Showing posts with label shift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shift. Show all posts

April 10, 2022

Changing Gears

There is much debate on whether the coronavirus pandemic is over. With over 450,000 new cases last week, I'd say it's not much of a debate. It's not over and may not be over for decades to come. 

Over six million have lost their lives since March 2020 and the reason it's not tens of millions like the pandemic of a century ago is because of scientific breakthroughs like vaccines. Despite the suggestion of some, the boogie man did not create this and magic rainbow dust did not find a way to save lives.

Shift and Pivot 

What I'm fascinated by is how many of my friends and close colleagues have taken the last two years to make a shift in their lives. Some have dumped that gig they hated and started something new; some are taking online courses to train in areas they've always wanted to explore; and others are still ruminating but have begun the process that will clearly bring them to somewhere much different than the former "normal". 

After a lot of discussions, I made a shift late last year, and as much as many would think it's a lot to take the leap, it doesn't mean you have to or are tossing all your experience away. Sometimes a small adjustment can give us an entirely new perspective. 

In my case, after over sixteen years in consulting, I returned to a role in a media organization. I do have a few decades of experience in many areas and this role gives me the opportunity to utilize all of them. But it took someone I've known for over twenty years to give me that nudge to take that leap.

Pump the brakes

In my case, I now have a boss and I work on a team and they rely on me as much as I rely on them. I worked for myself for a decade and a half and my boss was my clients. My other boss was the person writing this post who had to fight through self-doubt, ignored emails, dead end prospect meetings, and lots of Thursdays without a paycheck. 

We have had a lot of time to think about this over the past two years. If I can offer some advice; pay attention to the signs whether those are conversations with friends, articles you stumble upon online, or that big dream you promised yourself you'd reach for years ago. If we don't learn anything through this pandemic, then what was the point. 

Not one day of our lives is guaranteed and no one is coming to rescue us, so the question remains what we're going to do about it. You know you can do it. You know you want to see what else is out there for you. The question that remains is the key. 

Are you ready?

March 13, 2017

Meet Sue Austin

Like you, I’ve seen and read plenty of content on how to get out of our heads or push through adversity, and more will be required as we live our lives, but I wanted something different, something that would be a good stiff kick in the butt.

Leadership isn't about being in control when the road is straight and dry but rather handling difficulties and unforeseen curves along the way.

This is Sue Austin


January 18, 2016

Relationship Changes

If your internal customer service (employees to employees) is not strong, the expectation your external customer service (customers, suppliers, partners) will be strong is flawed logic. If we don't treat each other with respect, how can we possibly expect it to magically shift when we are talking to a customer?

It was a quick call with a friend that said everything. She was upset because her co-workers were just barking orders at her. It’s not that she can’t take the heat or the busy work environment, it was the attitude. Please and thank-you goes a long way.

Attitude Shift

Something to think about when you wonder why the mood is off in the building or people seem grumpy. Begin the shift by looking them in the eye and saying; good morning. And when they do something right; say thank you. And mean it!

The little things are the big things when it comes to leadership. If you want to create a collaborative atmosphere at work, start today. A few small changes can make the necessary shift to make all the difference.

And since you dropped by here, thank you!

November 3, 2015

Big Moments

When you're thinking of an idea, a project, a career move, a relationship change, or any other important event in your life, it's often easier to let your mind fly a bit. These are big moments in our lives; to take that new gig on the west coast, to leave that person who has shared your life, to buy that house, the list goes on. We face decisions every day but the big ones can be debilitating.

I was in a relationship that was going nowhere but I was too scared to move forward. It wasn't my fault, it wasn't hers, we both got stuck and once that messy process was done, we were both better off.

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task." William James

I once took a job on a handshake. It was a big move, a big opportunity, and it changed the trajectory of my life. It shifted my thinking, it kicked me in the ass, it made me stand up straight and take a chance.

You're facing something in your life right now. You know it can't stay where it is but you're scared or unsure which way to go. Find quiet, make a list of pros and cons, and take the necessary time. Go for a drive, crank some music, get time alone, and do what it takes to face it head on so you can identify exactly what you're looking at.

If you need help, send me an email and we can discuss.
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit
New Book out in 2016 – Details soon!

June 2, 2015

Please and Thank You

If your internal customer service (employees to employees) is not strong, the expectation your external customer service (customers, suppliers, partners) will be strong is flawed logic. If we don't treat each other with respect, how can we possibly expect it to magically shift when we are talking to a customer?

It was a quick call with a friend that said everything. She was upset because her co-workers were just barking orders at her. It’s not that she can’t take the heat or the busy work environment, it was the attitude. Please and thank-you goes a long way.


One of my long standing clients always begins an email with my name. Hello, Hey, Hi and I always reply back in the same manner. We could exchange 12 emails in a day and every one begins with a salutation and a nice ending.

It takes seconds to completely change the culture of your relationships.

Attitude Shift

Something to think about when you wonder why the mood is off in the building or people seem grumpy. Begin the shift by looking them in the eye and saying; good morning. And when they do something right; say thank you. And mean it!

The little things are the big things when it comes to leadership. If you want to create a collaborative atmosphere at work, start today. A few small changes will make the necessary shift to make all the difference.

Thank you!
Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

October 4, 2014


It may win an election. It looks good on a coffee mug. It gives us hope for better results. But what does change really mean to you and me? Some say we don’t mind change but we don’t want to be changed. It’s perhaps easier to point to large events in our lives as change but we are constantly changing.

Change is inevitable, the only constant is change, we’ve heard it our whole lives. But how often do we let external forces create the change rather than knowing we have more control than we allow?

Despite the effort of our conscious minds – thinking, hoping, fretting, and trying – our subconscious only measures our actions and pulls us back into our (often not so comfortable) comfort zone.

Some other thoughts on the topic.

It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.
W. Edwards Deming

You can do anything you choose to do.
Maya Angelou

When we are no longer able to change a situation,
we are challenged to change ourselves.
Victor Frankl

When in doubt, choose change.
Lily Leung

You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.
Denis Waitley

You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.
Harrison Ford

How can you know what you're capable of if you don't embrace the unknown?
Esmeralda Santiago

When you are through changing, you are through.
Bruce Barton

The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists.
Japanese Proverb

You have to speak your dream out loud.
Kelly Corrigan

Our only security is our ability to change.
John Lilly

The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it,
move with it, and join the dance.
Alan Watts

No heart has suffered when it goes in search of its dream.
Paulo Coelho

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.
Jim Rohn

If you are taking a risk, what you are really saying is,
I believe in tomorrow and I will be a part of it.
Linda Ellerbee

If you live the questions, life will move you into the answers.
Deepak Chopra

People underestimate their capacity for change.
There is never a right time to do a difficult thing.
John Porter

To exist is to change, to change is to mature,
To mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
Henri Bergson

When you're trying to motivate yourself, appreciate the fact you're even thinking about making a change. And as you move forward, allow yourself to be good enough.
Alice Domar

I still don't know what I was waiting for and my time was running wild.
David Bowie

Kneale Mann | People + Priority = Profit

david bowie | istock

April 26, 2013

What's Your Excuse?

I was looking for something inspirational this morning. Like you, I’ve seen and read plenty of content on how to get out of our heads or push through adversity, and more will be required as we live our lives, but I wanted something different, something that would be a good stiff kick in the butt.

Leadership isn't about being in control when the road is straight and dry but rather handling difficulties and unforeseen curves along the way.

Meet Sue Austin

TED | Sue Austin
© Kneale Mann people + priority = profit
leadership development business culture talent development human capital