Catbirds Return
Labels: Gray Catbird, Spring Birds

Info & pictures of common New Jersey birds: the woodpecker, cardinal, king fisher, warbler, robin, tufted titmouse, finch, mallard, cormorant, baby ducks, grebe, goose, cat bird, sapsucker, northern flicker, chickadee, merganser, hawk, heron, hairy woodpecker & goldfinch plus muskrat, groundhog & beaver. Many photos were taken at Lake Nelson in Piscataway, NJ and others in NJ bird spots: Cape May, the Meadowlands, and Sandy Hook or vacations in Florida, California and the Caribbean.
Labels: Gray Catbird, Spring Birds
Labels: Baby Ducks, Mallards, Spring Birds
Labels: Brandt, Hermit Thrush, Red-throated Loon, Ruby Crowned Kinglet, Spring Birds
Labels: Oven bird, Spring Birds
I was excited to hear that ovenbirds were migrating up the east coast, but unfortunately, this picture is of a hermit thrush. Is this picture of the same bird you observed in your area? An exciting bird nonetheless!
Thanks. We were so excited that we didn't take out the bird guide and we've never had a hermit thrush before.
Labels: Red-tailed hawk, Spring Birds
Labels: Northern Flickers, Pine Warbler, Spring Birds
Labels: American Robin, Black-crowned Night Heron, Spring Birds, Tufted Titmouse
Labels: Baby Ducks, Spring Birds
Labels: Red Bellied Woodpecker, Spring Birds
Labels: Baby Ducks, Double-crested Cormorant, Floating Island, Mallards, Spring Birds
Labels: Baby Ducks, Spring Birds
Labels: Baltimore Oriole, Red Bellied Woodpecker, Spring Birds
Labels: Cedar Waxwing, Chipmunk, Northern Cardinal, Spring Birds
Labels: Black-crowned Night Heron, Spring Birds
Labels: Canada Goose, Spring Birds
There isn't anything in this world much cuter than a gosling.
Labels: Baltimore Oriole, Spring Birds
Great photos and great stories. No latin names for birds. It's for people like me that love birds.