Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label Indy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indy. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My Little Guy

Shortly after I received Indy's ashes, I pondered over what would be the right urn for him. I couldn't find anything locally and so I launched an internet search. There were many places to look, but how to choose? Then I discovered a company called Blue Ribbon Memorials. It had several reviews that reflected well on the company's customer service. I found a wooden urn on their site that I liked. But my decision was sealed when I saw the names of the owners...John and Eunice. My parents' names! I knew this would be the right company for me to use.

After placing the order, I had a question and sent it to them via email. The email included my phone number, and I'm not exaggerating when I say John, the company owner, called me within 15 minutes. I was very impressed with his prompt response and his kindness is talking to me about Indy. I would recommend them to anyone.

Here is the urn that is now sitting on the nightstand right next to my bed. The top has Indy's picture etched into a slice of black granite.

The front has this plaque:

I look at Indy's memorial and it reminds me of a lovely testament written by playwright Eugene O'Neill after the death of his beloved Dalmatian, Blemie. The title of the piece is "The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog". Here's a link to the entire piece, but I will quote only the final few lines:

"Whenever you visit my grave, say to yourselves with regret but also with happiness in your hearts at the remembrance of my long happy life with you: "Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved". No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you, and not all the power of death can keep my spirit from wagging a grateful tail."

I know my own extremely distinguished dog's little tail is wagging in agreement. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Thank You!

Thank you to those who so kindly expressed sympathy over the loss of my old friend, Indy. Your comments were much appreciated. Last week I picked up his ashes, and it gives a bit of comfort to have him back home with me again.

All around things keep changing at a breakneck pace. I've said good-bye to Indy, and now Bogey has taken over my lap. I wonder if Indy whispered in his ear or if Bogey senses an empty lap is simply not a good thing. In any event, he keeps me occupied. I supply the petting and he supplies the purrs.

Meanwhile, Daughter and her hubby have put their house up for sale. I've forgotten what a monumental task it is to prepare the house and then try to keep it spotless each day because you never know when an agent will bring a potential buyer. I have a corner in my basement filled with items they are storing to make the house appear more open. Removing items and neutral paint schemes are apparently critical to making a sale. At least we hope so. Fingers crossed that all goes smoothly. Of course a sale is always followed by the joys of moving, so I see some hectic days in their future.

Speaking of days, I'm at the point where I'm counting down days instead of months to retirement. Four months ago it seemed a glacial age away. But now as the finish line approaches, things have started to move at a much faster pace. I've worked full time nearly all my adult life so retirement will be an adjustment. But it's one I'm really looking forward to making.

Change brings about all types of consequences, some happy and some not so much. Yet whether we want it to or not, change most certainly will occur. I suppose it's the way we respond to change that makes the difference. Just like a tree, we can bend with the wind or let it snap us in two.

I'm working on learning to bend.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Even when you know it's coming, saying good-bye is never easy.

On Thursday, June 25, I took Indy for his final trip to the vet's office. He had stopped eating. And then he stopped drinking. He seemed almost in a daze, as though half in this world and half in another. I knew it was time to make the call I'd been dreading.

My Indy was a happy boy. In his younger years I signed us up for every class I could find. We did obedience training, flyball classes, and agility classes. He earned Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog International titles. We visited nursing homes where he showed off what he had learned (while patiently enduring the silly costumes I brought along) to the delight of residents.

We participated in humane society fundraisers, and he even appeared on our local NBC affiliate television station (wriggling like a worm in the arms of a T.V. weatherman) to promote an upcoming humane society event. In those days, my Indy got around.

As he and I both became older, our activities slowed. He enjoyed visiting our place at the river, sniffing the scents of the woods and wild things and warming his old bones on the sun-heated boulders surrounding the water.

Finally, even those adventures faded. With eyesight and hearing both nearly gone, Indy spent most of his time sleeping, perhaps dreaming of his youthful days. I'd wake him up to go outside and he'd follow me with the quiet dignity of an old dog.

On the day I drove Indy to the vet's office, I had to carry him inside. His doctor administered the medication while I stroked his head and talked to him. I felt like he could hear me speak and he seemed to listen to my voice until his valiant little heart finally stopped beating.

There are few things in life more enduring than the love of a good dog. Indy was my shadow and best buddy for more than 15 years. I miss hearing the jangle of his tags, seeing him nap in his small bed, and having his soft warmth curled in my lap.

But I do believe heaven holds a special corner for all our beloved creatures. I like to think Indy is there now running fast as the wind to chase a tennis ball and romping through tall grass with a host of new pals in a place where no one ever grows weary.

Until we meet again, my old friend...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sun, Cleanliness, and Inspiration

Happy Sunday fellow blog peeps! It's going to be 70 degrees today (yes, really). The sun is brightly spectacular and you can almost hear buds ready to burst into bloom at any moment.

For Midwesterners, spring is the pot of gold at the end of a long cold winter. And oh, are the people out in droves. Especially at the car wash. There's something about a beautiful day that makes me wish I owned a car wash. Everyone is eager to get rid of the winter grime and reveal the true color of their trusty car.

Someone else got cleaned up yesterday. Indy has a new haircut, so today he is properly exhausted. He also looks like he lost 5 pounds due to the length and poufiness of his previous curly hairdo. I wonder if a short cut could do the same for me?

But back to the business of today. I have a wonderful blogger buddy, Tammy, who is a very talented writer. Her prose is about as beautiful as anyone's I've ever read, yet she can throw in a wicked twist of tea-snorting humor when you least expect it. I consider Tammy the Queen of any story, but especially of the mini-story. She can take a picture and turn it into a 100 words or less masterpiece like no one else. Oh, and did I mention she was a finalist in a Reader's Digest mini-story contest? Do yourself a favor and check out her Message in a Bloggle. Scroll down and allow her mini-stories to brighten your day.

Tammy most kindly nominated me for the Inspiring Blogger Award. Aww, thanks, Tammy!

I am to report 7 things about myself, link back to the nominating blog, and nominate at least 3 other bloggers (including a link to the blog). With no further ado, here we go:

1. I am a planner and love to make "to-do" lists. One would think this makes me a very organized person, but my closet, basement, and garage all beg to differ.

2. My son and daughter inherited their mother's love of critters. This means my house becomes the family kennel whenever they travel. They travel a lot.

3. I love watching Jeopardy. I don't know most of the answers, mind you, but I love watching. Hopefully this activity will ultimately keep my brain sharper rather than simply bewilder it.

4. I'm lucky to have among my current dearest friends, some people who were friends in high school. I won't count how many decades ago we met, but we certainly were groovy back then.

5. I've worn an activity tracker for about a year. My best day so far has been 15,000 steps (vacation in Key West without a taxi). My worst, 300 steps (20 times from bed to bathroom in a 24 hour period).

6. I drive an older model silver Ford Escape. So do about 2.5 million other people in my area. I've tried at least 5 times to get into someone else's car. Thankfully, no one has called the police yet.

7. Saved the best for last. I have a target date set for retirement. I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel...soon!

Now, my blogger buddies, it's your turn. If you haven't done this exercise before, I challenge you to do it now. Tell us 7 things about you. No excuses and the weirder the better. Come on, let's hear the story of YOU.

Monday, March 2, 2015

In Like a Lion...

I think one too many people observed we were having a mild winter. Over the weekend, Mother Nature emphatically reminded us who's in charge. Winter isn't over until it's over. Millions of plump snowflakes created a heavy, fluffy snow which clung beautifully to tree branches. Since I didn't need to drive anywhere, I could enjoy it from the comfort of my cushy easy chair while sipping a cup of hot chocolate.

My old Indy-boy used to love a snowy day. Now he's easily confused. This means I pull on my boots and troop out to fetch him back inside whenever he loses his way. Let me tell you, snow clings better to fur and hair than it does to tree branches. Even after a towel sweep off we're both pretty damp. Snow is pretty, but I'm looking forward to the fresh yellow-green of early spring. I sure hope March intends to go out like a lamb.

Of course, kids adore snow, no matter what fuddy duddy adults say about it. Watching them sled down the hill behind our house until their cheeks and noses are bright red, can't help but make me smile. I think being around children helps to keep oldsters like me feeling young.

Speaking of being around children, I recently wrote a story about my two grandsons which appears in this month's Sasee Magazine. If you have a moment, I'd love for you to pop over for a read. Please consider leaving a comment, if you are so inclined. Here's the link. Sasee is an awesome magazine for women and I bet you'll enjoy flipping through the pages.

Well, yippy-tie-yie-yay, here it is. March has arrived!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Lesson for All

Here's my sweet boy, Indy. He's been right by my side since the day I got him nearly fifteen years ago. Then he was an eight week old fluffy ball of energy.

Today his vision and hearing are both practically gone, and his back legs have a pronounced wobble. But there's nothing wrong with his sense of smell. He's not too old to follow after a yummy treat...

and he's still fast enough to beat Bogey to the prize.

Indy can accomplish a goal without letting life's obstacles get in the way. Nothing's going to stop him. My little Indy demonstrates a perfect lesson for us all.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

He's Got Bedroom Eyes

Dogs are down to earth and fairly predictable. They enjoy squeaky toys, chewy bones, playing fetch, and being scratched behind the ears. They love treats and dinner time. They adore their humans. Take my Indy boy for example. He's now blind, deaf, and nearly fifteen years old, yet still gamely stumbles after me as I walk from room to room. Only occasionally does he bump his nose on an obstacle. Now that's true love.

Then you have cats. What I don't understand about cats is their obsession with the strangest things. One of Bogey's favorite types of entertainment occurs whenever I change the sheets. He can hear the rustle of cotton bedclothes even when he's in the basement. Such activity incites a mad rush to the bedroom where he wastes no time leaping right into the middle of the action.

If I try to tuck the fitted sheet, he worms his way under one of the edges. 

Snap the flat sheet and he attacks the puffs of air that balloon beneath it. And don't let your hand get in the way. Bogey has very efficient claws. 

Then there's the ultimate coup...

Frankly, the only way I'm able to safely change sheets is by closing the bedroom door. However, this creates a frenzied meowing on the other side, the tone and tenor of which causes my ears to ring. I'm pretty sure what he's saying in cat-speak includes exceptionally unprintable comments regarding my personality, parentage, and utter lack of moral fiber. It feels like I've come between a first day dieter and a triple chocolate layer cake.    

My cat and bed sheets. I just don't get it. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Getting Older

Here's my handsome Indy boy. Isn't he a sweetheart? When I walk from room to room, he gets up (slowly, thanks to his arthritis) and pads patiently along behind me. If I sit down, he's in my lap. If I work at the computer he positions himself beneath the desk. Indy has always been my little shadow.

As you can see, he's long overdue for a haircut. I planned to take him on Saturday, but he wasn't feeling well. Now that he's achieved the vast age of 14, I don't like to stress him out. If his fur is long and he smells a little "doggie", oh well. We can live with it.

Indy has slowed down a lot in recent months. He's lost even more of his ability to see and hear. He's thinner than he used to be and sleeps most of the time. It's becoming clear we're approaching our final journey, though I try not to dwell on it. As long as he's happy, eats and drinks, and doesn't appear to be in pain, we're good. And I hope we'll be good for a long while yet to come.

It's tough watching our four-leggers get old, isn't it?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Woe is My Computer

It seems we've inherited the insidious problem I've heard is rumbling throughout computer-land. My computer is sick. Not blue-screen-of-death sick, but definitely sick. I have a computer paramedic coming to check things out, but unfortunately not until Wednesday. Apparently my computer's need for life-support is not considered an emergency. Here's hoping all my documents and programs survive (drat my tendency to procrastinate about backing things up...grrrr!) For now I'm limping along using my old laptop and/or my iPhone to stay connected. Neither lend themselves to posts filled with pictures or heavy content. On the bright side, I do have one happy thing to report. My little guy, Indy, celebrated his 14th birthday on Sunday, March 23. He's a tough little man who's happy, loves his homemade meals, and will even play (if we don't play too hard) when I bring out the tennis ball. True he doesn't hear well and his eyes are clouded with cataracts, but Indy still enjoys life. As many of you know, when Indy was 10, the vet predicted he'd only live a few more months due to liver failure. Guess we showed her. The vet is speechless with amazement every time I call to re-fill his meds. Sometimes research, determination, and a double dose of faith are all you need to work a small miracle. My Indy boy is living proof that no matter how big a problem is, we should never give up. Happy birthday to Indy!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Indy's Favorite Things

If Oprah can do it, so can we. Do what you ask? Why, talk about our favorite things, of course. So for your gift giving pleasure, Indy and Bogey are going to let you know what gifts put the pitter-patter in critter hearts.

First we have Indy's holiday picks.

1. A delectable delicious chewy bone. There are few things more delightful than gnawing on a flavored chew bone. Indy loves them all, from softer dental chewies to hard nylon bones such as those made by Nylabone. Nylabone lasts longer than any other chewy and Indy keeps a stash on hand at all times. Happy chewing!

2. Any plush toy with a concealed squeaker. Indy's older and a bit hard of hearing, but a loud high-pitched squeaky toy is still able to perk up his ears. Beware, though, if your dog is a squeak-removal expert. We certainly don't want you to spend Christmas in the emergency vet clinic.

3. Unlike Santa hats and mufflers, a soft comfy dog sweater is a clothing item Indy enjoys wearing. Find a sweater that is not too snug and not too loose. It will help keep old bones warm when the thermometer drops. If your dog has never worn a sweater before, let him/her slowly get used to having it on. You'll soon have a true canine fashionista on your hands.

4. Plush fleece-type bed topper. Indy has several beds throughout the house and insists on snuggling in fluffy layers of softness. Plush blankets are fairly inexpensive, but here's an even cheaper option. Go to the fabric store and buy a couple of yards of plush fleece material. Fold it and place on top of your pup's bed. No hemming needed. Ahhhhh. Now that's luxury!

5. A personalized bandana. Indy has several that range from a checkered flag pattern to snowmen to red-white-and blue. Each one has "Indy" embroidered in a contrasting color. You can find a ton of sizes, patterns, and colors at K9Design. We've ordered from them several times. They do good work and have always gotten the finished product to us FAST. What stylish dog wouldn't want a wardrobe of bandanas?

Okay, there you have it. Indy's top five favorite things. Bogey is now hard at work on his list. We'll share it with you next time.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Getting What You Want Critter Style

Oh, the power of sad brown eyes. Indy started using this look to get what he wanted at the age of 8 weeks. Now that he's 13 and a half years old, you can see he's quite the salesman. A master, too.

On the other hand, we have Bogey. There are no pleading looks from this guy. When he wants something...

he simply takes it.

Dogs and cats. They use different methods but both are equally successful at getting what they want.
Someone posted this on Facebook the other day and I had to laugh.

 I think that about sums it up.

Hope your weekend brings you everything you want!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Let the Battle Begin

Every month I order Indy's "magic" potion...Denosyl. Denosyl helps support his liver function. I buy it through Amazon, as the cost is approximately half what the vet's office charges. For the past 2.5 years this process has gone without a hitch. Today, not so much.

Indy got his last pill yesterday. The new order STILL hadn't arrived, so I clicked on the "Track my package" tab and discovered the following:

1. It went to a wrong address.
2. The package is damaged (presumably by the people at the wrong address who are sick of having someone else's mail delivered to them).
3. My order is now considered undeliverable and was sent back to the seller as of July 23.
4. Nobody bothered to tell me any of this.

I contacted Amazon and did a "Live chat" with Jabbar.

Me: My order still hasn't arrived. Apparently there have been some issues. Where is my Denosyl?
(2 minutes later)
Jabbar: I am most sorry that you had to contact us for this problem. I will look for what is wrong. This will take me a few short moments.
(Five minutes later)
Jabbar: I am most sorry to say your package was delivered to the wrong address.
Me: My address is the same address I've always had. Why did it go to the wrong address?
Jabbar: (ignores my question) I also see that your package has received damage. We cannot deliver a package with damage.
(Considering I just received a light fixture from Amazon in a box that looked like it had been worked over by a baseball bat, I call this a distraction tactic)
Me: I understand there were problems with the order, but no one has notified me about any of these things. Now you're telling me the order was sent back. Are you saying my dog's medicine isn't coming?
(3 minutes later)
Jabbar: That is correct. Your order is canceled and you will get a refund. I would ask you to please place another order.
Me: So I have to start over again to get my dog's medicine? How could all these things happen and no one bothers to tell me? I could have re-ordered the Denosyl days ago if I knew this.
Jabbar: I am most sorry about this inconvenience. Please place your order again.
Me: Oh, no, Jabbar. Not a snowball's chance.

So I drove to the vet's office and paid top dollar for Indy's Denosyl. He's now got his meds and I'm on the search for a new supplier. Amazon sends me more junk emails than all the other advertisers put together, yet they can't notify me they've decided to cancel my order. An order for medicine.

Amazon, this means war.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Grump

St. Patrick's Day may not be a national holiday, but it certainly is well celebrated around these parts. Parades, marathon races, and pub crawls are all on the agenda for the coming weekend. And you don't have to be Irish to join in the fun.

For example, I'm about as non-Irish as a person can be, but that won't stop me from enjoying my favorite St. Patrick's Day tradition...corned beef and cabbage. All that salty, beefy, fatty yumminess will be mine, all mine. Okay, I might share a bit with Hubby, but that's it. No one else will receive a single crumb.



That's right. I am the Grump who stole St. Patrick's Day.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

My very shaggy dog (otherwise known as Indy) went to the spa and got a complete shave-down. I think it gives his face a nearly dachshund look...very dashing. However, the loss of fur means Indy has been shivering his timbers in the snappy cool March winds. Thus we've added a sweater to his look. It really isn't a fashion statement. It's to keep the little guy warm.

What are YOU looking at?

Sadly, visiting dog, Brady, and resident cat, Bogey are not at all impressed by his new 'do. I've seen them point and snicker at him more than once.

But not to worry. Indy is a good sport and takes every bit of their harassment in stride.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Perfect Pooches

What a night at Westminster! For the first time, an Affenpinscher won Best in Show. And an adorable little guy he is, too. Meet Banana Joe.

Remember the movie "As Good As it Gets"? Yep, the dog Jack Nicholson grew to love was an Affenpinscher. This breed's face is said to resemble a monkey's. I really don't see it. I do, however, see a perfectly delightful pooch. Congrats to Banana Joe.

Meanwhile, today my own "perfect pooch" is featured on Coffee With a Canine. Please hop over to visit It's a perfect place for dog lovers...and writers.

Speaking of which, with no distracting dog shows, tonight I will be writing, and writing, and writing some more. It's about time, too. I have merrily ignored deadlines far too long. Bad me! It's time to sit and stay until I catch up.

Psssst. If things go well, I know where to find a stash of treats!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Unfavorite Phrases

Easily the most horrifying sentence in all dogdom...

Time for a bath.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Big Weekend Ahead

It's going to be an exciting weekend as wedding bells chime for our son and his lovely fiancee. They are both sensible, hard-working and successful. They like the same things and have similar values. They're old enough to realize the commitment marriage means and to take it seriously. I couldn't be more delighted (and relieved).

As mother of the groom, my responsibilities are few, but I did have the task of choosing a song for the mother-son dance. I hope not to embarrass anyone too much, for I'll probably need a whole package of tissues by the time the music ends. I wrote about the details of choosing the mother-son dance tune in an essay titled "The Dance", scheduled to appear in the October issue of Sasee Magazine. I'll put up a link when the story is available on line.

Meanwhile, thanks for the comments to the Indy-Bogey picture last post. I had to smile at the responses, because their cuddling next to each other wasn't by choice. It came as a result of Mom-intervention. Yep, I made them do it. Notice Bogey's pupils in tiny slits and Indy looking away because anyone knows if you don't see something, than surely it isn't there.

Oh, the agony of Mom making you do something you don't want to do.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Hello Mr. Summer

The scent of barbecue lingers. Bellies are full. Skin is a little sore from the places not quite covered by sunscreen that was haphazardly slicked over shoulders. Yes, another Memorial Day weekend is drawing to a close. Summer is least unofficially. At some point during your holiday revels, I hope you were able to take a minute to give thanks for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. If it weren't for them, we'd all be dancing to someone else's tune today.

Meanwhile, late last night we returned from our excursion to the river. The experience made me feel a strange sense of empathy for a pot roast. Baked until well done, thank you very much.

After I  bathed about a pound of dirt off Indy, he grabbed his favorite toy and happily sat next to one of our most treasured modern conveniences...

Ahhhhhh. Now doesn't that feel good?

Bogey wasn't as annoyed as usual about being left behind. His attitude radiated superiority as we dragged in our coolers, dirty clothes, and sweaty bodies. Silly people. Who camps for 3 days in 98 degree heat?

After a glorious long shower and liberal application of anti-itch medication to my numerous bug bites and poison ivy, I felt human enough to dictate a short message:

Hello, Mr. Summer. Glad to see you back. I'm looking forward to spending some more time together, but could you please be a pal and bring down the heat about 10 degrees or so? Your cooperation would be much appreciated. Thank you!

It's back to work tomorrow for me. Time to catch up and dream about what next weekend will bring. Don't you just love a four-day work week?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Age Brings Wisdom...Doggie-Style

I can vouch for the fact that over the years my Indy-boy has become a master at being happy.

What miracle keeps a living creature consistently out of dark shadows and smack-dab in the middle of warm sunshine? Reflecting on Indy's daily life, I find his rules are really pretty simple.

1. Let others know you love them. Don't say it, show it.

2. Be willing to drop whatever you're doing for good old-fashioned play time.

3. Practice an attitude of gratitude for what you have.

4. Consume each meal with enthusiasm.

5. Waste no energy worrying.

6. Find excitement in ordinary things.

7. Take at least one nap each day.

8. Always be ready for an adventure.

9. Never hold a grudge.

10.Even when aches, pains, or illness can't be fixed; make it a point to enjoy the pleasures of each new day anyway.

Indy is one happy little dog. I can't help but wonder...what would happen if I started living life like he does?

Monday, April 9, 2012


Someone is annoyed, offended, and just plain peeved.

In our skip-hopping weather, we finally returned to a long awaited spring. Cool air, bright sun and delightful temperatures taunted us until we couldn't help but make a run to the river for the weekend. So Hubby, Indy, and I packed up and headed out.

Bogey (through no choice of his own) stayed home to mind the house. Sort of.

The curtains sport a new rip. Kitty litter is tossed outside the box with abandon. He's somehow learned to will his hair to drop off and form fluffy fur clouds everywhere. They skitter and float away from the dust mop like living things. He's been busy making certain I know exactly how deep he resides in the dungeon of doom.

Yep. It seem that paybacks aren't going to come cheap.