Lesser Scaup
Labels: Lesser Scaup, Scaup, Spring Birds

Info & pictures of common New Jersey birds: the woodpecker, cardinal, king fisher, warbler, robin, tufted titmouse, finch, mallard, cormorant, baby ducks, grebe, goose, cat bird, sapsucker, northern flicker, chickadee, merganser, hawk, heron, hairy woodpecker & goldfinch plus muskrat, groundhog & beaver. Many photos were taken at Lake Nelson in Piscataway, NJ and others in NJ bird spots: Cape May, the Meadowlands, and Sandy Hook or vacations in Florida, California and the Caribbean.
Labels: Lesser Scaup, Scaup, Spring Birds
Labels: Grebe, Pied Billed Grebe, Spring Birds
Labels: Brown Creeper, Spring Birds
Labels: Red Bellied Woodpecker, Spring Birds, suet feeder
Labels: American Robin, Spring Birds
Hi! I have been looking at the weirdest Robin... Looks like a Robin.. a very thin female. It has a tuft on her head!! At first I thought it was a sad looking female cardinal. Definately a robin.The male is usually with her. Nice and plump with wonderful colour, and sooooo henpecked!!!!! lol. I watched them on the lawn a few days ago. He was having a time of pulling something from the ground.She got tired of waiting for him, so she went up to him.. chased him away.. and proceded to remove whatever it was herself... lol too funny. He stood several feet away from her and watched. Has there ever been any type of cross overs of these two species(cardinal/robin) so strange looking.