Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Yum Yum

Bogey loves his kibble. He meows with ecstasy over the wet canned food he gets every morning. And he absolutely adores his kitty treats. He'll even sit up and beg like a dog to receive one.

Unfortunately, Bogey loves everyone else's food, too. If he gets a chance, the dog food bowl will be emptied. Unguarded people food will disappear. He even figured out how to open the refrigerator for random food raids while the peeps were away at work. Thankfully, I now have a new refrigerator he can't open. Bogey is not happy. If cats could curse, my ears would be ringing.

Yesterday I came home to find a brand new bag of doggie dental chewies torn apart and emptied. It had been sitting on the kitchen table. My highly advanced powers of deduction told me Bogey must have knocked it to the floor, then he and Brady (Son's visiting dog and the only creature I know that loves food even more than Bogey) devoured the contents.

Their sweetly scented breath confirmed my suspicions. Since Brady eats only special food due to his history of pancreatitis, I told Son what happened. I haven't received any frantic phone calls yet, so I'm assuming the treats merely made Brady's teeth pearly white, rather than throwing his pancreas into revolt.

I must admit food tends to drive me as much as it does my critters. I love to fantasize about what treat I'll have once I get home from work. Ice cream? Chocolate? Popcorn? Pizza? It's no wonder I'm having more and more difficulty buttoning my pants.

And now it's Fall. The season of decadent eating has begun. Between Halloween candy, pumpkin bread, and Christmas cookies, I'm afraid I may need either a 12-step program or a plus size wardrobe.

I need help. How do you keep a handle on your cravings?

Monday, November 19, 2012

Holiday Happenings

Now that I've returned to the land of the living (i.e. my NaNoWriMo project is finished), it's time to think about Thanksgiving.

My pantry is stocked with items to create a mouth-watering meal on Thursday. Although I plan to bake a turkey, I'm trying to convince Hubby to fry one, too. That would require mega safety precautions, unless of course, we want the fire department to join in the day's festivities.

Then there are all those Black Friday deals. Or should I call them the Black Thur-riday deals, since so many stores are opening on Thursday evening. On the news there are stories of people who have been camping in front of Best Buy for days. Even the mall is opening at midnight. Really? I'm all for getting a good deal, but unless somone is giving away free flat screen television sets, I think I can wait to shop.

We'll have two guest dogs in addition to the usual crew here for Thanksgiving. Indy and Bogey are looking forward to a feast, though I hasten to add this disclaimer...give very little (if any) table food to your critters. Rich foods create major tummy troubles that land many a dog or cat at the vet's office. And that's no way to kick off the holiday season.

And don't give in, even if they promise to run on the treadmill for treats.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Food for Thought

Cookie, anyone? (Image from funnypetphotos)

There's been a lot of conversation lately among my friends about diets. You know, the ones we're on, the ones we've tried, and the ones we plan to do. Seems like we just can't stop talking about food.

Take my office for instance. I guarantee you that on any given day, the first conversation of the morning sounds something like:

"Where are we going for lunch?"

When did we become so obsessed with food? It's true we can't live without it, but it seems food has become the center of our lives. Could that be contributing to our country's weight problem?

My critters love to eat, there's no doubt about it. Get out the food dishes or treats and they're beside themselves with joy. But do they obsess about it?

I don't think so. Animals live in the moment. They are all about enjoying what's happening right now, whether it's an activity, snuggle time, nap time, or chow time.

Perhaps living more like them might be the best "diet" of all.