries over what I may be doing at the time. Hence the spilled cup of tea. But that's another story.
Although Tinker Bell enjoys her visit, I can tell when she's ready to go home. She perches on the upper most point of my new sofa and stares hard at the front door. Nothing seems to distract her. Clearly, this dog has an important engagement, and knows her ride is running late.
Don't worry, Tink. They'll be back to fetch you soon.
Meanwhile maybe one of these days I'll have my own non-furry, non-barking grandchild.
I can only hope.