Showing posts with label Ten Thunders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ten Thunders. Show all posts

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Malifaux - Outcasts vs Ten Thunders Henchman Hardcore

Managed to get a game of Henchman Hardcore with the missus today. I put two lists together (based on beating face as my priority). 

Ten Thunders: Ototto, Obsidian Oni, Lone Swordsman and High River Monk
Outcasts: Rusty Alyce, Johan, Desperate Mercenary and Strongarm Suit

TT went for a more defensive deployment with the shooting I had at my disposal.

Pushed up my Desperate Merc to draw out her Swordsman. Countered with Johan only to have the Swordsman limp on 1 wound

She brought in Ototto to beat down on Johan and I countered with the Strongarm Suit. Alyce came in to finish the Swordsman

At the end of the game, it was a 6-6 when both our Henchmen were taken out
Hilarious when both my wife and I drew Black Jokers in a simple melee duel.

She's actually making a list now based on the models I have. I wonder what she's scheming. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Distractions! Malifaux has landed at ABO

Such beautiful models! So when Rico let one of his boxed sets go, I thought I would take it to try them out. And man, these models are SWEET! Really fine models. Think Harlequins. True scale too, making them really nice to look at.

Amazed that these models had no mould lines. Could it just be my boxset?
I went and used Green Stuff and pressed them into moulds (thanks Melvin) to create the cobblestone effect you see on the models' bases.

Used my airbrush to create the shades

Just some WIP before we played the next day

Virgin game!
Patrick hosted the intro game for us and lent me his Lady Justice Crew. My wife actually played my Misaki crew. It was quite confusing initially but I think I roughly get how it works. The Cheat mechanic really made the game more about risk management. The later the game gets, the more interesting it gets.

Got me really pumped to get more stuff! ERMAGAWD!

But don't worry, 40k still a big part of my life so this blog will still be updated. Look what I just bought the other day.

Ed's face: Priceless
See you guys soon and enjoy your week!


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