Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parenting. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ten parenting mistakes and how to prevent them

10 Parenting Mistakes That Are Easily Avoidable
Sally Anscombe/Getty Images
Tara Kennedy-Kline | Yahoo!
We hear it over and over again; every book, article and TV show confirms it: parenting is the hardest job on the planet. But is it really? Is raising a happy, healthy, well-behaved child truly more difficult than rocket science? Should it truly require a Ph.D or are we—as parents—looking to get off the hook for being judged for our mistakes? I tend to believe it’s more about the latter

10. You decide on a parenting “style” before your child is born and tell everyone how perfectly you will execute it. Talk about being destined to fail! Making a decision that huge before getting to know your child’s patterns will undoubtedly sabotage your every plan. The mother who intends to breastfeed exclusively will have a child with an allergy to nipples and the mom who is confident that corporal punishment is the only way, will give birth to a child who is hypersensitive to touch. Learn your child before you choose your lessons. And, if necessary, decide to adopt a parenting “mindset” rather than a style.

9. You don’t allow your children to play and explore. Children learn through play, and play includes struggling, making mistakes and even getting some bumps and bruises along the way. If we are constantly guarding, guiding and correcting their playtime, they will be afraid to try new things and, more importantly, they will not learn how to correct or soothe themselves.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Trending 28 Internet Acronyms Parents Need to Know

This one is for all the parents out there. Do you really know what kinds of messages your children are conveying when they chat online using Internet slangs?

In today’s internet age, slangs have gone beyond just the basic “LOL” (Laugh out loud) or “LMK” (Let me know). Acronyms have reached a whole new level – and you should be aware.

CNN’s Digital Correspondent and mother of two, Kelly Wallace, is shedding light on some common acronyms teens use while exchanging online/text messages:

1. IWSN – I want sex now

2. GNOC – Get naked on camera

3. NIFOC – Naked in front of computer

4. PIR - Parent in room

5 CU46 - See you for sex

6. 53X - Sex

Thursday, November 20, 2014

OMG! Parents Beat 22-Months Old Baby So Bad, His Intestine Split Into Two

What a cruel world! A mother and father murdered their 22-month-old son by stamping and beating him with such ferocity the child's small intestine split in two, a court heard. Toddler Levi Blu Cassin suffered 'catastrophic' internal injuries similar to someone who had been hit by a car or fallen from a three-storey building.

He died after being discovered by paramedics at his mum's address in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, on the morning of February 20 last year.

His parents Danielle Cassin, 27, and Mark Piper, 31, are on trial at Birmingham Crown Court charged with murder and child cruelty. The court heard Cassin phoned for an ambulance after her son stopped breathing at around 4.30am on the morning of his death.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Amanda Bynes Parents Get Conservatorship For Spoiling Strangers

Amanda Bynes Conservatorship
Amanda Bynes' parents quietly went to court and got a conservatorship ... after telling the judge their daughter has spent "alarming amounts" of money by purchasing jewelry for strangers.

Amanda's folks filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- in which they say Amanda is a "substantial risk" to herself and others. They cite her erratic behavior, including her DUI arrest last month, her shoplifting and her bizarre and sometimes violent conduct in NYC.

The documents also reveal Amanda is blowing through a shocking amount of her savings. Her parents say her net worth is currently $5,747,703.36. Of that, $2.8 mil is real property -- homes. Her parents say Amanda's only income is from her rental property -- $144,768 last year.

Amanda's parents say the gift purchases have been "extensive." It sounds like she's going into stores, buying stuff and just handing it out on the street.

The conservatorship takes a back seat to Amanda's involuntary commitment. TMZ broke the story ... her doctors just got a 30-day extension which allows them to hold her in a Pasadena psychiatric facility

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Role of Schools and Parents in Fighting Sexual Violence Against Children


Parents – Parents must increase vigilance on minors and never leave their kids alone with a stranger. Parents should check the sites their children visit on the net and the type of books they read. A child who is aware of dangers will be more likely to ward off a rapist. Increased vigilance is the solution. With this in mind, strong parental support will give girls a sense of security and belonging. A good parent-child relationship and communication would enable the latter express their fears and anxieties.

That said, parents want to encourage their children to report to them any incidents like indecent closeness, shady outing, sexual violence, physical proximity or inappropriate touching even if it is from family members or relatives. Show love to your kids, as it has been reported, children from unhappy homes are easy targets as they are starved for affection.

Schools – I like to see schools institute a standard protocol for handling sex-assault cases and initiate bystander training for young men, teaching them to intervene instead of acting as idle spectators when buddies take incapacitated young women into dark rooms. I remember in my university, fraud and students caught on examination malpractices are exposed on all the school’s notice board. In fact their presence is not warranted in the school premises any longer and we are told to report any sight of them or activities on campus. All their information is sent to all colleges in the country, they cannot seek admission elsewhere.

Same can be done in colleges where rape is rampant nowadays. Naming and shaming perpetrators for sexual crime committed within or outside campus will make recalcitrant student sit tight, and encourage parents to work on and be protective of their wards. No parents want her kid to soil their family name on campus. This will also improve brand image of college, thus prospective students have a right to know how safe campuses are for young women.

Education board – The education board can get schools to place with their social studies curriculum, safety and protection drills for both genders on how to defend themselves in the attempt of rape. Education of boys and girls should include ‘’do’s’’ and ‘’don’ts’’

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Friday, August 15, 2014

Parents Must Examine Social Cycle Of Wards To Prevent Rape

Social Cycle – Who are in social cycles, as parents we must teach them young girls to be wary of those in their close cycles. It is widely reported that more than 80% of rape are perpetrated by family, relatives, friends or close associates.

We cannot chose our family but we have the choice of friends and close cycles. Even that, we can choose to distant self from any family who has the propensity to assault or anchored such history. It saddens me when I heard the story of an Austrian father who raped his own biological father for 24 years and had seven children with her.

This is not the generation I want to be part of. Men and women, old and young we must fight against female objectification, assault, discrimination, violence, sexism and misogyny. This isn’t the task for only women but should be the pursuit of men, both young and old. I forever be campaigning ‘IF YOU CAN’T MAKE HER, YOU CAN’T RAPE HER’

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