Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label baby boomer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby boomer. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Boomers Want

Recently a national news station did a segment on baby boomers that interested me. Apparently many companies are gearing their products toward the formidable buying power of a generation that is re-fashioning the idea of what it's like to be a "senior" citizen. Exactly what do baby boomers want? Since I fit in that category, I feel qualified to answer.

We want to be active. We want to feel good. We want to look attractive. Thus a large segment of current product marketing is now geared toward those who have reached the fearless fifties and above.

It's about time.

Seems like everything has been geared toward the young. Clothes, makeup, movies, you name it. Isn't it fair that we more mature, experienced, and seasoned people get our due? We may have shrinking incomes and dubious future social "security" benefits, but we still manage to spend some pretty significant money.

It costs me more now to buy special face cream, maintenance body care products, and for that trip to the hair salon. I  visit the dermatologist regularly to have my skin burned or a growth excised due to years of sitting in the sun. I take prescriptions that help keep everything in decent working order. It all costs money. But that's okay.

We can't slow down time. And while I try not to obsess about aging, I don't plan to roll over and let Father Time whack me upside the head, either. I don't think I'm different from most people my age. Who doesn't want to be at their best?

And regardless of age, I think most anyone would agree that a little primping and pampering not only makes us look better, it just plain makes us feel good, too.

Even my old Indy boy struts and prances after a visit to the groomer. As you can see, he seemed quite happy after his appointment on Saturday.



 Spiffed and polished, Indy ran zoomies around the house once he got home. That indicates a happy dog.

And for the record, at my last doctor appointment, the (young) nurse practitoner looked at my chart and said, "Not that you're old or anything, but you look a lot younger than you are."

That day, I ran a few zoomies myself.