Critter Alley

Critter Alley
Showing posts with label Mallards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mallards. Show all posts

Sunday, June 13, 2010

More Backyard Tails, oops...Tales

Here's a few more things found in our back yard recently.

Indy nearly caught this little guy, and Indy is slow.  My husband is even slower, and had no problem capturing this adorable Mallard duckling. We found the baby wandering around alone peeping for help. We searched the area. No Mama. No siblings. Easy prey.

So we put him (her?) on the back porch and arrangements were made for foster care. The baby is now in another pair of good hands until ready for release.

Sorry I didn't get the Pet Blogger post up yesterday.  Mr. Linky was being stinky and I finally gave up. Today I hope to visit current blogger friends and check out the Blogger Hop list to find a few new ones, too.

Hope your enjoy your day!