Pardon the unpainted Iron hands for the 2nd straight week, working on it... The amazing painted nids are painted by Rico (Golden Daemon winner).
Iron Hands - Clan Raukaan List
Captain with artificer, axe of medusa, gorgon chain
Tac sqd in rhino
Tac sqd in Razorback
Tac sqd in drop pod
Mortis pattern contemptor with kheres assault cannon
Dreadnought with TL autocannon
Storm talon with skyhammer
Storm talon with missile launcher
Rapier laser destroyer *2
Culexus assassin
Stalker Tank
Tyranids - Hive Fleet Medusa list
Tyrant with TL devourers *2
Carnifex with TL devourers *2
Exocerin *2
Tyrannocyte *3
Zoanthrope *2
Hive guards *3
Spore mines *3 in unit of 5 or 6
big spore mines *3
Iron hands Deployment |
Tyranids Deployment |