Critter Alley

Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Thoughts on the Fourth
It's almost that time...bombs bursting in air, critters crying, No fair!
It's true I've gotten old, slightly neurotic and more than a little cranky, but in my opinion, Fourth of July festivities are better observed from afar.
Unfortunately, my neighbors don't share that opinion. I've heard firecrackers and bottle rockets go off for several days now and expect the hoop-la-la to continue (with varying degrees of intensity) well beyond the upcoming weekend. Why is this a problem?
For one, Indy would rather sneak a pee on the floor than go outside in the middle of World War III. Though his hearing is now quite limited, it's apparently good enough to pick up the sounds of nearby explosions. He is not amused.
Bogey is less fireworks-challenged than Indy, although he does resent losing the entertainment provided by the birds and squirrels. You have to wonder what they must be thinking as they pack up their nests and skedaddle from the area huffing, "There go those humans again, blowing up the neighborhood. They sure can make property values go down in a hurry."
Fortunately, once things settle down they'll be back. And probably bring their friends, too.
Yes, we all have our methods of handling the Fourth. It looks like mine will include a bottle of professional strength Resolve and a great big sponge.
Fourth of July,
things that scare us
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