All it takes is a walk through a pet supply store to realize how much we love our critters. There's aisle upon aisle of food ranging from all-natural to generic brands. Then there are the colorful leashes and collars, not to mention a variety of outfits that could rival any human fashion show. If your dog, cat, bird, or guinea pig is bored, not to worry. There are enough toys to put the Toys-R-Us franchise to shame.
It's obvious that catering to pets is big business. Browsing through the store is fun for pet parents and a swell diversion for four-footed friends. It's always fun to shop, but do we really need such endless excess?
There are so many ways to spend money that competition for consumer dollars is fierce. Look at the Superbowl ads that commanded millions for seconds of air time. Each one attempts to persuade us to open our wallets.
Sometimes I can use a reminder that the newest model, yummiest junk food, or latest collectible aren't necessities. And when it comes right down to it, there's really no need at all to break the bank. For it's the simple things in life that most often bring us our best times and greatest joy.