Pretty please can I go outside and get me one of those?
Bogey can't seem to stop fantasizing about the awesome hunting trip he'd have if I would only be so kind as to open the door. Bogey vs a 23-pound, hissing-with-fury Canadian goose. Who do you suppose would come out on top in that battle?
Thus the door remains closed, despite an abundance of evil looks and cat curses. I'm only saving you from yourself, Bogey. You're welcome!
Meanwhile, here's a bit of whimsy. A couple of weeks ago our family went to see "Wicked", one of my favorite musicals. In honor of the occasion, Creative Daughter decided to craft "cake balls" that represent the characters in the show. Take it from me, those little gems weren't only cute...they were wickedly delicious. And by the way, so was the show.