Scarlet Tanager at Liberty State Park

Labels: Scarlet Tanager, Spring Birds

Info & pictures of common New Jersey birds: the woodpecker, cardinal, king fisher, warbler, robin, tufted titmouse, finch, mallard, cormorant, baby ducks, grebe, goose, cat bird, sapsucker, northern flicker, chickadee, merganser, hawk, heron, hairy woodpecker & goldfinch plus muskrat, groundhog & beaver. Many photos were taken at Lake Nelson in Piscataway, NJ and others in NJ bird spots: Cape May, the Meadowlands, and Sandy Hook or vacations in Florida, California and the Caribbean.
Labels: Scarlet Tanager, Spring Birds
Labels: American Redstart, European Starling, Least Flycatcher, Northern Parula, Spring Birds, Wilson's Warbler, Yellow Warbler
Labels: Spring Birds, Yellow Warbler
Labels: House Wren, Spring Birds
We have house wrens who have built nest in all three of our ATV helmets!! They are hanging up on the garage wall one above the other.... there is one nest in each helmet (3 in all!)but I have only witnessed one mother sitting on her nest (the top floor!) Don't want to get too close now that she's there to see if there are any neighbors in the other nests!
Labels: Nighthawk, Spring Birds
Labels: American Redstart, Black-throated Green Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Garret Mountain, Red-eyed Vireo
Labels: Babies, Spring Birds, Wood Ducks
Labels: Baltimore Oriole, Carolina Wren, Red Winged Blackbird, Song Sparrow, Spring Birds, Yellow Warbler
Labels: Contributed Photos
Labels: American Redstart, Baltimore Oriole, Common Yellowthroat
Baby Robin Help Needed!
A chic was found in our yard this morning that fell from its nest. It's mother is nowhere to be found. I don't know how old/young it is but it doesn't seem to have tail feathers yet. We bought food and have fed it but cannot keep it due to two large Maine Coons we own. What do we do with it?
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nice pics! baby geese are so cute. we spotted them trying to cross a road, mom and dad with 5 kids. fortunately cars stopped for them, and they turned around back towards the water because they were going towards the highway, whew!
Labels: House Sparrow, Spring Birds
Excellent pictures! Those mouths, ha! (And right on time for Mother's Day, too :)
Labels: Eastern Kingbird, Spring Birds
I have scarlet tanagers in the yard. I also have a similar bird that has a slate gray head and mottled red/black on back; bright red on the belly and yellow short beak. Can anyone identify him for me?