Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label employment. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

It's Labor Day weekend and the unofficial end of summer.  Time to enjoy the final days of barbeques, boating, and swimming pools.  Having a three day weekend is always a treat and I felt as excited about it as anyone else.

Then I turned on the television.  The job situation is frightening.  Long lines of people were shown waiting for a chance to apply for work.  The scene looked eerily like the "bread lines" of  the great Depression, except those waiting were in business attire and carrying a briefcase. During an interview, one man nearly broke down in tears.  It's been over 8 months that he's been trying to find employment.

I complain about working, but the reality is I feel so grateful that both Hubby and I have jobs.  We're so blessed, and I'm going to try a lot harder not to take that fact for granted.

The United States has always been known as the land of opportunity.  Not so much right now.  So it's my Labor Day wish that opportunity returns to this country...and fast.

On another note, for those who have so kindly commented about my "write-athon". Wednesday I submitted one piece to a national publication, one to an anthology, and two were sent to contests.  Now comes the waiting game. 

Another lesson learned:  Pay close attention to deadlines.  After editing and polishing, one more piece is still sitting at home.  The real deadline came a day before I thought it did.  Oh well....

Hope you and yours have a safe, enjoyable, and gratitude-filled Labor Day.  See you next week!