Happy Sunday fellow blog peeps! It's going to be 70 degrees today (yes, really). The sun is brightly spectacular and you can almost hear buds ready to burst into bloom at any moment.
For Midwesterners, spring is the pot of gold at the end of a long cold winter. And oh, are the people out in droves. Especially at the car wash. There's something about a beautiful day that makes me wish I owned a car wash. Everyone is eager to get rid of the winter grime and reveal the true color of their trusty car.
Someone else got cleaned up yesterday. Indy has a new haircut, so today he is properly exhausted. He also looks like he lost 5 pounds due to the length and poufiness of his previous curly hairdo. I wonder if a short cut could do the same for me?
But back to the business of today. I have a wonderful blogger buddy, Tammy, who is a very talented writer. Her prose is about as beautiful as anyone's I've ever read, yet she can throw in a wicked twist of tea-snorting humor when you least expect it. I consider Tammy the Queen of any story, but especially of the mini-story. She can take a picture and turn it into a 100 words or less masterpiece like no one else. Oh, and did I mention she was a finalist in a Reader's Digest mini-story contest? Do yourself a favor and check out her
Message in a Bloggle. Scroll down and allow her mini-stories to brighten your day.
Tammy most kindly nominated me for the Inspiring Blogger Award. Aww, thanks, Tammy!
I am to report 7 things about myself, link back to the nominating blog, and nominate at least 3 other bloggers (including a link to the blog). With no further ado, here we go:
1. I am a planner and love to make "to-do" lists. One would think this makes me a very organized person, but my closet, basement, and garage all beg to differ.
2. My son and daughter inherited their mother's love of critters. This means my house becomes the family kennel whenever they travel. They travel a lot.
3. I love watching Jeopardy. I don't know most of the answers, mind you, but I love watching. Hopefully this activity will ultimately keep my brain sharper rather than simply bewilder it.
4. I'm lucky to have among my current dearest friends, some people who were friends in high school. I won't count how many decades ago we met, but we certainly were groovy back then.
5. I've worn an activity tracker for about a year. My best day so far has been 15,000 steps (vacation in Key West without a taxi). My worst, 300 steps (20 times from bed to bathroom in a 24 hour period).
6. I drive an older model silver Ford Escape. So do about 2.5 million other people in my area. I've tried at least 5 times to get into someone else's car. Thankfully, no one has called the police yet.
7. Saved the best for last. I have a target date set for retirement. I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel...soon!
Now, my blogger buddies, it's your turn. If you haven't done this exercise before, I challenge you to do it now. Tell us 7 things about you. No excuses and the weirder the better. Come on, let's hear the story of YOU.