Hieronder impressies van wat we op onze expedities zoal tegenkwamen.
We made lots of "circular walks" when we spent our holidays in England. We were very glad with the small yellow books with hiking trails. One day we went to visit one or more gardens, the other day was a "Snarf day", that means activities which make Snarf more than happy. Our hiking days were mostly cloudy and cold, you can see that on the photos, a bit of sun should have been nicer.
Below impressions of what whe encountered on our expeditions.
In Engeland heb je een enorm net aan publieke voetpaden, die dwars door landerijen, bossen, over erven en over landgoederen lopen, je hebt dan recht op overpad. Zo anders dan bij ons. Hierboven liepen we door Wincombe Park met op de achtergrond het 'Regency' huis.
In England there is an enormous network of public footpaths, which are crossing fields, woods, farmyards and estates, you have right of way. So different than in our country. On the above picture we were walking in Wincombe Park with on the background the regency house of the owners.
We kwamen fazanten, patrijzen en hazen tegen en heel veel 'styles'. Dit zijn hekjes met een opstapje waar we soms Snarf ook nog overheen moesten tillen.
On our way we met pheasants, partridges and hares and....many styles. Sometimes we even had to lift Snarf over the style.
Schapen zien we natuurlijk ook genoeg.
Of course sheep on various places.
Of course sheep on various places.
En landbouwwerktuigen als oudroest achter op de erven.
And old rusted agriculture machinery in the back farmyards.
And old rusted agriculture machinery in the back farmyards.
Prachtige gevormde, vaak oude bomen in het landschap.
Beautifully shaped, often very old trees decorated the landscape.
Er leidden heel wat route's via kerkhoven, waar schapen soms de grasmaaiers vervangen.
Surprising was that many routes were passing churches and old graveyards, where sometimes only sheep were mowing the grass.
We zagen onderweg velden met sleutelbloemen, maar ook veel koeien.
On our way we saw fields with cowslips, but also real cows.
En vergezichten........
And panoramas.......
En de wilde orchideetjes bloeiden ook al.
And the wild orchids were already in bloom.
Van het mooie uitzicht naar een man en zijn hond.
From the beautiful views on the countryside to a man and his dog.
We kwamen koeien tegen die verweid werden.
Cows to be changed of pasture.
"Schieten jullie nu eens een beetje op, slome slakken, het is hier veel leuker aan de andere kant van de berg"
"Hurry up you two lazy slugs, this side of the hill is much greener"
"Ik krijg er wel dorst van maar hier staan overal drinkbakken voor het vee"
"I get thirsty but there are water troughs for cattle"
Overal velden vol met goudgeel bloeiend koolzaad.
Fields of golden yellow rapeseed.
Het was één groot Snarfenfeest.
It was one big party for Snarf.
Hectares met varkens, die hebben hier een leven zoals een varken het hoort te hebben.
Hier geen "kiloknallers" varkensvlees.
Hectares with pigs, which enjoy the life pigs should have.
Here no "pound stunner" pork.
Deze vond ik erg leuk, de trog wordt bijgevuld en deze dikzak is er al met z'n neus ingekropen.
A funny one, still filling the trough and this fatso has already put his nose into it.
Daarna weer velden met koolzaad.
And again fields of rapeseed.
En soms kwam er een dorpje in zicht.
Yes, there is was village in sight.
Er zijn hier nog héél veel cottages met rieten daken.
In this area there still are many thatched cottages.
En dan de bossen met de Bluebells..................
And don't forget the woods with the Bluebells...........
from The Bluebells
We stood upon the grass beside the road.
At a wood's fence, to look among the trees.
In windless noon the burning May-time glowed.
Gray, in young green, the beeches stood at ease.
Light speckled in the wood or left it dim:
There lay a blue in which no ship could swim,
Within whose peace no water ever flowed.
Within that pool no shadow ever showed:
Tideless was all that mystery of blue.
Out of eternities man never knew
A living growth man never reaped or sowed
Snatched in the dim its fitness from the hour
A miracle unspeakable of flower
That tears in the heart's anguish answered to.
How paint it; how describe? None has the power
It only had the power upon the soul
To consecrate the spirit and the hour,
To light to sudden rapture and console,
Its beauty called a truce: forgave: forgot
All the long horror of man's earthly lot,
A miracle unspeakble of flower
In a green May unutterably blue.
- John Mansfield (1878-1967) -
Tegen de avond komen we terug bij de cottage en staan de Welsh pony's al te wachten op hun bazin met border collie Mac. Een zwaluw vliegt weg.
Als ik dit stukje teruglees en al die dieren zie, denk ik : "Mijn boerenafkomst verloochent zich niet".
In the evening we return to the cottage where the Welsh ponies are already waiting for their boss with border collie Mac who keeps an eye on them. A swallow flies away.
When I reread this post and see all those animals, I think: "I cannot deny my ancestry of farmers".
In the evening we return to the cottage where the Welsh ponies are already waiting for their boss with border collie Mac who keeps an eye on them. A swallow flies away.
When I reread this post and see all those animals, I think: "I cannot deny my ancestry of farmers".