Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label chocolate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chocolate. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Have a Hip-Hopping Happy Easter!

Oh, those chocolate bunnies! They come in so many scrumptious flavors it's hard to choose. Let's see...there's milk chocolate, dark chocolate, cookies and cream. There's white chocolate, raspberry chocolate, and peanut butter. Each one is more scrumptious than the next. I remember carefully selecting an assortment of my most favorite luscious chocolates to put in my children's Easter baskets. Those baskets literally overflowed with sugary delights.

Which reminds me, have you ever filched Easter candy from your kids? I believe it's legal to do so as long as you practice the utmost fairness. Never take a peanut butter cup from one basket without taking one from the other, too. Just to even things up, you know.

You're welcome, kids! 

Alas, the only ones ineligible for treats from the Easter basket are the four-legged family members. Chocolate is toxic to pets. Keep those baskets out of critter reach, because they'll raid it faster than a sneaky parent ever could. But don't feel bad...a quick trip to the dog bakery for pet-friendly Easter treats is the perfect solution to keep everyone healthy and happy.

From us to you, have a safe and happy Easter holiday!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chocamel Mania

Are you a chocolate lover?

If so, do I have a treat for you! It seems that a company called Al Nassma, is marketing the first milk chocolate made from camel's milk. According to owner Van Almsick, "We aim to be the Godiva of the Middle East". Apparently camel's milk is a healthy choice, reportedly containing five times more vitamin C than cow milk, less fat, less lactose and more insulin.

So let's bring it. I'm more than willing to experiment. And no matter what you add, can chocolate be anything but good?

H'mmm. Not that I need encouragement, but how cool to have another reason to count chocolate as health food!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bear Balm

Hope those pesky bears can read!

It's reported by the San Bernadino County, California Sheriff's Department that on June 27 a call came in for assistance in regard to a vicious animal. Homeowners had returned to discover a bear in the kitchen busily raiding their refrigerator.

The bear left before authorities arrived, and no injuries occurred. Of note, however, is what the critter chose to eat. Tempting vegetables were pushed aside willy nilly in favor of a two-pound box of fine chocolates which was completely devoured. Then the bear attempted to top off the chocolate orgy with a bottle of champagne. Unfortunately, the cork wouldn't pop.

Can you imagine the scenario? It must have been a Mama Bear, stressed after a hard week foraging for food to appease a pair of rowdy cubs. She opens the door to the magic box of human food and finds...chocolate and champagne. Jackpot! Never mind the kids, this is for me, me, me!

I see this incident as proof that a binge of sinful eating to make ourselves feel better is not unique to the human world. I'm quite sure that Mama Bear erased a lot of woes that day, even if she didn't get her bubbly cocktail, sort of like me after a long day's work.

And being a smart mama, I do hope she found some tasty fish on the way home. Otherwise the scene would become a nightmare once the cubs smelled chocolate on her breath with nary a taste for them.

The only way she'd get any peace at that point would be to take the kids for a quick dumpster dive at the local McDonald's.