Friday, April 8, 2011

Bicolored Conebill from Trinidad

Bicolored Conebill (male)
Bicolored Conebill (male)

Bicolored Conebill (female)
Bicolored Conebill (female)
Bicolored Conebill (female)
Birding can be full of pleasant little surprises.  Before our trip, we spent some time looking through our field guides to have some working knowledge of which birds we might see.  Obviously, the ones with very vibrant colors or unusual characteristics were easier to remember.  On the day we set out to see the Scarlett Ibis, we also spent some time looking around on our own behind the visitor center.  It wasn't long before Chris said, there's a nice little blue bird out here.  So while at the time we didn't know what type of bird it was, we just enjoyed watching it and its mate and then did our research afterwards to learn about the Conebills.

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