When Mike was getting ready for work this morning, Chris noticed we had some Robins in the yard. She ran outside to throw some cranberries around for them. Then when he was leaving, Mike suggested that Chris try to get some photos for the blog. By that time, the flock of robins had increased to about 30, which made it all the more fun for Chris. They were everywhere! They didn't seem the least bit interested in the cranberries, preferring to hunt on the ground instead. Chris even put out some dried mealworms which they took no interest in. What they really do seem to appreciate, though, is the water. We use a heated bird bath during winter to keep the water from freezing, and it is popular with all the birds, especially the goldfinches. One picture shows three at a time at the water, but at times there were up to five (which Chris found too difficult to capture in pictures but had fun watching.) We really wish we could figure out what birds are supposed to eat the popcorn and cranberries, because we popped a lot of popcorn and only the Blue Jays have taken a few pieces.
Labels: American Robin, Winter Birds