Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

April 5, 2024

Technology and Other Human Things

We can cook a turkey in 15 minutes; send a text around the world with the press of a thumb; watch or listen to anything we want on our smartphones. We are so fortunate. And now we can have a computer create everything. Look at us doing stuff and things with gadgets and doohickeys. We are the coolest.

Media are consumed mostly when we're alone. We don't gather around and answer an email and we don't hover over Josh's phone when he's texting Susan. We may binge watch that show on that streaming platform with our partner. Once a year we may gather at a buddy's house to eat too much and watch the Super Bowl. The rest of the time we are on our devices researching, reading, texting, replying, and searching by ourselves.

Technology, they said, would improve our lives. 

We can buy a car on the internet, learn about penguins on our mobile device, find the best sushi restaurant in Des Moines, and read about an awesome vacation someone else took while sitting on our couch.  

Most of the time we are connecting with each other through all this supposed cool technology while we are by ourselves. I wrote this alone and you're probably reading it while you're alone. I have a friend who hasn't answered his phone in years. He'll respond to my texts almost immediately, but I don't dare suggest an actual conversation. 

Technology, they said, would give us choices.

I remember a restaurant experience when the table next to us had six people all staring at their phones. Their meals arrived and phones weren't put away; they were placed beside plates and glanced at often. Their bill arrived and it looked like the dance of the smartphones as each of them transferred their amount to the one guy who tapped the server's machine to pay it in full. 

Technology, as it turns out, has created more depression and less human interaction. We are checking our phones yet miss what that guy said about the thing. I got a text; it must be important. I'd better check my email; I may have missed something. What's on my smart device is clearly way more important than any of this human stuff. 

I'm sure AI will solve it all.


September 2, 2022

We Are So Cool

Technology, they said, would be good for us. 

We can cook a turkey in 15 minutes; send a text around the world with the press of a thumb; watch or listen to anything we want on our smartphones. We are so fortunate. Look at us doing stuff and things with gadgets and doohickeys. We are the coolest.

Media are consumed mostly when we're alone. We don't gather around and answer an email and we don't hover over Josh's phone when he's texting Susan. We may binge watch that show on that streaming platform with our partner. Once a year we may gather at a buddy's house to eat too much and watch the Super Bowl. The rest of the time we are on our devices researching, reading, texting, replying, and searching by ourselves.

Technology, they said, would improve our lives. 

We can buy a car on the internet, learn about penguins on our mobile device, find the best sushi restaurant in Des Moines, and read about an awesome vacation someone else took while sitting on our couch.  

Most of the time we are connecting with each other through all this supposed cool technology while we are by ourselves. I wrote this alone and you're probably reading it while you're alone. I have a friend who hasn't answered his phone in years. He'll respond to my texts almost immediately, but I don't dare suggest an actual conversation. 

Technology, they said, would give us choices.

I remember a restaurant experience when the table next to us had six people all staring at their phones. Their meals arrived and phones weren't put away; they were placed beside plates and glanced at often. Their bill arrived and it looked like the dance of the smartphones as each of them transferred their amount to the one guy who tapped the server's machine to pay it in full. 

Technology, as it turns out, has created more depression and less human interaction. We are checking our phones yet miss what that guy said about the thing. I got a text; it must be important. I'd better check my email; I may have missed something. What's on my smart device is clearly way more important than any of this human stuff.

Technology, they said, would make us more connected. 

April 10, 2022

Changing Gears

There is much debate on whether the coronavirus pandemic is over. With over 450,000 new cases last week, I'd say it's not much of a debate. It's not over and may not be over for decades to come. 

Over six million have lost their lives since March 2020 and the reason it's not tens of millions like the pandemic of a century ago is because of scientific breakthroughs like vaccines. Despite the suggestion of some, the boogie man did not create this and magic rainbow dust did not find a way to save lives.

Shift and Pivot 

What I'm fascinated by is how many of my friends and close colleagues have taken the last two years to make a shift in their lives. Some have dumped that gig they hated and started something new; some are taking online courses to train in areas they've always wanted to explore; and others are still ruminating but have begun the process that will clearly bring them to somewhere much different than the former "normal". 

After a lot of discussions, I made a shift late last year, and as much as many would think it's a lot to take the leap, it doesn't mean you have to or are tossing all your experience away. Sometimes a small adjustment can give us an entirely new perspective. 

In my case, after over sixteen years in consulting, I returned to a role in a media organization. I do have a few decades of experience in many areas and this role gives me the opportunity to utilize all of them. But it took someone I've known for over twenty years to give me that nudge to take that leap.

Pump the brakes

In my case, I now have a boss and I work on a team and they rely on me as much as I rely on them. I worked for myself for a decade and a half and my boss was my clients. My other boss was the person writing this post who had to fight through self-doubt, ignored emails, dead end prospect meetings, and lots of Thursdays without a paycheck. 

We have had a lot of time to think about this over the past two years. If I can offer some advice; pay attention to the signs whether those are conversations with friends, articles you stumble upon online, or that big dream you promised yourself you'd reach for years ago. If we don't learn anything through this pandemic, then what was the point. 

Not one day of our lives is guaranteed and no one is coming to rescue us, so the question remains what we're going to do about it. You know you can do it. You know you want to see what else is out there for you. The question that remains is the key. 

Are you ready?

February 9, 2019


You have heard the quote “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Some say it was Einstein; some say it was Franklin. The point is the meaning behind it.

Change is awkward and unsure. The ground begins to move beneath us and we crave for things to return to "normal". We are creatures of habit and like to feel safe and comfortable. We may scan the menu but there are usually only a handful if items we order each time we're back to the restaurant.

Rinse Don't Repeat

There are two significant issues going on – the sheer will of stakeholders to keep their status quo and the monumental task of building inspirational leadership.

Change is not this. Change can be exciting. Change is unproven. Change can be scary. Change requires a leap of faith. Change can conquer courage. When the bottom line is the only objective, affecting change can often be an illusive pipe dream.

We can't always predict the outcome of change.

January 17, 2019

Is it Magic?

There are a thousand ways we can go with leadership development and talent training but without knowing the specifics, it can be a lot of activity with disappointing results.

The best way, in my experience, to build anything is to include everyone. This isn't to suggest you take the committee approach forever, but you need to find the waterline. Here's one simple tactic you may want to try if your company or department or team are stuck. Give everyone the day off.

You read that right. Without letting important deadlines or projects drop, give the team a work day away from the office to think and gather their thoughts. Then it's time to get back together and do a brainstorming session. I love to facilitate these because it allows everyone to have a voice and ideas to be streamlined into realistic and executable chunks. So wave your magic wand and dream big. Then get to work.

It will be worth it.

September 6, 2017

Three Things

Call three friends. Do three on your to-do list.
Help three ideas grow. Delete three ideas that slow you down.
Select three colleagues and offer a hand.
Identify three personal strengths you will exploit.
Eliminate three unnecessary possessions.
Flush out three thoughts that may a chance.

September 19, 2016

Three Things...

Three is a manageable and attainable number. There's a symmetry to it. There's flexibility and stability to a series of three items. Perhaps we can apply it to various aspects of our lives? Do three good deeds without anyone knowing about them.

Pick three business objectives. Write down three things just for you. Do three on your to-do list. Help three ideas grow. Delete three that slow you down. Remove three negative influences in your life.

Call three friends.

Eliminate three unnecessary possessions. Identify three personal strengths you will share. Remove three excuses. Select three colleagues you believe deserve a shot and offer a hand. Flush out three thoughts that may have a legitimate shot.

What are your three things?

September 13, 2016

Six Important Words

We all have tools to choose from but let's not forget to focus on people. Much has been and will be said and written about the social web; we can't forget the human web.

Business owners and managers may understand that certain tactics and channels will help their business but through research, data, and measurement, we can look at outcomes more accurately.

It takes more than counting beans

Having lots of "likes" on your Facebook group, comments on your Instagram post, views on Snapchat, and a lot of page views on your website without commitment to engage your customers won't magically bring in revenue.

And it begins by engaging your own people. Strong internal customer service happens long before anyone outside your company even cares.

Do you know how you help?

February 17, 2016

Audience of One

Media are often discussed, written about, and shared as if we're in a big room together akin to a Super Bowl party all consuming the same message and nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, that party where you spent more time eating the nachos and ribs than watching the game is probably one of the few times each year you consume any media with others in the room.

Media consumption is a personal experience. We listen to music alone in the car or do email alone in our office or post to Facebook and Instagram alone on our mobile devices. Yet there has always been a fascination with the mysterious group called 'them'. I lived that life when I programmed radio stations and we would try and attract a particular demographic as if it's a bunch of clones all doing the same things.

Alone Together

You're probably reading this post by yourself. You may share it, disagree with it, forget it minutes after you're finished, or tell someone about it. But at the genesis of consumption, you're doing it alone. You are the audience of one. The shared experience happens seconds, minutes, hours, days later.

We may use market research and analysis to determine tastes and preferences of a certain age group, but that means nothing to you or me. What matters to you is what's important to you. But if someone you trust shared something, the credibility of the content increases once they share their audience of one experience.

One's and Two's

The stats say North Americans check their mobile device an average of 110 times every day. We aren't sharing our screen with others; we are checking email, social streams, news feeds, and websites alone on our phone.

Now imagine if we took the audience of one concept into the workplace and busted down the walls of departments and silos and watched what happens. What if we allow everyone to have a voice and an opinion? We might unearth an idea from one of our team members that could change the course of the company.

But that's just the view from this audience of one.

September 24, 2015

The Idea Begins…

It was 5th grade. I got my book report back from Mrs. Parrot. She gave me a B then wrote a long note on the back of the page below some of my doodling and writing. I don’t remember what it was about but I showed it to my parents and they were overjoyed. I thought they were happy I actually got a passing grade. I was the kid who got distracted by the squirrels and drifted off into my mind of imagination and worlds yet to be discovered. I was the kid who identified with Walter Mitty.

For most of my life, I’ve been called an extrovert but all the while I’ve needed my alone time to think and create and be quite and dream. I would facilitate a day long workshop and skip the dinner claiming I had emails to answer or another project to work on, but it was my time to unplug and get calm.

On the Air

I was a radio guy for more than two decades constantly surprised when a listener would remark on a new song I played or idea I shared. I was on the radio, after all, yet it was a solo experience in a studio talking into a microphone. I then got to build stuff and do more consulting and writing and teaching. I still felt it was a passion I followed alone. All the while, I have been speaking and writing about leadership, teamwork, culture, and our collective need to belong.

I was approached by a prominent publisher a few years ago and didn’t pursue it. There are beloved friends and colleagues who have encouraged me to pick it up again and give it a shot. I have finally shed the fear of it not turning out that well. And as I write this post – alone with my thoughts to then share with you – I realize it’s not about the success or failure of this idea, it’s the importance of doing it. My dad recently reminded me that not doing it would be a regret; a feeling he has often about the ideas he didn’t pursue in his life.

Keep Writing

Mrs. Parrot gave me an A+ on a short story I had written on the back of my 5th grade book report. She encouraged me to keep writing – I was 10! I had no idea at the time I’d become a writer, a coach, a consultant, a media guy, and all the while letting that kid who used to spend hours alone in his room reading books about far off lands to come along for the ride.

So yes, I have begun work on my first book. I don’t have a clue where this process will go or the result or the release date. I do know that sharing this with you will keep me on it and make it more real.

Thanks! I’ll keep you posted.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!

September 1, 2015

A Dozen Ideas

• How is the health of our overall operation?
• Do you spend more than half of your time helping your team?
• Are you clear on what your company won't do no matter what?
• Can you be honest with yourself about your organization?
• Do you have strong financial leadership?
• Is your business plan clear, concise and executable?
• Can you clearly articulate how your team will successful compete their work?
• Have you removed all unnecessary meetings from everyone's calendar?
• How do you measure success other than revenue?
• Are you aware of all opportunities and the realistic outcomes of each?
• Do you have a strong sense of your people?
• Is each member of your team working more than 80% of their time on strengths?

How many are on your priority list?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!

August 10, 2015

Where Do We Start?

I was on three calls last week with company leaders who asked the same question. All three are running successful businesses but realize changes and refinements are necessary but admit they’re too close to see the forest or the trees. My years of  self-employment and as a corporate leader help me during these chats because I know exactly what they’re experiencing. I have been there. You don’t know what to do next or how you will move forward on a project or prospect.

Whether it’s a job, running a company, or a personal relationship, we do get too close to our own stuff. There comes a time in every situation when we have to step back a bit and gain some perspective. My friend and colleague Mitch Joel says he takes offense when people say; “Don’t take it personally, it’s business” as he takes his business very personally. He runs a successful agency that employs a lot of people who have to feed their families and support themselves. I agree with him.

Step Back Before Stepping Forward

I’m lucky to have some great close friends and we share deeply personal stuff, fears, hopes, plans, and concerns. The conservations aren’t always neat and tidy and figured out. And that’s a good thing. We all need safe places to share our fears and work it out with someone who can see things from a few steps back.

I am a big fan of think days. Give your team a day a month where they work but they don’t come into the office. This isn’t a “working from home” day; it’s a day to think and plan and breathe and gain a bit of perspective. We need to do that in our relationships as well. Perhaps the question isn't where do we start but something more critical.

When do we breathe?
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

August 4, 2015

Adopting the Cluetrain Mindset

"We are not seats or eyeballs or end users or consumers. We are human beings and our reach exceeds your grasp. Deal with it."
Cluetrain Manifesto (1999)

I’ve never endorsed or sold anything on this site but I felt compelled to share a story with you about my phone. I’ve been a BlackBerry customer since they made pagers. The culture at the company hasn't been great for years but I like the phones. I’ve been a (reasonably) satisfied customer. So far.

I live half an hour from their world headquarters. I know people who work there. I also know many who no longer work there. I realize gadgets break down but this is about much more than technical issues I had with my Z10.

Time to Switch

In my case, calls would often go straight to voicemail, the ear bud connection was temperamental, others would often say they couldn't hear me properly. I would contact my service provider and they would blame BlackBerry.

It’s disheartening when you go onto the BlackBerry site and the only people trying to solve issues are other BlackBerry owners. The company was no help and lost another customer. That’s how arrogance loses market share.

We know better

This isn't about mobile devices; it's a contrast of one company understanding that customers want choice and a good experience while the other felt they built the superior device years ago and all others should fall behind them.

The moment you think your company owns the hill, listen carefully for the sound of marching feet on the way to push you into the abyss. Being a market leader is not only about profits, it’s about appreciating what customers want.

After the cash register

Building great stuff is a minimum requirement. Building superior stuff will create loyal customers. Ignoring how you got there will give customers the choice to open their wallets to a competitor. I'm enjoying my new iPhone 6. It's pretty cool.

Celebrate the fact your users, listeners, viewers, buyers, customers, or clients have the choice and ensure you are there to provide them what they need. This is not to suggest you bend until you break but their reach exceeds your grasp.

Deal with it.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

July 31, 2015

Wave Your Magic Wand

I was on a call with a prospect this week and she asked me a great question; "If you could wave your magic wand, how would you design the program for our team?" The discussion usually drifts from my experience to their pain points to a series of calls and meetings to determine how I can help.

I said that the best scenario is when I can include all the voices in the discussion from mid-level managers to senior leaders. There are a thousand ways we can go with leadership development and talent training but without knowing the specifics, it can be a lot of activity with disappointing results.

All Voices Wanted

The best way, in my experience, to build anything is to include everyone. This isn't to suggest you take the committee approach forever, but you need to find the waterline. Here's one simple tactic you may want to try if your company or department or team are stuck. Give everyone the day off.

You read that right. Without letting important deadlines or projects drop, give the team a work day away from the office to think and gather their thoughts. Then it's time to get back together and do a brainstorming session. I love to facilitate these because it allows everyone to have a voice and ideas to be streamlined into realistic and executable chunks. So wave your magic wand and dream big. Then get to work. It will be worth it.

If you need a hand, let me know.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

February 23, 2015

Not-So-Common Sense of Communication

I seem to be having a lot of conversations about communication these days. We have devices glued to our hands and laptops within reach so it gives us the impression we are connected but how well are we communicating?

I’ve been studying the concept of processing verses quick responses and though it is new learning for me, it’s quite effective. Taking a breath before hitting send, walking away for an hour to re-think the response, calling them back after some deliberation, all seem to be quite helpful.

That's not what I meant!

We know text and email are the worst possible ways we can communicate. Tone and intent are lost, people (me included) respond too quickly, and we have created an instant no patience society where we are expected to fire back ideas and responses with very little time to think.

The key to any relationship, team, company, or venture, is communication yet we are getting worse at it. Look at the last 10 emails you sent or received. Think back to the last time (probably within the last few days) you had to explain what you meant or re-send another note to clarify through electronic media.

Hang on a sec!

I am awful at taking time to think before sending. So here's what I'm going to try this week,  you may want to as well. Take another thirty seconds – which will feel like an eternity – before you send any text or email responses for one day. It’s like changing your diet or breaking a bad habit, it will take some practice.

If your entire team tries it for a week, imagine how better you will communicate.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

April 21, 2014

No One Wants to Hear About it

It’s an interesting time. We are connected through mobile devices, websites, social networks, work relationships, personal connections, media, music, content, data, and yet when we stop for just a moment, we can feel alone.

I've had some fascinating chats recently with colleagues, clients, and friends about the everyday trials and tribulations of life. Money, relationships, career, bad things, good times, life stuff, and it’s interesting that one theme has come up quite often. I've heard this phrase more than most – “But no one wants to hear about that part.”

If They Only Knew

I was speaking with a well respected author a couple of weeks ago and she said no one wants to hear about the times when she struggled. On her first book tour she got nervous every time the hotel would try her credit card to clear for the incidentals. She was close to the wire and yet to most who knew her and many who know of her, she was wildly successful. She was a published author after all.

Recently I had a situation where things didn't go well. And then I had a call with a very good friend who told me I was not alone – in the way I was feeling or in the situation I was enduring. He wasn't glossing over it or my feelings but it was a good reminder that we are often stronger than we think.

We’re Not Alone

Advice from a wise friend came back to me recently. He told me about when he was going through his divorce. On those dark days he would go feed the homeless or help at a shelter. He said it may not be for everyone but the point was it gave him perspective which is something we seem to lose sight of the most.

We're not always strong. We don't have it figured out. We get scared and angry. We're people not machines and that affects ourselves and everyone around us. But you’re dealing with something right now and you’re not alone. Pick up the phone. You will find there are people who do want to hear about it and help you through it.

And that’s the best leadership there is – the human kind.
Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.


September 12, 2013

Lead Through Doodling

It begins before we can speak and, in some cases, continues for life. People do it in public, in private, at meetings, in airports, at family gatherings, or any other place where a writing implement can be found. Great ideas are discovered through it, strategic plans are mapped out by it, businesses have been created from it.

Sunni Brown is the leader of the Doodle Revolution. In her TEDTalk, Sunni explains why we must continue to doodle.

You may need some paper and a pen.

Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.

Sunni Brown | TED

September 9, 2013

Let's Go For Coffee

Wanna get together for coffee? How about we meet for coffee? Let's book coffee some time. Where are we meeting for coffee? We know it's about much more than coffee.

Steven Johnson explains.

Kneale Mann | Leadership Strategist, consultant, writer, speaker, executive coach facilitating performance growth with leaders, management, and teams.

Steven Johnson | TED

August 15, 2013

Important Questions for Any Leader

• How is the health of our overall operation?
• Do you spend more than half of your time helping your team?
• Can you be honest with yourself about your organization?
• Do you have strong financial leadership?
• Is your business plan clear, concise and executable?
• Are you aware of all opportunities and the realistic outcomes of each?
• Do you have a strong sense of your people?
• Is each member of your team working more than 80% of their time on strengths?

How many are on your priority list?
Kneale Mann | Leadership and Culture strategist, writer, speaker, executive coach engaging leaders, collaborative teams, and strong business results.


April 19, 2013

The Media of Our Culture

The news this week is filled with updates on the Boston bombings, explosion in Texas, and the killing of police officer Sean Collier at MIT. It’s been a horrible week.

We live in a time when a person can film an event on their mobile device, send to local authorities, and within a week suspects are found. That’s amazing. But that same technology gives us the ability to share or send misinformation.

The Human Network

As updates fly at incalculable speed, I guess it’s not surprising to see global news agencies getting it wrong in their quest to stay ahead of the Twitterverse.

Let's always remember Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu, Sean Collier, and the hundreds affected by the explosion in Texas. As well, thank-you to the law enforcement, medical community, and local heroes.

Hug your kids, call a friend, say thank-you, help a colleague, keep perspective, and stay strong.

Kneale Mann

James Wilkinson
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital