Babycakes: Caribbean Elaenia from Antigua

When on vacation, Mike and Chris tend to rise early; it seems to be a great time of day to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the nature and surroudings of our new environment. By about the third or fourth day, Chris is content to stay in bed, trusting that Mike, who still is up at sunrise to alert her to anything particularly special. That was the case with our friend Babycakes. The first thing Mike said to Chris one morning when she joined him outside was, "would you like to meet Babycakes?" He had been watching this flycatcher stay in the same tree and sing a call that sounded like babycakes (or bb king,) and was anxious to point it out to Chris. This bird was most cooperative, and even after Chris took a walk down to Babycake's tree with Mike, it continued to spend a lot of time in the same spot entertaining us. Each morning after that babycakes would sing for a few hours and we could even hear her from the beach.
Below is a video of 'babycakes" mainly to record its song.
Labels: Caribbean, Caribbean Elaenia