Coyote Point, Near SFO

Surf Scooters

Horned Grebe

Female Greater Scaup
Labels: California, Greater Scaup, Horned Grebe, Surf Scooter

Info & pictures of common New Jersey birds: the woodpecker, cardinal, king fisher, warbler, robin, tufted titmouse, finch, mallard, cormorant, baby ducks, grebe, goose, cat bird, sapsucker, northern flicker, chickadee, merganser, hawk, heron, hairy woodpecker & goldfinch plus muskrat, groundhog & beaver. Many photos were taken at Lake Nelson in Piscataway, NJ and others in NJ bird spots: Cape May, the Meadowlands, and Sandy Hook or vacations in Florida, California and the Caribbean.
Labels: California, Greater Scaup, Horned Grebe, Surf Scooter
Labels: California, Great Blue Heron, Lesser Scaup
Osprey carrying a fish
Say's Phoebe
Black Phoebe
California Towhee
Labels: Black Phoebe, Bushtit, California, California Towhee, Osprey, Say's Phoebe
Labels: California, White-tailed Kite
Labels: California, Orange Bishop
Labels: Bushtit, California
Labels: Audubon's Warbler, California
Labels: California, Summer Tanager
Mike returned to the area of the Palo Alto Baylands where he saw the female common goldeneye a few days prior. This time, he also saw a male trying to get the females attention.
It worked for a while, but soon another male goldeneye arrived. They got into a dispute over the female. Eventually, a canvasback duck came over and chased the males away and he pursued the female for a while.
At the end, everyone was more interested in food.
Labels: California, Common Goldeneye
Wonderful pictures! Thanks so much for posting and sharing!
Nice series of photos. Either I need a bigger lens or better camo to get as close as these shots.
Labels: California, Canvasback, Lesser Scaup
Labels: Black Pheobe, California, Red-tailed hawk, Western Bluebird
Labels: American Avocet, California, Common Goldeneye, Long-Billed Curlew, Northern Shovelers
Labels: California, Williamson’s Sapsucker
Thank you both so much for this beautiful photo blog. I hope you do not mind if I add it as a link on my preschool classroom website.
The children can use it as an online identification tool as we begin our unit of study on winter birds in NJ.
Hope D. Jennings
Labels: California, Nuttall's woodpecker
Labels: California, Cedar Waxwing
Labels: California, Townsend's warbler